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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. That really depends on what you're asking. On KDE, I use Kate because it has lots of features that I like with an uncluttered interface (one feature I miss is C++ symbol completion (like in MSVC) but otherwise it's really good). In consoles I prefer vim (and I don't like emacs).

    [edit] And in Windows, my preferred editor is TextPad for its very fast startup and good features (w/uncluttered interface).

    Of course, these choices are for coding. My new favourite word processor is Lyx, but it isn't very compatible with Word or anything like that.

  2. I've been writing this guide aimed at beginning programmers and game developers - currently it is simply a long forum post but I may move it to a file sometime. I've been repeating the concepts outlined here many times among beginners and I thought it would be nice to have a central document to point to. Here it is:


    Tell me what you think! Suggestions, comments, questions, etc. please.

  3. It is possible, yes.

    I can set up a script on any PHP-based server that should do this, but I don't really want to break your school's rules or anything...

    Unfortunately the only solution I can offer you is to ask your administrator or principal to unblock the site for you.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  4. I would use the GUI for the sole reason that you can delete multiple files at the same time while having complete control over which ones get deleted (quickly), and that it asks you for confirmation.

    Otherwise I prefer consoles as well :D.

    Good luck on getting that data back! If you're using a filesystem like FAT32, NTFS, Ext2/3, Reiser, etc. you should be able to recover the data using some kind of data recovery tool (unless you already wrote over it...). Hope it help and good luck!

  5. I could make your autorun - something really nice-looking would be good :(.

    I'm thinking of using an HTML web page, cause that would be easiest, but that would defeat the point (unless you install USB-Firefox on it, then we could load the USB-firefox to load the webpage :( - kind of like an interactive demo).

    Or we could make some program in C++ which has a nice GUI... but that would be much harder and the webpage is much easier :D.

    Anyways, tell me what you think! I can set up a site for this Anti-microsoft campaigning as well :(.

    [edit] Oh, BTW it would probably also be possible to make a program that installs all the software from 'off the web' - like an automated installer. The user clicks on the installer and it downloads everything from the Web and installs it, or it will download the ISO of the CD and automatically burn it (seeing how many people don't even know what an ISO is...). For the ordinary home user to use these we have to make it easy :(. Reeaaallll easy.

  6. *sigh* Like I said, we should all start a campaign to stop people from using Microsoft AntiSpyware and Microsoft VirusRemover (which is probably what it's called...) and get people to use better products. That would actually be a good idea - distribute Knoppix CDs, CDs with real antispyware and antivirus software on it, etc. etc.

    And so a couple of years ago the courts rule that Microsoft is not a monopoly - Internet Explorer certainly isn't squashing out Netscape (this is being remedied now, fortunately :D ), Windows Media Player is certainly not squashing out WinAmp or QuickTime, and Microsoft AntiSpyware is most definitely not squashing out Spybot. Windows has competitors - BeOS (I bet most of you haven't even heard of this), Solaris (same), and Linux. If we help the last one might actually happen :(.

    Also, on that page about the antivirus:

    a free security program to remove the most dangerous infections from computers

    Emphasis I added...

    Anyways, random comments and rants over. Feel free to comment :(.

  7. There's probably a specific format that you need to use, so no, that isn't right. In Knoppix there probably isn't a sources.list, maybe cause it's a newer Debian that doesn't use it or because it doesn't need one (being a CD-based distro after all...).

    You might be able to look at the 'official' Debian distros and glean something from that. Use something like bochs (I love bochs now :D ).

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  8. IMHO Thunderbird is similar enough to Outlook that you shouldn't have much trouble switching.

    BTW, the official site for Spybot is www.spybot.info . Sane people won't be getting Microsoft AntiSpyware (what kind of a name is that???), but dumb, ignorant people like most IE users will flock to that piece of crap (at least I think it is a piece of crap - having Linux I've never tried it :D). What we should do is to launch a Spybot campaign - so that no one uses Microsoft AntiSpyware and the world is saved from yet another software monopoly...

  9. I just installed and set up (it's actually very easy if you look at the docs and if you're somewhat familiar with PC internals :D ) bochs, and I must say that I think it runs quite well. I've been trying to install Windows XP - there have been no problems so far but the installation is somewhat slow. I've also discovered that setting the VGA refresh rate too high will slow the simulation down considerably. My computer is very fast though, so your mileage will vary...

  10. I'm sure open-source software is good enough that the application doesn't care about its filename :D.

    And yes, I know that ME is a very very sucky version of Windows but I really don't have much of a choice :(.

  11. In my opinion KDE is not the greatest desktop environment - but there are really no other alternatives (GNOME is a bit less feature-filled (i.e. the Control Center on GNOME is much less detailed than the KDE Control Center) but it does run faster). I would program a desktop environment myself... if I had the time :D.

    If this is going to be a development-oriented distro then you can take out KDE and use GNOME almost exclusively - you only need to keep the Qt libraries so KDE applications can still run (there's sometimes a use for Kdevelop...).

    And bochs is a very useful simulator for testing these things :(.

    Hope it helps, good luck and happy Knoppixing!

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