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Everything posted by Argalius

  1. Huh, didn't you have summerholiday? Anyway I have to get my schedual (SP?) thuesday (SP?) and school starts on wednesday.
  2. I don't know if they even work with attachpoints.
  3. Well it shouldn't be a very big difference, because the men on the horses aren't that much higher than infantry.
  4. Stones away! It will rain fire on your empire! Who left the gate open? Are you fond of ships? Let's go swimming. Pizza, anyone? Hey, you here too? Did I insult you, I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry, would you please go away from my city now, thank you. Thanks! No problem! Coward! (the one of Worms )
  5. I thought about this very long (5 min. ) And I thought this feature would be cool. That horses can walk in deeper water than infantry and siege, I don't know if it's possible to create, but I think it's pretty cool
  6. "Stop tickeling (SP?) me!" "Ooh, yours is bigger than mine" "Mine is bigger! Muhaha!"
  7. It's all american, so I don't use them (not because they are american but because we have others here in europe.
  8. Can't your brother just call your friend? (Man I'm a genious ) And maybe are there just some telephonelines damaged, so that could be the reason. (always think positive )
  9. Is it just quantity or is it quality too? (sorry couldn't resist that one )
  10. Enough ideas for cheats, but GET THE GAME FINISHED FIRST! So that's all I have to say
  11. Nice, nice and for the third time very nice. A question, can you also breed animals, or do animals reproduce themselves (or how do you say it). And trees, will there grow trees automaticly, or do you have to do something, or isn't it possible at all?
  12. Well the weather sucks, but Holland itself rocks Anyway, I'm from Holland too, from the south, Limburg And I think it rains here all year long, winter, spring, autumn AND summer.
  13. I like the suggestion, I like fast foruming
  14. You could name your engine Prometheus Firep. Just a thought with a mythilogical (SP?) background
  15. The objects I can place are the most important, without objects no scenario
  16. Some crazy ideas around here Why don't you make a King Kong Or maybe Cindy Crawford would be a nice cheat
  17. http://www.ileet.net/images/bigbaby2.jpg Hehe EDIT: Ok I really had to add this one http://www.ileet.net/images/threadnotgay.jpg EDIT2: Pictures didn't work anymore, so I posted the links. <_<
  18. You know what is cool, if infantry could swim in small rivers, it could be after and if they are too long in the water they will drown
  19. In AoM units some get in the water, and they aren't ships Then they can attach ships, but ships can't attack them
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