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Everything posted by Argalius

  1. Sorry to interupt all you History Freaks, but come on who cares!
  2. I don't see what's so funny about that, but that's just me I think.
  3. And why is that? Oh and before I forget, I've kicked Akya to the 20th place and became number 19 on the list.
  4. Ok I've notice some problems with the 0AD skin: 1. The pibs don't work, only group icon appears, but no image. Although they still work with the WFG skin. 2. Some lines, like in the 'View all members' or something like that can't be seen, which makes it diffecult to read.
  5. I think I don't understand something here. Isn't a flamer someone he calls peoples names etc. So what's so funny about that?
  6. I never knew what triggers were and how to use them. Most of the time I just placed a huge army and started fighting
  7. Cool, this one is really much better than the previous one.
  8. At the time I played AoK I didn't even know what mods where And I would sometimes make a scenario, which sucked of course. Now I think of it, did I even have internet then ...
  9. Hmm, you're first post and you only post a smily (spam...)?!
  10. Ok I understood that, but what means 'don' or what should be in place it when it's a typo.
  11. Well done Curu, I really like the one in the center, if I remember right it's the Health Center.
  12. That's not true, there are 10 days between it.
  13. The pictures of the pibs don't show up. Link to post And what do you think of centring the pibs instead of putting them on the left?
  14. Yeah, this is much handier.
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