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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Actually I think it is, with Windows on the first partition you won't be able to (easily) get a Linux boot partition at the front, which will prevent GRUB's stage 1 (in the MBR) from finding and loading stage 2 (on the boot partition, which has to be in the first 1024 cylinders or something).

    The MBR is always located on cylinder 1 (correct me if I'm wrong please...), the absolute beginning of the disk. You can't change that. The MBR is loaded with either GRUB, Lilo or the Windows bootloader IIRC. The partition with the boot/ directory must be in the beginning of the desk for Dell BIOSes. I believe I mentioned this, with Windows requiring the first partition you end up with sort of a messed up partitioning setup:

    Windows first partition ("C", only about 100 MB or less)
    Linux boot/ (16 MB is more than adequate (anything over 8 MB actually))
    Windows main partition ("D", the main 'drive', however much you want)
    Linux main partition (whatever space you have left)
    Linux swap partition (approx. = to your system RAM)

    On good BIOSes, you don't need such an elaborate setup...

    Anyhow, I could dual-boot with the above setup, using the Linux partitioning tool that should be provided on most installations, break up your hard drive that way (you'll probably need to use virtual partitions cause the hd can only have 4 IIRC).

    Hope it helps!

  2. Yeah, disks still have jumpers... *sigh*... "cable select" usually does the job though (and I think it's the default jumper setting for new hard drives). Check your jumpers anyhow.

    Hope it helps!

  3. I think there are hacks for GRUB that fool Windows into thinking that it's on the first partition so that you can put Linux on the first partition and then put Windows elsewhere. However, it probably requires a lot of set up and I've never tried it either...

    Hope it helps!

  4. Oh, I thought you put your new hard drive on slave... sorry (y). I suspect a Linux would be able to open your partition, but I'm not sure about that either. It is possible that you either 1) destroyed your files on the old hard drive accidentally while moving it, or 2) the hard drive was so damaged already that the filesystem table got corrupted and Windows cannot recognize the filesystem anymore.

    Then again, it could be just a Windows bug. Post more when you have tried mounting the partition under Knoppix (copy & paste errors would be good).


  5. You're gonna need to format the hard drive, obviously :). Usually the hard drive comes with a partitioning tool, but if not you should be able to use Windows' tool (just click 'yes' and you'll be fine (y))!

  6. I personally don't see the use of 64-bit for non 64-bit apps currently, as unless you're a hardcore gaming freak most people wouldn't notice the difference. Besides, it tacks on a ton of expenses B) (or so I hear).

    I was gonna get a 64-bit dual-core for my next computer though :P.


  7. It shouldn't be. I'm not sure why your computer is causing so many problems. Try reinstalling Cygwin (remove your Cygwin folder and rerun Setup.exe). Don't try anything, just reinstall it B). Post back once you have. Or get me on MSN, either way.


  8. $50 for a 160 GB hd??? Geez, you could have told me that and saved me a crapload of money!

    Then again I bought mine during a black (caps?) Friday sale, so it wasn't that bad.


    Never seen that one even though people say it a whole lot in the tech world. I also gotta start backing up my data, I've run out of excuses B).


  9. AMD64 is wasting money unless you get a true 64-bit operating system (like Linux B)). And for general compiling a normal compiler is fine, but do try for a dual-core or at least HT, cause I think it can help (with the job thing I mentioned above).

    On a side note, Windows 64-bit edition was released, and all the magazines are like, "Finally, we have a 64-bit operating system to go along with the processor!!1!!11!1one" and I'm like, "Yeah, so 64-bit Linux has just never existed, has it?" I can't believe those magazines nowadays, as if Windows is god or something. Everything says, "Linux is OK." then highlights all its 'flaws', while they gloss over the numerous Windows flaws.


  10. Whoa, whoa, slow down there. Cygwin1.dll is located in C:\Cygwin\bin (assuming you installed Cygwin in C:\Cygwin), I just copied it to C:\Windows (being lazy), but what you should do is to set your path to C:\Cygwin\bin.

    Run the setup program again. This time, when it asks you which programs you want, check some basic stuff like g++ or cvs or whatnot. I'm not sure why ls wasn't installed, cause it should be from the base installation.

    Keep messing around with it until you get something working B). If nothing else works just go into the setup program and select 'ls' from the list. In the worst case, you can list the files in a directory by entering:

    echo *

    But you didn't need to know that :P.

    Hope it helps!

  11. CygWin is a POSIX system that runs on Windows. Pretty much it emulates POSIX functions through a CygWin DLL. This allows you to compile and run most UNIX and Linux applications on it. It includes the bash shell and stuff, so you can do some pretty basic Linux-like work with it.

    If you want you can even get the X window system and KDE or GNOME, but that tends to run a lot slower than with a native Linux system.



  12. The best distro to use, IMHO, to become a Linux 'expert' is Gentoo. There's almost no automatic configuration from what I hear - you do it all yourself :P.

    However, that's going too far for a Linux noob :P. Really, the only way to get good at it is to use it. If you don't already have Cygwin installed on your Windows, do so now. Get used to the bash shell (it's a lot better than the Windows command prompt). You'll find that most Linux-fluent people use the shell more than the GUI (at least I do). Once you get used to the shell, try installing a distro (preferably on a computer your family doesn't use). Fedora is loved by some and hated by others (I personally am neutral towards it). SuSE I like, haven't tried 9.3 but 9.2 is a bit lower quality than what I had expected (and judging from the mailing list, other people thought the previous versions were better).

    Once you do get your distro installed, play around with it :P. The way I got to be at the epitome of geekiness (*cough*) is by experimenting and wrecking every single computer I have touched in my life. A few years and some reinstalls later, I have a nice working knowledge of both Windows and Linux :P. Start compiling some software, mess with the bash and vim settings, buy a book if you want. Eventually you'll get better.

    You get good through experience, by solving problems. A website will not help you. Gotta learn it yourself :P.

    Hope it helps!

    [edit] Oh, the best way to become a Linux geek? Get an ATi video card, try to install the ATi Linux drivers. The first thing it helps you with is working with text mode and trying vainly to navigate help forums with Lynx B). After that, some games crashed, apparently because of the regparm in the kernel, so guess what? Recompiled the kernel. Some games still crash (darn ATI drivers!) but I think that was a pretty enlightening experience :P.

    I think their installation has gotten a lot better since then though :P.

  13. No, I tend not to swear a lot (if that's what you're talking about), and I never messed with the administrative settings too deeply (too slow, if that's what you're talking about B)).


  14. Process, thread, gah! You know what I mean B).

    And I totally forgot about the pagefile thing, for people with 1 GB of RAM it doesn't make much of a difference anymore :P. Thanks for reminding though!


  15. Contrary to your, goldenphiratio's vague tips, I would not get a 'big' graphics card. For example, why get a 2-slot nVidia card from some second-rate manufacturer than get a nice 1-slot one from ASUS B)?

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