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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Yes, yes I get those confused a lot :). Kind of just put the caps wherever I want to. And why did they ever make kilobits/megabits anyways? To trick the uninformed users :)?

    Adelphia's website, being crap and all, doesn't say anywhere within 30 seconds of clicking how fast my connection is. I assume 6 Mbps d/l and I forget the upload.


  2. Let's see... I doubt any of our ethernet cards over here (don't talk corporate users :)) could handle that kind of bandwidth anyways. Not to mention the QoS problems they'd have with cable/DSL cables to the home @ that bandwidth... and fiber optics are still years away (or so they say).

    I think this would have enormous uses... for 10,000 user MMO servers :).

    And people in Japan get 100 MBps lines probably cause they all live in big cities and it's much cheaper to string cables (maybe they even have fiber optic :0) through a city than it is to string them through a countryside. A random, kind-of-on-topic note, the 33 residents of Mink, Vermont (maybe it was Virginia?) just got telephone service, like, last month :P.

    Well, anyways, cheers!

  3. You have 300 kbps upload??? I have, like, 30!!!

    And yes, I am being serious. I got up to about 150 once but I think I was just lucky (i.e. no one in the same town was uploading anything but me :)). Or maybe I just can't read...

    And supposedly I have 6 MBps download but I never get above 300 kbps even on good servers (500 once but that was probably luck too).


  4. Hey, but I tried 'headers' and it didn't give me the... never mind ;).

    IIRC it's somewhere around 12-15 MBps...

    And I think that it's possible to be variable, like you can get 300 KBps DSL, etc. but I could be wrong ;).


  5. Hmm...

    I have a KDE 4 here, everything crashes regularily once a week or so. KOffice (at least KWord) is slooooowww (to change the font - select text, click font selection bar [this takes about 5 seconds to load], click font you want [scrolling can stall the program for a couple of seconds], wait 10 seconds while... something happens, then you see the font changed). While font changing on other word processors (OOo, Abiword, etc.) takes less than a single second. The UI just seems to be slowing down a lot... some of it is a lot better though.

    Arts hasn't improved much either AFAICT...


  6. Well, (some) people who work at Microsoft might be educated and smart, but many of their programmers (like the ones who worked on IE ;)) are definitely not. Many of their marketing/other decisions are definitely not the smartest decisions. I can see the purpose of this one (get everyone to use securer Windows), but it is dumb cause SP2 breaks tons of stuff anyways.

    Besides, if you want a 64-bit system Linux is the only way to go ;). Did I mention that there isn't much that's cheaper than $0 ;)?


  7. Also in the chem book there are instructions on how to write a different program using the buttons of the calculator itself related to what's in the chapter. (engery, protons, atomic number, gas laws, ect.)

    Hey, all my programs are written on the calc keys ;). There are only two problems with that - they're dead slow and the screen is tiny. Oh, and TI-BASIC doesn't support extra whitespace or functions (you can execute other programs but I still like the idea of functions, w/parameters and everything), so I've deteriorated into a spaghetti-coder :P. Not to mention they're... dead slow.

    Oh, and I also made this prank 'virus' program ;). It doesn't actually do anything (well, besides possibly weakening your batteries), but for those who don't know how to 'break' programs, it's really fun ;).


  8. I believe it's possible without the tabbrowser extension...

    (These dirs are all Mozilla, but it should be close enough). Edit->Prefs, see the 'Display on Navigator (/Firefox) startup' thingy? Moz has a dropdown box where Navigator startup is and you can select new tab and new window.

    If FFX doesn't have that option then... you're just gonna have to download that extension ;).


  9. Just have a loop that checks to see if a number is a factor. If it finds a prime factor, print it and start a new loop to look for more factors.

    That, would be the slowest program I have ever seen for numbers above 20 ;).

  10. I've got an 84+... and I've programmed waaay too much on it :). I tried to make a 'breakout'-style game... but TI-basic isn't good for dynamic lists and it was far too slow anyways. Currently my work is on an improved 'indy' (aptly named 'INDY2'), which has bonuses, items, and lots of other cool stuff. I also have a 'simon' game, where the calculator gives you a series of buttons and you have to press them in that order.


  11. Well, if you want a completely CSS-based solution you can use <span>s, and instead use like <span class="header-left"> or something (<div> has the same problem as <p>, so <span> is the logical choice :)).

    On the other hand, I personally dislike the usage of IDs (#name in CSS) because it's just too... generic. Try this:

    <table class="header">
    <td class="left">

    And in the CSS:


    table.header td.left
     text-align: left;

    Hope it helps!

    <span class='edit'>This post has been edited by fyhuang: Today, 10:15 PM</span>

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