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Everything posted by Argalius

  1. 0 A.D. Modding FAQ For all your questions about modding for 0 A.D. Disclaimer: This is how we hope it will likely be, and represents the plan at time of writing - we cannot promise anything, and if technical or gameplay specifications require us to change anything from this list, it might not be in the final version the same way it's described here... Can I modify 0 A.D.? Yes, a substantial number of our development tools will ship with the game, including the map, scenario, scripting, tech tree and victory condition editors. Do units and buildings have to be in 1 object or is it possible that 1 building/unit is made of several different objects? No, you can have as many prop points as you want. But the more you have the bigger the load will be in CPU and Ram. You can make 1 box, and then just make 3 prop points and attach that box there and save yourself from having to make 3 different boxes. Will weapons be incorporated into the units mesh? Or will they be seperate from them? And what about the animation? Weapons are seperate prop objects, and animations are seperated from the mesh in thier own animation file. This is all controled by the entity's xml file. What is the maximum size for a texture? The biggest texture used was 2048x2048, a bigger one hasn't been tested (yet). What are the game poly amounts we should aim for? Humanoid Bodies ≈ 350 Animal Bodies ≈ 450 Humanoid and Building Props ≈ 20 World Objects ≈ 150 Buildings ≈ 400 What is a game poly? A game poly is the same as a face in 3DS Max and GMAX. To see how many faces you have select the option faces in Max and select them all. Now a number should show up on the right side. Is there gonna be a \0ad\mods folder? Each mod will have its own folder. Mods can be archived into a modpack (all modded files compressed into a single file), which can then be distributed and just dropped into its folder to be picked up by the game. Is there a SDK like in most FPS games? Probably not an SDK in the traditional sense, but we'll give similar power through modding to change the game that our asset creators have. A lot of game modification stuff will be built into the editors. Some will require a fair a bit of technical acumen (eg editing scripts or XML tables). Comment Wijitmaker: A SDK really won't be needed because we are leaving all our assets in a 'open' format that will be easily modable with commonly used software. What does the WFG team think of modders? We definitely intend to support them, and they're what will give 0 A.D. a long life. Although we have to do a lot of work on creating the game itself before we have much information about exactly how the game will be modded. How hard is it to chang the sounds? Pretty easy. With any luck, you'd probably extract the audio file from the official game SFX packs, edit the file however you wanted, then create a new mod folder, create a directory tree that matches the location where the file would be if unpacked, and put the file there. Adding new ones would work on a similar principle. Of course, you'd need to specify places where the file was actually used (eg edit the attributes associated with an actor), and probably update an XML index of sound files to create a handle to it. Will Gameplay features be able to change? Wouldn't be much point in modding if they didn't. But if the other player doesn't have the same mod, you will get an OOS error (out of sync). How will you guys react if i want to make a Total Conversion mod? Gleefully. If we're putting those kinds of tools into the game, obviously we want people to use them. And TCs definitely make the most use of modding capabilities. Can I enable and disable mods in-game? Yes, that will be possible. Will modders be able to add to add civs, buildings and all that stuff, so you can play 0 A.D. and the mod? Yep, if you want to have... say... the Simpons vs. the Romans, you will be able to do it.. just make sure if your playing with another player, they also have the same mod. Is there a Built-in Sound Editor? Not as such. New audio files can be added using mod packs, and can be attached to game objects using the Object Editor. They will first need to be converted to .ogg format using an included application. What scripting language is used for 0 A.D.? JavaScript (Spidermonkey, to be exact). Can I make my own triggers? Yes, our extensive scripting language is available for end-user development, allowing modders to create their own triggers, Random Map Scripts, and AI (behaviour) scripts. How adaptive and what form will the...I guess "action" definitions be for units? The details on that we are not exactly sure on yet and can't say. We would like it for people to be able to have the same power to develop something in the game as we do - but with that power comes potential for cheating. More questions that must be answered? Post them and wait till you get a reply and I'll update the list. This is only a 'beta' FAQ because the game hasn't been released yet.
  2. Well it isn't that important, because you can attach them together in a few seconds. And another question, what is the maximum size for a texture?
  3. Don't have most Norwegians an internet connection themselves?
  4. I like the cat with the helmet, it looks hilarious. And the other, well is looked very strange, thats true, but I thought you really should have seen that one
  5. Maybe it would be a good idea that if you get a +rep you also get some extra currency, afterall you did something good, right? It doesn't really matter for now, but when the shop is finished it will be usefull. (if it will ever be finished )
  6. Yeah you're right, I didn't think about that, sorry. Good that there are mods Lol, nice one CheeZy! So does anyone have some other funny pictures?
  7. 1 2 3 *Partial Nudity* 4 5 6 7 *Language* 8 Did you spot other funny pictures? Then post the links here. *Mod Edit: Lables have been placed next to items 3 and 7, as to warn people if they may be offended in some way.*
  8. No idea, but anyway today was my first day on school (only picked up my schedule and saw my new mentrix (don't know what it is in english, it's let's say he/she helps you with problems in the class etc.)) And I saw my new class, and o man I'm a happy man now, some very fine looking girls are in my class. Tomorrow the classes start again :-(
  9. I like your picture Curu Thank you But it should be very cool, so not only the WFG logo on it, although that is cool, but I want more About the avatar, who doesn't like it? Maybe we should have a Special Argalius Mousepad Edition (SAME) of the WFG mousepads
  10. Haha, lol I didn't know that, now my joke failed Thank god it is
  11. Hmm, you didn't get it totally I think, or I don't That's another game, right? It's called 0AD too, so everybody should have thought it was 'this' 0AD, it was a joke It was meant to be funny... <_<
  12. Go here for some screenshots of 0AD
  13. I don't really think I would buy the T-shirt. But a mousepad or pen or something could be nice.
  14. I don't really like the start, but the end is hilarious.
  15. What is that? @CheeZy: Zezar is back to school, so that is probably the main reason.
  16. This is a must see. You can download the file here. AoM NOT required. It's a Flash movie.
  17. @ Centurion: Oh ok, I didn't know that you were from Australia.
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