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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Bluetooth is a type of PAN technology - Personal Area Network. Bluetooth is NOT meant for distances greater than about 5 feet. It is possible to buy more powerful antennas, etc. but really you should be using something meant for longer distances.

    And why a bluetooth network? I know BT is more popular in Europe but 802.11 seems simpler, better suited for the job and can be cheaper later on too. (most newer) Laptops should come with 802.11 connectivity too IIRC. Get a router or something (Linksys ones are my favorite).


  2. Er... click File->New, type all that in, Tools->Clean Indentation, Tools->External Command->GCC, Tools->Run Program :). Assuming of course that your editor supports those commands...

  3. Ed = UNIX Line Editor.

    No WYSIWYG, no nothing. Considered the editor of... a long time ago. Practically no one uses it anymore (besides Carlos of course).

    BTW, vim for me takes all of... 1/16th of a second to load :).


  4. Gah, double post but I just tried it and it *did* work, I just forgot to uppercase the Page.

    So just remember that you have to pass arguments. Something else you have to do is:

    $page_name = $_GET["Page"];
    if ( $page_name == "" )
       $page_name = "news.php";

    So you have a default page name if there's no argument entered.


  5. There's no way to see the actual PHP code if you don't have access (i.e. FTP, SSH) to the server, I'm assuming that you're using that _GET[""] thing.

    First off, in order to _GET[] an 'argument' to a PHP script (in the form of home.php?name=...), you need to specify the argument. Your link links to home.php, but there's no argument, so obviously the _GET[] will return the empty string.

    *update* That appears to not work either cause I just tried it with an argument and it did nothing. Post/e-mail your code and that should probably help.

    Hope it helps!

  6. [Lorian] Were you referring to Carlos' comment or the article :D?

    Yes, I do hate marketing gimmicks. I hate dumb article writers even more :). Especially Microsoft's... Linux costs more than Windows? Yeah, right...

    Well oh well. I guess we will continue to be educated and the masses shall continue to be misinformed by the marketers...

  7. Another way to... reformat your computer? I don't think so :).

    Another way to... fix your problem? If you antivirus/spyware removal software is unable to get rid of the virus with the latest updates, then you probably have no choice...

    Cheers (or not)!

  8. I also hate the recent (?) convention of people putting their full names into e-mail addresses. I mean, what a breach of privacy... not to mention they're separated by a PERIOD which really, really annoys me. Where'd underscores go? :)

  9. As Gmail becomes more popular the automatic address harvesters will start to get you. Usually the shorter the name the more likely you will be to get spam. I rarely get spam nowadays, and they are deleted after 30 days. Really I have never really had spam problems, maybe it's just me...

    Does Gmail use heuristics-based spam detection or not?

    Hope you can get your spam problem fixed!


  10. Yup, and then when you log on it's another minute to load the processes... *sigh*

    No I don't think it's our neighborhood, I'm almost assuredly the highest bandwidth-using house on our 4-house street :). I personally think Adelphia sux cause their website is impossible to wade through, their webmail is just crap, the internet randomly switches off from time to time, etc.

    So I don't like them, but I have no other choice really :D. Cheers (or not)!

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