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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. C# = MS Java

    ASP = MS PHP (at least I think)

    DirectX is becoming a lot like OpenGL now but before it was, I must give it to them, an original API, however badly designed :).

    DOS was obviously 'borrowed' from QDOS and was probably MS's 'mini-UNIX'.

    Windows was of course a Mac clone.

    I'll post more as I think of them :P.

  2. Gmail all the way man!

    Er... except for sending executable attachments :).

    I use Kmail if only for the reason that its the only client that KDE will start up whenever a program tries to send an email.


  3. Okay, wget is a program to download files. What we're trying to tell you to do is to create a batch file, a file that contains commands that are executed every time that file is executed. If you were to create a batch file with the commands to execute wget, for example, you could tell it to download such and such files:

    wget http://www.google.com/
    wget ftp://www.suse.com/suse_92/suse_92.iso

    (FYI, the Google one would work (it would be downloaded as index.html IIRC) but there is no suse_92.iso :)).

    And then you tell Windows to execute that file every week or something and it downloads the files for you.


  4. MySQL is a database, yes. However, you can't just put info into a db and have it magically appear on the website. You must code (in PHP usually) the code necessary to convert the db information into HTML content.

    If you code well and you're good at computers, it should be relatively simple to set up such a website. There are definitely not tutorials, per se, for setting up such a website, but if you're fairly competent some MySQL and PHP reference docs should be enough :P.

    If what you want is just a website with those features (and you aren't really interested in getting the programming experience), it would be better just to use a CMS of some sort (Content Management System, there are tons of open-source ones, i.e. Mambo, TikiWiki, etc.) and use Gallery (gallery.sourceforge.net) for your images. Then, of course, phpBB for your forums, etc. And there you have it, a complete open-source solution to your website troubles :).

    If you want to do it yourself, I can only say that it could take a while :P. I may be able to help (seek me out over AIM/YIM/MSN), but not by much.


  5. Huh, I always keep my files all in a download/ folder off my home dir (when I was under Windows, off My Documents). That way everything's easy to find (i.e. My Documents/download/Firefox). You could also try something like Google Desktop Search.

    Firefox isn't that big of a download anyways :).


  6. Windows does have a scheduler, try making a batch file or something. You might be able to find a wget for Windows (wget is a background-downloading program), and use that, or you can search Google.

    Pretty much all you do is write a batch file to download that file you want, then set Windows to run it whenever you want.


  7. Are you trying to have a scrolling frame with a page or just a page there?

    For just a page, use PHP (which I think you have already attempted), but for scrolling there is no alternative. Please consider redesigning your site to NOT use iframes, do something else instead. Think about it - do you need to have an iframe in your site design?


  8. I personally love Eclipse for everything, and this PHP Designer looks more of like a jack-of-all-trades editor than strictly a PHP editor (well, Eclipse is also an extensible editor but at least it has 'perspectives', which keeps the workspace uncluttered).


  9. Of course, if you don't speak German the English translation is not completely complete (some error messages are still in German or w/e language it is). Unfortunately I don't speak German so I can't help with that :).

    It's also not quite as stable as I would have liked :(.

    But otherwise a great editor. Cheers!

  10. Like I said, the ones on php.net will probably be a good start to PHP. And then you can use the function reference there too.

    I'm thinking of making my PHP tutorials centered towards previous C or C++ programmers. Then again I do have a C++ tutorial too :).


  11. Maybe Google has a cached version that you can check up?

    Also, if you do have an antenna you can see it in the Windows Hardware Manager (or whatever it's called, Control Panel->System->Hardware tab (I think)->Hardware Manager (might also be called Device Manager)). If you have a little LED on your laptop with a wireless symbol (usually an antenna thingy with 'radio waves' around it), then you have one as well.

    If not, they're not that expensive :).


  12. Well, I'm using an ATi (and a 9800 Pro, no less) under Linux...

    They recently improved their drivers, and I must say that (most) things work fairly well, except for a few rare cases, for example Blender, that just hang the system (no CTRL+ALT+DEL (which actually works under Linux to reboot the comp), no CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE (kill X-server), no CTRL+ALT+1, only a force reboot). Also the ATi drivers don't work well with Cedega (WineX) + Windows games, as KOTOR 2 and several other games reveal an ATi driver bug (which, in turn, makes it so I can't play KOTOR 2... $50 wasted :().

    I await a more stable driver (the performance is indistinguishable from the Windows one as far as I am concerned) release from ATi :). Also from my experience the ATi drivers don't play well with the latest kernels (then again, the nVidia ones probably don't either).


  13. 802.11b is an older standard, slower but much more widely used (most hotspots use B as opposed to G). G is a lot faster (about 5x) and is a tiny bit newer but well accepted as well. A uses a different frequency from both B and G and has less potential for interference (i.e. my wireless mouse, when low on batteries, interferes with my Wireless-G network). A also allows more clients on one access point, and is being more widely used by businesses. The newest standard, N, which hasn't even become a standard yet, is much faster than A, B, and G, and has a lot wider range, but today's 'Pre-N' products may not work with the future's real N products.

    And there's your quick rundown. I'm sure some older laptops don't come with builtin antennas but modern ones should.


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