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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Internet Explorer only recognizes hover attributes for links (i.e. a:hover is the only thing that works...).

    Oh wait, just saw your stylesheet ;). Unfortunately I cannot test it for you as IE refuses to run (which is a good thing B)).

    Sorry ;). Good luck!

  2. Actually, after consideration and a bit of research, the Alienware Bot has a fairly small chassis (not quite small form factor but smaller than most towers), and when configured correctly, you can get 1 GB of RAM, a 2.8-3.0 GHz P4 w/HT, a '10-in-1 digital media reader' (which reads Secure Digital Cards), and an ATi Radeon X600 or nVidia Quadro (PCI-Express! ;)), plus a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS. If you're willing to take the nVidia Quadro (which only has 64 MB of memory), and maybe skimp on the sound card (Integrated, for example), you can easily bring it down to $1000 or less.

    See here:


    Hope it helps and good luck!

    (ignore the comments underneath)

    I got one about your specs for $1500, so don't expect anything miraculous (of course, if you skimp on the sound card and video card you can probably bring it down to $1000).

    Definitely don't get Windows XP Pro, cause IMHO it's almost completely the same as Home (there's nothing really of value that it adds AFAICT). You'll be saving $100 right there. If you think you're ready, go online and download the latest Fedora Core or SuSE 9.2 ISOs, burn them, and install Linux B).

    If you also want a small form factor don't expect anything under $1500. Especially with the good video card. If you want anything AGP and over about Radeon 9200 - ish level you'll probably be over the $1000 mark already. PCI-E isn't even worth mentioning.

    ... never mind, I found just the PC you're looking for ;). Look above.

  3. In Moz, you can look in the Edit menu, and there should be some 'Fill in form' and 'Save form info' options there. Edit->Prefs->Privacy&Security->Forms allows you to edit form info. See if there's anything in Firefox like that...

    If there's not, there's always the extensions...

  4. Moz has a Password Manager but I'm not sure about Firefox. Moz also has generic form-remembering options (you fill in your info and dbl-click to fill in a form field).

    If you're talking about 'Autocomplete' (i.e. a little drop-down box appears in Google, etc.), then there might be an extension but I'm not sure.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  5. You know, that picture really reminds me of Mac OSX... remember how Apple thought Microsoft was stealing their UI in the early days of Windows? It's happening again...

    And besides, where'd the forward, refresh, etc. buttons go?

    Just my opinions and cheers!

  6. Isn't mutt text-based? I don't see why you would want to do that, but...

    I probably can't help you cause I've never touched mutt, but a man mutt might help, or you could search Google...

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  7. libdvdcss is open-source, the CSS encryption on DVDs is closed, copyrighted material, and therefore technically, libdvdcss is 'stealing information' or 'reverse engineering' or any of those strange legal terms.

    That's what I think anyways.

  8. I haven't read the entire article (blasphemy! B)), but my best guess is that the phrase 'similar configuration' means Red Hat out-of-the-box and Windows with 10 million 3rd party addons for security. Some suspicious phrases:

    "number of patches" - uh, sure, just cause Windows has less patches doesn't mean it's less secure...

    "On average, the Windows setup had just over 30 days of risk versus 71 days for the Red Hat setup" - I'm sure they forgot automatic updating and waited for the open-source 'service packs'...

    If it is true however, Red Hat needs to get their act up. Even if this article is true I would still go with Linux over Windows for security, stability any day. Especially if you have a good Linux security expert working for you.

    My opinions and cheers!

  9. Also keep in mind that, technically, libdvdcss is illegal. I don't see why the movie guys down at Hollywood (or equivalent in your country) don't just provide us with a closed-source CSS lib for Linux! It's like they want us to do illegal things or something...

    Also is the possibility of the 'Microsoft Influence' - where Microsoft signs a huge, 10-million dollar deal with someone (i.e. Dell) which forces them to provide only Windows on their comps (the Dell one I was just talking about was actually to provide better tech to the U.S. military - if anything, this is what will make us lose a war).

    My opinions and cheers!

  10. I think that you could theoretically use:

    <a onclick="popup()" href="newpage.html">

    But I haven't tested it. All I know is that something works and that's not good B).

    Also Firefox cannot stop the 'new' type of popup - the Flash/Java window that pops up on a webpage and has a little exit button at the top, etc. Those are annoying, and I want the gov't to ban them immediately.


  11. Huh, interesting. I was under the impression that only GRUB had a graphical boot menu...

    And if it doesn't work, then I don't know what I can do for you. You'll either have to reformat, use Linux or Windows exclusively, or whatnot.

    Sorry if I can't help B). Next time build your own ;). Cheers!

  12. Updating the BIOS from the website produces no visible effect. You'll probably have to reformat it... (when I was installing Lin on my Dell I had to reformat, what, 3 times :wine:)

    At least you know, next time don't buy a Dell.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  13. I would highly recommend you find a way to keep processes shut down when you start Windows (if that's possible at all).

    Really, if you're complaining about not enough memory, speed, whatever I would suggest you get a new computer. MAX (or any other 3D work) requires a fast, hefty computer, so if you want to get serious about doing 3D art you'd better get a better computer.

    If you can't afford that, why don't you go with less memory-intensive solutions (like Blender) :wine:?

    And for your original question, I don't think any one program has the privelages to kill processes (at most it would only be able to kill some and then itself). If you find one please tell me :P.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  14. This is the Dell problem I was talking about earlier. I think it has to do with your hard disk geometry - GRUB stage 1 is what you're seeing, that is located in the MBR in the first hard disk. However, if you installed Linux on the second hd, stage 2 (which needs to be loaded by stage 1) will be on the second hd, and Dell BIOSes don't like that.

    Instead, you need to put a boot/ partition somewhere in the front sectors of the first hard disk, so that GRUB can load stage 2 off of the first hd (which Dell BIOSes want).

    The problem is that Windows wants the first clusters for itself. The only solution I can think of is:

       hda1 - The 'main' Windows partition, which Windows wants here. Keep to a minimum 100 MB or so
       hda2 - boot/ , which Dell BIOSes want here or else GRUB can't load
       hda3 - The 'real' Windows partition, where everything will be stored (this will most likely be named D: by Windows)
       hdb1 - The main Linux partition, mounted at /

    Another solution would be, of course, to use LILO, but like I said as well, who wants to be staring (especially the people who just want to use the computer for their word processing, e-mail, etc.) at a blank boot: prompt? Of course, I think you can configure LILO to have Windows be default as well, but a black screen is still scary nontheless.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  15. Mozilla/Firefox's popup blocking works like this - it allows popups that you specifically request (i.e. by clicking on a link), and blocks 'spontaneous' popups. The newer ones take advantage of this (I think this is how it works at least) - when you click on a link to another site it opens that site and a popup - Mozilla/Firefox doesn't block it because it thinks you requested it. I believe that they may add a popup 'blacklist' of some sort so this doesn't happen.

    Hope it helps and cheers!

  16. You'll first need to install libdvdcss (or maybe it was libcssdvd or libcssdecode or something along those lines). Then you'll have to hack xine somehow to use it. I know that the latest SuSEs don't offer DVD support (I have a 9.2 and it cites 'legal reasons').

    I've tried the mplayer GUI at least and the GUI apparently doesn't have too much of a 'DVD picking' dialog. I'll try command-line... (and yes, mplayer plays everything, including WMA and WMV).

    Hope it helps and good luck!

    [edit] Mplayer plays The Core at least...

  17. Interesting. It may be that you had tried to delete the file before? If you had, Windows might have bugged (as always) and not marked the file as deleted on the file table. In that case you'll just have to live with it until you reformat :wine: (of course, if there's another solution feel free to correct me).

    If it's a 'file in use' error, booting into Knoppix or similar can definitely help you with that, and also, what's the filename of the EXE? If you're on Windows XP, I would suggest you open up Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE), go to the Processes tab, and look for that filename. Click on it, click 'kill', click 'yes'. Then try again.

    Hope it helps and good luck!

  18. I spoke to someone today, this is what happened:

    Apparently this one guy is using Firefox - I tell him I'm trying to get IE to work (on my Linux box, where I need IE to go to a certain website and the user-agent switcher isn't helping), and he tells me to switch to Firefox. Yay! However, I tell him I'm using Mozilla. He starts talking about how Firefox blocks popups and has tabs, and eventually I get to the point where I have to educate him that Firefox is the browser component of Mozilla. And then he covers it by saying, "Well I don't care". Bad things. Firefox users who have switched from IE are apparently now still being lazy.

    Just shows that, no matter how good the software, the users still need to be educated or else.

    Be enlightened and go tell your Firefox-using friends about what Firefox is, what the Mozilla foundation is, etc. (if you can get their attention for long enough, educate them about Linux and say that Firefox is cross-platform, cause no one's educated enough about Linux). Cheers!

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