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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Well, if you haven't looked at Lyx yet I would suggest you do that. Lyx is very nice, completely 'style'/'template' based instead of allowing the user to format the text him/herself. For example, you would set the style to Title, enter in your title, press ENTER and the style would automatically revert to Standard. I know this is also how it works in both the other 'major' word processors but they don't emphasize it. In Lyx that's all you can do, is to use the styles. There are also two other options for formatting - emphasize and noun style. Generally emphasize is italics and noun style is small caps. I really like the idea and most of the implementation, but IMHO it's not really powerful enough. Here's my rant (if you want it) :wine: :

    Firstly, I want to be able to change the styles of the current document (and then maybe save them as templates or something), i.e. the colors and all that. This will only apply to the current document and will affect the HTML output, PDF output (which, in Lyx, makes huge margins...), etc. I believe that there is something like this in Lyx but I think it needs to be more prominent.

    Second, hyperlinks. Lyx's hyperlink support is fragile at best. This shouldn't be too hard...

    Third, copy&paste or document import/export. Copying and pasting from external programs generally does not work or works unexpectedly. Also, I would like some very basic import and export to major formats - i.e. when importing a Word/OOo doc, scan the document for common and/or similar formatting styles and categorize those.

    And probably something like an 'outline view', to make it easy to input outlines. This is a feature I sorely miss from Word (probably the only one too).

    Lyx also lacks a bit in graphics support - see what you can do here.

    And of course, please don't give it the starting time of either one of the 'major' processors (Word starts up fairly quickly but still is a bit slow, OOo even needs a loading screen).

    Hope it helps and happy coding!

  2. No, as in it was unbearably slow even when running just Moz, Kate, and OO.o . When all apps were closed this happened. When I force-shutdown (CTRL+ALT+Backspace) the X-server, all the terminals were slow. And my computer is, as I like to think, state-of-the-art :wine:. It normally can handle most CPU-intensive programs (except when they use Java or OpenGL - both are unstable on my machine).


  3. I parse SourceForge.net's RSS feed using PHP, and my solution is messy. Instead of using an XML parser, what I simply do is to use eregi( ... ); s to extract the needed data from the XML and echo it as HTML. I can't show you the full code but if you want a few excerpts I can give you that.

    Look up eregi() on the PHP site and see what you can find.

    Hope it helps and happy coding!

  4. I have an Audigy 2 OEM, and it works under SuSE but not under Knoppix. Not being a kernel hacker I can't really tell you how to go from there.

    The printer I got to work after some driver tweaking (currently only prints on Draft mode).

    Search Google for 'module search path', and if it gives you anything useful (i.e. how to set the module search path), then add that directory to the module search path and you should be all set.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  5. Fortunately for me I've got User-Agent Switcher!!! ... yeah. Although I still can't believe so many sites still rely on ActiveX for their multimedia (and most download sites use an ActiveX control for downloading... what's with that?)...

  6. PearPC.

    And on Macs the power button is on the keyboard as well, correct? Which I think is completely and utterly dumb, as I was trying to turn on a Mac the other day and the keyboard port was broken. But all (most) of the other design aspects of Macs I like.

    I would get a Mac if only for graphics work. ATi's Linux OpenGL drivers are way too unstable for my needs (wants)...

    Anyways, just all my opinion, feel free to disagree or to praise me as a god :wine:. Cheers!

  7. Actually, if you look inside the OpenOffice.org source you should be able to find some info pertaining to opening Word files. But that's complex code, it would probably be easier to write your own format and add Word later.

    If you really can't find a project, there's always my game engine :wine:. I've never seen kat before, but it looks really interesting (especially cause there's nothing open-source yet, and even if there was I don't think it would be too good). I've got a few ideas for that kind of project, like I said if you want me to elaborate... :P.

    Hope it helps and happy coding!

  8. Hey all,

    I'm apparently having trouble with my SuSE Linux 9.2 computer. After starting up KDE and Kate and Mozilla and all that, everything slows down tremendously. I'm not sure about what the problem is (could be a memory leak in Moz, whatever), but whatever it is, it's only been happening today and it's really annoying. I can't get any work done (right now I'm in text mode trying, writing this with Lynx and trying not to scream my head off in frustration). I don't think it's a virus/spyware/hacker, but you never know. I did recently modify my xorg.conf file to include some higher resolutions that I know my monitor is capable of. Other than that everything is untouched (I just reverted the xorg.conf file and it doesn't seem to help).

    Any help in resolving this would be appreciated!

  9. Content Management System - PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, etc. Sometimes referred to as a 'portal' or 'news portal/system/whatever', etc.

    If you want something to work on, how about a video game? And there definitely are good things to be working on - for example, how about a word processor? Yes, yes I know, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, blah blah blah but what I really want (and to some extent, need) is something lightweight that starts up fast, works well, and has several crucial features. If you want me to elaborate, ... :wine:

    If you want to work on a video game, there are tons of resources online to help you get started.

    I could probably do with a better text editor as well. And maybe a pixel art program for Linux (Pixen 2 is very nice but it's Mac OSX only).

    Hopefully that gave you some ideas! See ya later!

    [edit] Of course it's called Pixen, not Pixel!

  10. I like the simplicity, at least. Looks much better than HPs and all them. The only thing I don't like (this applies to all Macs) is that there is no eject button on the CD drive. I also cannot seem to locate a power button on that picture. But it serves well for beginning computer users, at least.

    I've heard a little about this in the past few days - obviously it's not for power users but it is definitely better than Windows (and of course, Linux PPC runs on it, so why not :wine:?).

  11. Unless, of course, you decide to open-source the Windows one as well :). Of course, if you don't, make sure you have a version compiled for most 'modern' distros (lots of software I see leave out SuSE, which annoys me :P).


  12. Actually I hear AMD and Intel are coming out with dual-core chips, it will only be a year or so... :).

    If you can't wait that long, I wouldn't recommend using dual CPUs unless you're under Linux - AFAIK Windows needs a special license for those or something. IMHO the AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 is cheaper than the fastest Intel and still gives similar/more performance. Don't quote me cause I can't afford either one and therefore how would I know? :P

    Keep in mind though, only Intel has a PCI-express motherboard so far.

    Sound card - Audigy 2 is nice but AFAICT Linux can't use the nice environmental effects (if anyone knows how, please tell me :P ). I'm not sure Audigy 4 works with the emu10k driver either.

    Graphics card - buy nVidia. Sure, lots of people don't like nVidia (I don't particularily adore them myself) but they have much, much better driver support than ATi does (ATi only came out with an X.org 6.8/Kernel 2.6 driver last month, which means I've only had 3D accel for a month :P). If you're going to buy nVidia I suggest getting an ASUS one, cause they only take up one slot.

    If you plan to do anything under Windows 512 MB is really recommended and 1 GB is good if you can afford it (judging from 'unlimited money', you probably can :)).

    As for the hard drive, don't underestimate your need for space first of all. After that, I haven't really seen any cases (at least my price-level cases) that have more than 2 hard disk bays, and even if they do they wouldn't be IDE anymore (and you'd have to go through the tedious process of loading SCSI drivers during installation). 2 is really enough (for both RAID and/or storage purposes).

    Monitor - if you have the desk space I would still go with a CRT. Yeah, yeah, old school stuff, but really they look much better than LCDs do (IMHO the display is clearer, nicer, etc.). CRTs are also still preferrred for playing games (although if you're willing to spend $600 on a monitor, the newer low-latency LCDs are great for gaming too). The larger the better, although if you're looking for 21 in. or above you might as well buy an LCD cause the CRT wouldn't fit on anyone's desk :).

    Speakers - I can't give you a good opinion, but just go to a store and pick out some that look good and are in your price range. Logitech and Creative speakers are good, so I hear.

    Mouse - Logitech MX 1000 Laser :D. If you can get one in Australia (I don't live there, how would I know?), these are amazing.

    Keyboard - something 'professional'. You don't want carpal tunnel syndrome (someone I know has hand problems cause they're a programmer - they have to have daily 'destressing' and everything - you don't want that).

    If you don't want this built yourself, Alienware (link already provided) is a great PC manufacturer. If you're looking for ultra, ultra high end, Northwest Falcon is a good maker of high-end systems as well (search Google).

    BTW, for Linux compatible components - nVidia cards have good Linux driver support (as already discussed), the Audigy series should work with emu10k, and (one of the most important IMO), Intel integrated network cards should also work with Linux. If you aren't sure, search Google. If you're on 56k, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT get an internal modem - get an external, SERIAL (not USB) modem, preferably one that doesn't have 'winmodem' in the description (this one has prevented me from using the modem on both of my computers). Most other standard things (USB, etc.) should work with Linux unless you buy an extremely strange one (actually, the really strange ones might actually have better driver support, as far as the Linux world goes).

    Hope it helps and have fun!

  13. Cool :). Finally I can play something good on my Linux com :P. BTW (kind of off-topic) lots of my games are compiled against an older glibc than I have, so hopefully the Linux port will be open-source so I can recompile it for my machine. Then again, maybe not :).

    Anyways, cheers!

  14. Konqueror annoys me too :). It's like they're trying to achieve a Microsoft-style IE and Windows Explorer integration, except it's not coming out so well...

    Funny, I think the opposite - Gnome *can* look like Windows (there's even a Windows theme for it)

    I assume you didn't know I was talking about the control center? And yes, GNOME usually doesn't look like Windows :).

    I do not like the amount of "extra software" KDE installs automatically (kgames, koffice, kotact, kopete, k-whatever)

    I wholeheartedly agree there. However - I also think that some desktop interfaces in the Linux world aren't standardized enough. For example, a program that minimizes to the taskbar in KDE may not work in GNOME (at least to the best of my experience...). These things need some sort of standard interface IMHO.

    Also have I told you that the clipboard basically does not work in Linux :P? Also sometimes Numlock is turned off when I enter KDE (usually it's on), but when I switch it on the keypad still doesn't work. Also, print screen doesn't work - CTRL+Printscreen copies the entire screen, ALT+Printscreen copies the current window, but just Printscreen doesn't do anything. Weird IMHO. But that's minor :).

    Anyways, the end of yet another computer rant :P.

  15. I could port 0 A.D. to a Linux if you wanted :). Assuming you're using OpenGL of course :).

    The new Mac OSX is based on a BSD core so I would expect it to be very stable. As I mentioned in a post somewhere else I'm starting to like Macs now - using a BSD core makes the stable (at to some extent, secure) and they have really done a nice job with the interface.

    And Linux has antialiased fonts too, I don't see why Microsoft hasn't caught on yet :P.

  16. Whoa! I would highly, highly recommend that you do not use an emulator. If you want to use Linux for real work (as in, not just to open it for 5 seconds to play with it - to use it for word processing, e-mail, all that). Even 'casual use' (which is most likely what I described) cannot be done with an emulator (I think anyways). Either use a dual-boot or a LiveCD. Mandrake is supposedly good for beginners but I've never really liked it. SuSE 9.1 was a very good distro, SuSE 9.2 is a bit worse IMHO. Overall SuSE is good though. Fedora Core 3 is also good.

    Hope it helps and have fun!

  17. Personally I like GRUB over LILO if you're doing something like this (who wants to see a boot: prompt when they can have a full graphical menu that says, "Windows, Linux" on it :)?).

    Yes, most modern distros should probably have some sort of OS autodetection. I know SuSE does (it even defaults to putting a boot option for Windows). I'm not sure about Mandrake though (although my thinking is that it should - you should probably wipe the old Mandrake off the hd, reinstall it and Mandrake setup will probably pick up Windows). Whatever you do, install Windows first :P.

    Also, if you're using a Dell computer - beware. Many OEM bioses are very, very crappy - I was trying to dual-boot, it wouldn't let me (needless to say, I have a Dell). Eventually I just ditched Windows, and my family hasn't really had any problems (yet :)). If you do choose to install Linux on the second hd, I would put a boot partition on the first one (within the first 1024 sectors). This is something else annoying about Windows - it needs to have a partition on the FIRST sector of the hard drive. For example, this might be your partition table:

       hda1 - 128 MB, NTFS (Windows wants this here...)
       hda2 - 16 MB, ext2 (/boot)
       hda3 - remaining space on your hd, NTFS (Windows)
       hdb1 - all space, Reiser (/)

    As you can see, it will get messy. If you have a decent BIOS, this shouldn't be a problem, but if you wipe everything and you get errors like GRUB: geometry error, this is probably the problem. What I think would be good - set your family up with an account (i.e. 'family'), and modify that account's settings to make it as Windows-user friendly as possible. Of course, if your family needs Windows to run special pieces of software (for example, company software), then you can't do much, can you :P.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  18. Actually I have found many problems with Windows. Maybe cause I'm a programmer or something :).

    I like to install programs, obviously. Even the Microsoft programs can somehow crash my PC. On my old PC, I downloaded stuff off the Internet like crazy, so unsurprisingly I got tons of spyware. I was much more careful on the new PC. Guess what? Spyware. It's unbelievable. I tried to install Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. Every day I work with that program, another file extension in Windows Explorer, another compiler bug, etc. etc. (it's interesting, because rebooting will fix most Microsoft compiler bugs :D).

    IE is one of the major problems with Windows. I'm sure you all know enough about that.

    On that same topic, Windows and its plethora of spyware has caused quite a change in thinking in the software world. I was convincing someone to change to Mozilla yesterday:

    (17:11:07) fyfhuang: it's really nice

    (17:11:09) other person: na ah

    (17:11:11) other person: niiice

    (17:11:12) fyfhuang: you'll never go back once you try it

    (17:11:27) other person: wait is it free?

    (17:11:31) fyfhuang: yes

    (17:11:35) other person: whats teh catch?

    (17:11:35) fyfhuang: completely free and open-source

    (17:11:47) other person: comes with spywaredont it?

    (17:11:51) fyfhuang: of course not

    Also, loading Windows. In Linux, sure there's a longer boot time, but that because when Linux boots all the services are started, etc. etc. . Windows, in order to 'fake' a shorter boot time, loads faster, but once you log on all the services are being loaded as you're logging in. That's why you see, for example, your firewall's splash screen when you're logging in, and that's also why Windows is so slow for the first 30 seconds or so after you log in.

    Microsoft Word. This thing is a piece of ****. However, most unfortunately there are no open-source alternatives that actually do a better job (IMHO). For example, I tend to load my computer up with every piece of software I can possibly find (on the SuSE CD of course :P). I needed to make an outline for an essay. In Microsoft Word, you could go into 'outline view' or whatever it was. I tried OpenOffice.org Writer (which, BTW loads slower than Word, looks much less 'integrated' - Word has (mostly) coherent dialog boxes, etc. while OpenOffice is much harder to use), but its builtin numbering really threw it off (in Word you could set the 'starting number' for a list, in OpenOffice I have yet to figure out how). Did I mention that setting margins in OO.org is a pain as well (instead of 'locking' to every .125 inches or something like Word does, it's 'smooth', and to get exact values I have to set it manually)? Eventually I went to KWord and put everything in manually. My favorite word processor on Linux so far is Lyx, but it's not quite as 'feature-filled' as I would like (even though the basic idea and most of the implementation are great).

    Of course, it's not to say Linux isn't bad either. My SuSE Linux feels completely 'unintegrated' - for example, even though when starting GTK+ applications KDE's theme is used, the scrollbars and tabs are all corrupted, etc. Also, I have already mentioned some things I don't like about KDE, see the other thread :).

    I haven't really ever used a Mac before, but the ones I have seen/touched briefly (OSX mostly) seem to be very well made. Some of the user interface details are annoying (i.e. dragging CD icon to trash to eject...), but on the most part the Mac interface is very coherent and looks a whole lot more integrated than the Linux ones do. Even though OSX is based off of a BSD core, the guys at Apple have really shown that they know how to make an OS that looks nice and works well. Good job guys :P. One thing that I really like about OSX is the inclusion of the bash shell :P.

    Anyways, enough of my long rant and feel free to disagree :).

    [edit] Should probably not reveal names...

  19. I've used WindowMaker before, but then I couldn't figure out how to logout and I was just stuck there :). Stragely enough, for me KDE loads (a little) faster from the Knoppix CD as well (or maybe it's just my brain telling me that it should be slow and being surprised at it being somewhat fast).

    Fluxbox I have never tried, I'll see if I can get that on my system.

    I've always wanted to make some sort of desktop, but never had enough time :P.

    GNOME is cool, however the control panel in GNOME definitely does not come close to KDE's control panel (maybe it's just my GNOME version or something). KDE's is a little bit like Windows' Control Panel (i.e. mouse pointer theme is in Peripherals->Mouse instead of Look&Feel?) but just a little more advanced-user oriented (not to mention with a tree thing on the left). GNOME's looks like Windows' (and to some extent has the same simplicity) but I still like the breadth of features offered by KDE's. Not to mention that SuSE has hacked GNOME to to point of complete unrecognizability :).

    And BTW I don't like Keramik or Thin Keramik :P.


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