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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Hmm, the world's population revolves around trends and fads. What makes it worse is that, when a new trend comes out (especially in clothing), all the stores stock only that kind of clothing and nothing else! Like short skirts for girls - my little sister doesn't like them, but my mom can't find anything else at Wal*Mart.

    Unfortunately, c'est la vie...

  2. *Jaw drops in amazement*

    Wow, you have to be really lucky to find that kind of deal!

    In response to your question, yes, I was talking to you. I'm also asking you where you got that font :P.

  3. It all depends on what you are running. Firewall, antivirus, etc. can all affect this. I'm not sure what the average is, but if you aren't running any programs, then that may be a bit high.

    Hope it helps...

  4. Hmm, still not loading for me... if your server's in the United States, it might be a few days before I can access it (I'm on vacation - international distances aren't good for the Internet).

    But $4 for 1 GB of space and 25 GB bandwidth? That's pretty good, I think I'll have to convince my parents :P.

  5. Heh, heh, structured programming using BASIC. But Liberty BASIC I have never used, does it include structures like classes in C++? If so, and it allows inheritance, it may work. However, for structured prorgamming, something higher-level would probably be better. Many code patterns, etc. only make sense with classes and inheritance and that stuff.

    C# Studio .NET? Well, whatever...

    Have fun, and happy coding!

  6. First, check that your computer's connected to your network. As in, turn on your network connection, turn on your router, NIC, etc.

    If that doesn't work (probably), reboot. If that doesn't work, then I don't know what to tell you, because I don't have a router/cable modem!

  7. I am looking for a new webhost, seeing that GoDaddy's hosting has very low space + bandwidth. Which webhosts do you know that provide a good amt. of webspace and bandwidth, but won't break my budget (currently at about $0.00/month :D, I can spend up to maybe $8-$10)? Also the webhost should provide PHP, MySQL, and preferably POP3 e-mail or at least e-mail aliases. Subdomains would also be nice.

    On a side note, I'm looking for a domain for my game development studio (currently just me...) called Altitude Technologies, but www.altitude.com is already taken by Altitude Software, so what would you guys recommend?

    Thanks in advance!

  8. 15-20 kbps? How much does your broadband cost again? And by 'broadband', do you mean cable or DSL?

    15-20 kbps is fairly pitiful for broadband, especially considering dial-up is around 5 kbps. Also, if you have cable, never believe what they tell you about the downstream/upstream speed because there's tons of network congestion with cable, and you only really get a fraction of that.

  9. This happens in special cases for me - specifically, when I am using Visual C++ and I press the period button for AutoComplete. My older 900 Mhz computer took a long while to process that, while all the keyboard hits would stack up. It also happens when I am using IE, except that the computer freezes for 30 seconds or more while IE attempts to load something off the Web. I have not found a cause, only that probably IE is locked up waiting for a server to respond (happens on the Net a lot...).

    Hope it helps...

  10. OpenGL rules!

    Check here: nehe.gamedev.net . Also GameTutorials (www.gametutorials.com) has some good tutorials. What kind of 3D project will this be? What language? Can I help?

    Tips? Sure, here's my two cents... :D once you start using OpenGL, you will never want to use DirectX again! Also, make sure to wrap your OpenGL into some kind of class. Besides that, follow the tutorials and you'll be fine!

    Hope it helps, and happy coding!

  11. People actually still teach C++/C#? Most schools are hooked on Java/.Net stuff, saying it's the 'Next Big Thing'. I've even heard of schools which teach OS programming in Java!

    But as for C#, I've never used it, and not many people I know use it, so I cannot give you an opinion. C++ is my preferred language, and recently I have gotten very proficient at the OOP thing.

    Also, learning from a book is good, but using an IDE when you are just learning the language is a bit too much. I was using VC++ 6.0 when I learned C++, and it was extremely confusing as to which project to pick for *insert project type here* project, etc. etc. . Although the command line may appear even more confusing, typing

    g++ HelloWorld.cpp

    Is better than trying to set it up in an IDE. At least that's my opinion.

    Also, when you are just learning a language, DO NOT START WITH THE GUI!!! GUI programming involves sending lots of messages, some object-oriented stuff, and lots of intermediate programming that you shouldn't be using! I always recommend basic console programming (std::cout :D ) before the GUI. GUI are utterly confusing, especially with callbacks and stuff. I imaging C# simplifies a lot of that, but IMHO, stick with the console. After that, skip the GUI and go striaght to OpenGL and program your own 3D engine! Just kidding :D.

    [end long rant]

    Well anyways, have fun and happy coding!

  12. Most likely that the e-mail had some kind of script. Most spam e-mails wait to see if you reply, and if you do, your e-mail address is recorded and you will get a continual flood of spam from nowhere. This one probably checks if you opened it, and so now, you should get a continual flood of spam from nowhere, which will all flood through your spam filter and cause death and destruction! Mwahahaha... ...

    I doubt the effectiveness of Hotmail's spam filter, I use Mozilla, which seems to have a very nice Bayesian filter. I rarely get any spam anyways, and the most I have gotten is this strange German thingy about I have no clue (even running it through Google's translators, I still have no clue what they are trying to sell me), which is either spam or an e-mail from a scientist/doctor that got sent to the wrong email...

  13. Nah, I don't like PSP. But I use Paint as well. For pixel art. I haven't found any other software for pixel art (Photoshop and GIMP don't have the basic, precise, non-antialiased line, circle, etc. tools that Paint does), besides PSP for Windows 3.1 (which I used for paletted images). But I could live w/out it.

    And the tools I use are...





    A C++ compiler

    A C++ debugger

    All my libraries


    TextPad (may change soon though...)



    Other stuff which I cannot think of...

  14. Another great screenshot! Although mipmapping may not always be well and good - when playing games with BSP trees, the polygons are rendered with mipmapped textures, and as you move farther away, there is a strange line that seperates the blurred/non-blurred textures. It's almost not noticeable, but still is visible...

    And you say that all the other screens were antialiased and anisotropically filtered? I can't see any difference!

    Great job!

  15. VB for change the start button? Never heard of it.

    Anyways, that sounds like an 'educational virus' program to me. Unless it's a commercial $500 software designed to change your start button, I wouldn't be doing stuff like that. You may have to re-install Windows. You may be able to check out the source code and build your own program to restore the start button. Most likely technical support will say that you have voided your warranty. Sorry, but hope it helps...

  16. @SpHeRe31459, Sorry, confused myself for a sec there...

    OK, so if you're not a bit gamer, you can skimp a bit on the graphics card. If you're doing mapmaking, you're likely to have lots of images, so yes, do get a bigger hard drive if you can. On a similar note, if you don't download everything you see on the Internet (like I did...), you don't need too much either. I would recommend at least 512 MB of memory for your needs, but that may cost a bit too much. You also don't have to trade-off image quality for size - programs like the GIMP allow you to save images in .tar.gz (kind of like ZIP) files and open them transparently. Also, saving in a space-effecient format (i.e. PNG - JPEGs aren't good because of artifacts) will help as well.

    If you're budget is ~$700, you're probably going to have to sacrifice a little processor speed and stuff for the memory/hard drive space that you need. In this case, an AMD processor would be good, because generally, they run faster than Intel processors at the same price. Since you're not much of a gamer, that shouldn't bother you. You should be able to get away with an integrated graphics card. An integrated sound card will work also. Also you can skimp a bit on the warranty (I always get least possible, but if you feel insecure about your hacker skills...), and don't get included software unless it's free or really cheap. After all, free/low cost programs on the Internet are just as good (believe me - see Blender, GIMP, Audacity, etc.), and you can always buy them on eBay.

    Also, if you can't afford that much memory, get more hard drive space and get a large swap file. It will be considerably slower, but it works...

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