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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Are they text files? And are they 1 byte smaller per line? If so, it's because of the \r\n -> \n line-ending conversion. (Otherwise, the size should never change.)

    Oh wow, never thought of that! :P

    If a game is to be cross-platform it will probably use JPEG textures, which both DirectX and OpenGL should be able to read (with assistance).

    Linux does have a problem of compatability - check what Kernel, glibc, etc. version the demo is compiled for and check the Knoppix configuration. Perhaps UT2004 requires a special library which doesn't come with Knoppix or something. Could be anything. You might even just have to run it like ut2004_demo --opengl . Could be anything - this is why Linux hasn't made it to home-user desktops yet :P.

  2. For me it's not significantly smaller but it is smaller. It is possible that Windows counts the metadata as part of the filesize, or something like that (maybe Windows counts in 'hard drive'-style kb and mb). I don't believe that it has to do with compression.

  3. ...has any magical compression techniques...

    There's always lzip and upx :P.

    Lorian: most likely Knoppix doesn't recognize your sound card - I'm not under Knoppix right now, so I can't help as much, but look for a configuration or system menu under the menu with a Pengiun icon (tooltip: Knoppix or something), then loop for sound card configuration. Run the config and see if you can get it to autodetect the sound card (if not, you may have to select it yourself - not sure if Live! and Live! 5.1 Digital use same driver).

  4. I don't think sound works for me on Knoppix (SB Audigy 2 OEM), but it works on SuSE. Keep in mind that ALSA is, by default, muted :P. Check if the configuration has muted sound (you have to right-click the volume icon, choose 'Show Mixer Window', and adjust it from there - turn up anything that looks opportunistic).

  5. Mac code:

    int main()
       return 0;

    Linux code:

    int main()
       return 0;

    Windows code:

    int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPCSTR cmdLine, int nShowCmd )
       if ( !crashed )
           if ( !crashed && !failed )
               HWND hWnd;
               HDC hDC;
               initWindow( &hWnd, &hDC );
               LPDIRECT3D9 D3D9;
               LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 D3DDevice;
               if ( !FAILED( CreateDirect3D9( D3D9, DX_SDK_VERSION ) ) )
                   D3D9->CreateDevice( D3DDevice );
                   if ( !failed )

       MessageBox( "UT2004 could not start because a virus has corrupted the Kernel32.dll file.", MB_OK );

    There's your answer :P. Also note that under Windows the program never makes it past the first if (!crashed).

    [edit] Added 'return 0;' :P

  6. AFAIK, you're right. I think Knoppix only has read-only NTFS support.

    You can mount an NTFS partition as read-write but it's generally not recommended :P. Microsoft hates giving out these kinds of specs.

    I'm pretty sure you can install Knoppix to a hard drive, if that's what you are referring to.

    I was referring to keeping the CD in the drive, but booting w/e you have on the hard drive instead (i.e. bypassing the CD boot). Hopefully I'm making myself clear here :P.

  7. and I seem to act similarly with real-life objects, where I always know objects are in the 'pile of stuff' and never have to search for them :P

    Heh, I do that too :P. I can always find where I put anything, until my mom comes and sanitizes the entire house, which causes everyone in our household to start screaming at her not to touch their things :P.

  8. He might have deleted it for space reasons - I always save my downloaded files, no matter now useless they are... but that's off-topic :P.

    If the Knoppix boot menu could have an option to boot from hard drive, then you would never have to take the CD out at all! Just a thought :P.

    Good luck with your Knoppix re-downloading (hopefully you won't have to do this...).

  9. I'm under Linux, but I usually 'forget' to close windows and I suddenly have a huge mess on my desktop. Same with tabs - I always open new tabs for going to a different web page and I usually 'forget' to close the old ones (i.e. I will open a new tab for searching for something and a new tab for each search result). Of course, since I'm using KDE, I get multiple 'virtual desktops' and that helps a lot with the window problem :P.

    But as for the example you were talking about, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.

  10. If you use hotplug (or coldplug or w/e it's called...) then it should automatically be mounted in /mount/usb-xxxx-xxxx or something like that (xxxx-xxxx should be a serial number or something like that...). This doesn't work for everything though - my RCA Lyra refuses to even mount (`mount /dev/sda1` - 'Superblock unreadable'...). Apparently other people have had success in mounting the player, but unfortunately I don't.

    A persistent home directory will not help with Firefox unless you are installing Firefox with a prefix of /home/knoppix . That would actually be really cool, because it will enable you to keep software installed :P. Get the source code, type in `./configure --prefix=/home/knoppix`. See if it works :P.

    Hope it helps, happy Linuxing!

  11. It came with my computer, which is a Dell Dimension 4600. I believe that it's a Samsung. I've had my computer for less than a year, so this does come as a surprise to me. On my other computer (which has a 30 GB hd of unknown make), which I've had for a few years now, I've had to force shutdown many many times and the hd still works fine.

  12. Yeah, I get that from lots of people at school - they're all like, "where can i get ..." and someone else goes "check out bittorrent" and usually no one listen's long enough to me to get that BitTorrent isn't really meant for filesharing...

    It shouldn't be going slowly, after all there are some 200 seeds right now (but also ~100 leechers :P ).

  13. Unfortunately, many computer users are extremely scared to even put the CD in. I know I was scared to create a persistent home directory (image) on a partition with important data on it :P.

  14. There's an add-on for Windows XP called 'ISO recorder' that burns ISOs...

    Bittorrent is a P2P download protocol (despite what everyone might tell you, it's purpose was not for 'filesharing' - BT is not a filesharing network or program - it's a protocol designed to ease load on servers and make more effecient use of bandwidth). It was created to solve the problem of limited bandwidth and computing power on servers (i.e. the more people that connect to a server, the slower the downloads get, because the server only has one line to upload data to (even if it is a T1 line...) ). Normally, the more people are connected to a server, the slower it goes, but with BT the more people connected to the swarm, the faster the downloads will go. Many P2P filesharing networks today use a variation of the BT protocol. BT is really useful for large, popular files.

  15. Actually I have fixed the problem now - the clicking apparently came from my hard drive, which was working fine until I hard-shutdown the machine. I have removed the hard drive from the machine and it works fine now (I do have another hard drive in it in case you're wondering :P ).

    I really don't know what was wrong but at least it works now (and I am short 80 GB of space as well)...

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