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Everything posted by Argalius

  1. Good idea. But to point something out, of the 500 members that registered on this forum there are barely 100 of them atleast once a week online.
  2. You might want to put the changes in the reputations of people in the crier, I think it would be pretty cool to see whose rep has de/increased What do you think?
  3. Hehe, well those glorious times are over and most of the games has suddenly strangely died in there Anyway I finally reached the 2000 border.
  4. Maybe especially girls get tired of your hugging
  5. I agree that there is way too much info on the internet. When I search on google, sometimes I get more than a million picture. Way too much to look at them all, so I specify it and then there are zero.
  6. Yeah, that's right, the 3-times-kissing region. Cool, I knew we were special, but now we are extra-special.
  7. I Holland we kiss 3 times, instead of 2 times which is more common over the whole world (just a funny fact that I wanted to share )
  8. Do you mean that she thought you were gay? I don't really get that sentence. But to get on-topic. I don't hug them everytime I see them, I don't know why, but we more shake hands. (on a way as younger people do )
  9. Which will, hopefully, rock (too)!
  10. I think I was and am respectfull to my parents. And I don't see why I shouldn't...
  11. Sometimes you get money just by having a banner, pop-up, whatever on your site.
  12. That's strange, I can see them on my dads computer, but not on my own, but we both use Windows XP...
  13. That's another thing I've heard many times, a google banner. But I still don't see it...
  14. Sometimes when I load a new page it says that it's waiting for pagead2.googlesydication.com, but it takes hours, and it only continious when I press the reload button. What is it exactly, and can't it be deleted or something?
  15. Startpagina.nl (homepage) WFG Forum AoMH Forum WSE Modding Forum 3D Total CG Talk Warlord Forum WarriorNation Forum
  16. In Holland we have a saying, The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree (De appel valt niet ver van de boom). It means that the children look much like their parents. Or High Trees catch much Wind (Hoge bomen vangen veel wind). This means that the higher you're (let's say the director of a World Wide Company) the further you can fall. Another Dutch one: To find the dog in the pot. (De hond in de pot vinden) This means that when you are late, there's nothing left for you. (It's pretty hard to explain sayings in English, it's even diffecult in Dutch )
  17. Why doesn't anyway want to get something translated to Dutch?
  18. *checks calender* Hmm, happy new year... Do you have firework too?
  19. Added a bit. @Acumen: Sure, do with it what you want, it's 'your' forum.
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