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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Knoppix doesn't like your video card probably. Either that or you made a typo :P.

    Windows is only so compatable because all the hardware manufacturers choose to make drivers for Windows. Linux, with its open-source drivers programmed by people who don't have that kind of access to the hardware data, should be considered more compatable than Windows because of this. If people bothered to make competent Linux drivers it would be vastly more compatably than Windows. And I have an ATi card and I can't use the hardware acceleration cause the ATi drivers don't support the 2.6.x kernels :P ...

    Also more people need to think about cross-platform software writing. And Linux can also be improved in many areas (especially user interface areas) as well.

  2. Currently I am under Knoppix Linux for posting this, as nothing else is working for me ATM.

    Following the installation of SuSE Linux, I left my computer on for quite a few days on end (w/out standby or anything like that!), and not surprisingly, it crashed. I force-shutdown-ed, turned it on again, after a couple of minutes it crashes again. Force-shutting-down again, I turn it on and am faced with a 'bad sector' message. Running SuSE's repair utility 'fixes' the problem, however it crashes again. Now the computer is running extremely slowly (like, on the SuSE installation it takes 5 minutes for the 'choose language' screen to come up, and hardware detection is long beyond belief). However, running this Knoppix does not seem to have any effect. It seems to only happen to the SuSE installation disk and the broken Linux I already have on my com.

    I've run the memory test program included with the SuSE installation, reported no obvious errors. I have installed a new hard drive, but it was working fine under Windows. The computer makes weird clicking noises when trying to install Linux.

    Anyone have any ideas about why this is happening? Any ideas about how to fix it? Any ideas about why it only happens to the SuSE stuff? This is an interesting problem and any ideas would be appreciated.

  3. You can use Azureus as well - azureus.sourceforge.net . Runs w/out installation or anything like that.

    Maybe your PATH is just set wrong or something - it may also be possible that you do not have wxWindows installed correctly (if that is neccessary).

  4. I remember seeing this program once that you put a C++ file through it, and it changes the coding style of the code (i.e. brace placement, spacing, tabs/spaces, etc.) to fit whatever you want. I unfortunately cannot remember the name of this program - I am looking for it now, and I'm not getting any results from Google or SourceForge. Does anyone else know of a program (preferably free) that does this and where I can obtain it? Thanks in advance!

  5. No one sends stuff through mail and/or telephone for confirmation. Well, maybe not no one... you can use a 'dummy' e-mail, BTW :saruman:.

    That's a standard application form - they're not primarily a free webhost from the application page, and that stuff is needed for the paid hosting.

  6. Modern operating systems should automatically 'synchronize the time with an Internet time server', as Windows calls it. Therefore, it is safe to assume that your computer's clock is more accurate. Also newer cellphones may do some time synching as well, but I'm not really sure about this. I had this one VCR that appeared to be able to time sync - it was really really scary.

  7. I'm trying to backup my savegames and character profiles and stuff from Microsoft games - specifically FreeLancer and Halo. Unfortunately I cannot find any folder resembling 'profiles' or 'savegames' for either one of them? Does anyone know where I would find the information relating to the savegames and/or character profiles? Thanks in advance.

  8. Most LANs report as 100 MBps (you know, 10/100 Ethernet?). Usually the internet connection speed is much lower. The fastest real internet connection speed I have seen is 30 MBps I think.

    That's what I think anyways.

  9. NSIS is good too (can't remember website right now). Haven't used it too much myself, seeing that I don't have a need to create installers.

    I would say you're better off manually copying the files or using a DOS shell script. Learning a programming language is hard, and writing a custom installer (plus one that scans files to make sure its copying the right ones) is even harder. If you really, really want to though, C++ can be easier (provided that you're programming a console app and using file streams), and Java can be easier too.

    You could also try hacking the installer (I did this once because, for some strange reason, the installer was freaking out and couldn't find the language files or something), but the process for this would vary by installer type and you would have to learn the intricacies of that installer.

    Hope it helps and have fun :)!

  10. I highly recommend using Timidity++ (check sf.net - or CO's link) and the Fluid 3 soundfont. Fluid 3 is a commercial-quality, free soundfont available at http://www.hammersound.net/ , and Timidity is a software renderer. You can render to WAV, OGG Vorbis, and a lot more, and if you have a moderately fast PC, you can listen realtime as well. I think you can even set it to replace your MIDI device too, but I'm not sure how to do that yet...

    This program is even useful for people with soundcards that support soundfonts, because my Audigy 2 is apparently OEM and it refuses to load the Fluid 3 soundfont (which is fairly large, so make sure you have adequate memory too).

  11. As shown by the title, many of my applications (and Windows as well) frequently crash - with a dialog box like, ... has performed an illegal operation, and for Windows, lots of BSODs. The errors in the BSODs are generally of the BAD_POOL_CALLER type. Most of the errors are attributed to Norton Antivirus 2003, but I have upgraded from LiveUpdate like Microsoft's crash analysis says and it still crashes.

    It seems to me that the only option is to reformat my disk and start over again. Any comments, suggestions, etc. ?

  12. If they notice that the bar says 'Mozilla Firefox', and they ask where Internet Explorer is, make a program that displays a message box saying 'Fatal error: IE has encountered an error and must close' and make a shortcut to that on the desktop. Then they may decide to start using something else :beer:.

  13. Hmm, when was the last time I wanted to wipe my hard drive?

    Also, you need to define 'wiping' the hard drive here. On both systems I could just delete the partition table and that would suffice for my purposes. Other times (i.e. for security reasons) you would need to really wipe (i.e. go over with 0s and 1s and then random bits) the data.

    Anyways, this was an interesting article, especially with the comments at the bottom :beer:.

  14. I have a CRT at 100 hz, and scrolling is still choppy.

    Note that a higher refresh rate is much easier on the eyes and is recommended if you don't want to ruin them completely :P.

    If you stare at it long enough, it starts to look really weird and cool :beer:.

  15. Yes, PHP-nuke is badly organized. I don't use any *nuke (/portal) systems anyways.

    If you could give us your website's address, we could probably help you more. It could be the MIME configuration (and how CPG-nuke handles it), so you may want to use ZIP instead.

    Anyways, hope it helps and good luck!

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