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Posts posted by fyhuang

  1. Oh, for flash you can get away with bitmap fonts (are they pixel fonts or like 512x512 images of letters?). Converting bitmaps to TT fonts makes them look VERY blocky. However, if you are using pixel fonts (you know, like 5x5 letters), then you can do a little nifty programming and use them with ease. If you really want to use TT fonts, you'd better have 512x512 images to make them from! The bitmap font method will work with any size font, and you can enlarge/shrink/whatever them (if Flash has easy support for scaling (yes I think) and rotation (not sure), that is).

  2. Um... I don't think that it would work (haven't tried yet). First off, text files are in ASCII format, and that will be what the browser interprets it as. Better off just to put the EXE in some other format, like ZIP it or something. Possibly you could also get a free web host and host it there.

    Of course, I'm off to try it now... [edit]As expected, the program opens and exits without doing anything. But wait, I get this message - "Program too big to fit in memory." Probably the ASCII format is corrupting the data and pointing to somewhere it's not supposed to.

    Also, what did you program this in? I'm interested :P.

  3. There aren't actually many font creation programs out there. Although what are you going to use the fonts for? If it's in a game or some other custom-built multimedia application, you can go the way of bitmap fonts. If you're using it in a word processor, search for font collections and you're sure to find one that suits you.

    I believe that the Font Creator Program is capable of creating TT fonts from bitmaps (I've used it once). But creating your own fonts is dead clumsy, and professionally made ones look better too. But I'm not stopping you...

    For freeware utilities, look to sourceforge.net and gnu.org.

  4. NO XBOX! Well, anyways, first game - if you like Sonic, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. If you like fighting games, Soul Calibur. If you like FPSs, Metroid Prime (although it is kind of half-Metroid-ish). Or just go to your local Blockbuster, rent a few games, and see which ones you like.

    GCN is better because it's smaller, same power, etc., but that's just my opinion.

  5. ??? What do you mean by, the welcome screen shows how many e-mails you have? I haven't seen that anywhere yet... If that actually exists, I imagine that it will be in the Control Panel->Users->Change how user log on and off thingy, it's the only place I've seen that deals with the welcome screen.

    Of course, if it is some kind of third-party extension you downloaded, then try Start->Programs->Extension->Help or something.

    Hope it might help...

  6. Newline -

    Note that you can't press enter twice and expect to get the extra space inbetween. Use


    to mark your paragraphs.

    If you really need to make whitespace (i.e. tabs), use the   instead. It creates a non-breaking space.

    Also, check out 1st Page 2000. Nice, free, HTML editor with some 250 scripts included and all the tags you will ever need. Clicky.

  7. Seeing that 0 A.D. is such a large project and all, I was wondering what method you are using to organize the project and keep track of the files. CVS? And if you do use something like CVS, where do you host all your files? Just wondering, thanks!

  8. *mouth drops open*

    Wow, does your family personally know Bill Gates or something? How much of that space do you actually use!?!

    Anyways, I have an 80 GB HD, a 30, and a 1.5, so I guess that adds up to a little over 110 GB? It sucks, yes (I have a little under 8 MB of free space on the 1.5 GB disk), but I don't need much HD space and I used the saved money to buy other components :).

  9. Oh, I recently just bought Empire Earth, expecting it to be good... well, imagine my surprise at being forced to create 'Macemen' and 'Stone throwers'. I really don't care if they have hard-to-remember names, but really! Also the learning campaign is good and easy, but the real campaign is at least 500% harder. Gradual difficulty levels (and also adjustable difficulty levels!), please.

    Oh, and a couple more ideas:

    1. It would be nice to 'macromanage'. You tell your builders ('villagers' is a fine name) to focus on, say, Military, or Economics and they accordingly build by themselves, concentrating on Barracks or Farms or whatever. Let the AI take care of the gruesome details. Of course, for veteran RTSers, you must include the option to micromanage as well :D.

    2. Somewhat related to the previous one - many RTS games take a long time to complete - sometimes exceeding 2 hours. Now, for the people who have time to play games all day, that's fine, but I'm pretty busy, so you really must have an option to save multiplayer games, and also maybe an option, pre-game, to start out with a nicely built base. Nothing really advanced, just have, say a couple levels of pre-build ('Basic economy', 'Simple kingdom', 'World power'), with according pre-built buildings (Town center, some farms; Farms, barracks, some research; Barracks, archery range, stable, some more research, maybe a small expansion).

    3. In the spirit of the game Galactic Civilizations, make small updates (patch-style) to add new content to the game. New campaigns don't have to come in expansion packs. 5 MB upgrades to the game, with some new campaigns and stuff, would be great. Considering this, you have to make your map format pretty effecient. Or use ZIPs. Either one works, the second's easier...

    4. Don't parametricize (sp?) everything. Example: Infantry - 15 Attack, 12 Armor, 23% damage reduction. Damage reduction = Defense * whatever. Damage = Attack * damage reduction. That gets boring and too AD&D-ish. Make the units less effective as their hitpoints go down. The player shouldn't have to see all this (control panel: Attack: 15 - (23% of 15 for damage reduction) - (15% of 15 for damage) + (10% of 15 for bonuses) is not good).

    5. Make mines (resource locations, ...) fairly abundant. For example, WarCraft III uses gold mines. They each have a fair amount of gold, but there aren't many. StarCraft uses mineral deposits. In maps, they are clustered, but you can make single ones or small clusters on your own maps. Also, don't be like Empire Earth and give lots of resource locations, each one having 500000 gold/stone/iron/etc. Farms should run out like AoK, and like the exp. they should be automatically rebuilt. Of course, the rebuilding should cost 90% of the initial cost or something. There is no such thing as a free lunch :D.

    6. Garrisoning units is nice, but don't allow too much of that. For example, AoK let you put villagers in town centers. Unless you are the fastest AoK player in history, don't expect to rush a base within the first 5-10 minutes and win. WarCraft and StarCraft had pretty HP-fortified town centers, but they couldn't attack or anything. Rushes here were effective. Another game that I have, Star Trek: Armada, had starbases which could only be brought down by 4-5 of the main attacking unit (i.e. Battlecruisers, ...), because they could attack and did tons of damage. Rushes were still a strategy, but very ineffective.

    7. Make some powerful units! AoK was a large-army game - you had many small units and amassed a large army. Not that that's bad, but you can put gods or something and you can summon gods during battle to do tons of damage or something. I am a defensive player, but I don't like sitting there for 1/2 an hour waiting for my army to form, when I know I have already won.

    8. Relating to the first one (sorry!), the AI should be able to create villagers (or a less useful worker unit) when needed (i.e. you are running low on gold (in relation to the other resources), the AI should build some units to mine gold). Also to make bases look cooler, you can make lesser worker units and have them go around carrying water or food or something. On the same note, some kind of automatic water carrier and food carrier should carry stuff to the houses. If a house doesn't get food/water for _ time, it becomes 'abandoned'. This way, choking a base's supply lines is a viable strategy, and so even if the player has another resource mine somewhere else, they can't get them to the houses at that base, and it dies off.

    Well, sorry for the long list, but I feel inspired today :P.

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  10. I think it means that it wants something along the lines of Sans or Sans Serif or something like that (a 'generic' font family) after all your other font defs (a last alternative).

  11. Anything open-source, Linux-based, or ... you get the point:

    The GIMP (if you already have Photoshop, then oh well...) http://www.gimp.org

    Blender (great software, great rendering, a few more modeling tools and it would be perfect - also (with seperately available scripts) imports/exports many, many formats) http://www.blender3d.org

    Timidity++ (can you find a better software synth? works basically as well (and sometimes better) than my Audigy 2 soundcard) http://timidity.sourceforge.net

    MinGW/GCC (who wants to ditch Microsoft? probably most standards-compliant compiler out there, optimizes, MinGW includes Win32 API, use Dev-C++ (www.bloodshed.net) and you can get packages for DirectX too) http://gcc.gnu.org http://www.mingw.org

    Audacity (at last! a sound editor! that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars! that imports and exports many formats!) http://audacity.sourceforge.net

    PhpBB (great, great board) http://www.phpbb.com

    And, last but not least...

    0 A.D. and TLA!

    *NOTE* In all the above URLs, sourceforge.net can be interchangebly used with sf.net. If you ever find a need for a specific piece of software, go to sf.net and search for it. 95% chance you will find one that meets or exceeds your expectations!

    [edit] Made everything clearer :)

  12. True, it is supposedly IE-only, but Mozilla does include support for marquees (they work at least...). There probably is no CSS thingy for marquees. I think that you could emulate it to some extent with Javascript, using a similar method to the one used to scroll text in the status bar (I know it's in one of my books somewhere...).

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