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Everything posted by Argalius

  1. The fact is that most modding teams who try to make a TC have way to less people to do it and mostly there isn't 1 leader so it isn't very well coordinated.
  2. Hmm, I still think it isn't a great idea, but ok. But when you do then please name the Roman civ Imperial Rome or whatever with the first release and don't change it after you've released part 2.
  3. If you do that it wouldn't be different from a total conversion.
  4. Congrats on the application and your 4th place!
  5. Ah, so that's the reason the Celts are finished first.
  6. But still, Romans stay Romans. And I think it's better to do another one than make a second Roman civ ...
  7. This site really looks much better than the old one. Great job!
  8. It never happend to me either. Maybe you should change your cookie settings.
  9. Isn't imperial Rome and the Romans before that almost the same?! The Parthians, I remember them from Parthian tactics in AoK Might be interesting. The Huns, hmm, not sure about them, how long did they last 50 years?! Not much info about them if I'm right. Only Attila, but then you have had most of it. The Dacians, never heard of. Maybe adding eastern civs to the game would be a nice adding.
  10. Oh ok, but do you already have plans for the other civs because I can't really think of a civ that was there in 1-500 AD but not before BC. I've read some of those things, but the one that (almost) schocked me was that there won't be any fishing in the game. Which I think is pretty strange in a RTS game (atleast for me ). I don't really get that why you aren't doing it
  11. On this site this is said: What is meant by that, that in the summer of 2006 only half the game will be released?!
  12. Yeah, it's fixed now. EDIT: But I found another mistake now On this? site this is said: But it should be this: EDIT2: This is said on this? place: But now it looks like only when they attack their LOS will be greater.
  13. When you fast edit your post and click on Show smilies a javascript console shows up with some errors in it. (at least in FF)
  14. Linky And it looks gorgues (SP?) Great job! EDIT: Vaevictis_Music, has posted an official topic about it. Something I noticed At the bottom of this page the link doesn't work. It referes to this page: http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad_test/page.php?c=47 but I think it should be this: http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad/page.php?c=47
  15. When I click on it sometimes nothing happens, and sometimes when I press on it the forums are marked as read, but when I go in there the topics are still shown as unread. So when I login the next time all the posts are marked as unread.
  16. Yippie, they are back! I love this one
  17. Yeah that's right, and when you select one it doesn't show up at the title either.
  18. I already saw it afther the merge, but couldn't be bothered to tell it. Untill yesterday.
  19. Nothing to say really, they just don't work.
  20. It doesn't matter really, in autumn an hour more and in spring an hour less.
  21. I really hate that thing. I'm really stressing out when I have that thing in my hands.
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