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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Dnas

  1. Stop making me hungry! My mom is also Chinese, so I eat fish pretty often. Interesting... this topic has gotten off topic twice. First about real names. Then about fish. And both times I helped start it! Okay, let's get back on topic... or not.
  2. Here's one pinkisacolor (who still won't come back here despite the fact you've returned the word association topics and stuff like that. Ah well. I'll keep trying to get him back.) made up. Violence isn't the answer, only a temporary solution.
  3. lol..... nearly every other post here is Tim's Anyway, this is the best forum I have ever seen (other than my own because our discussions make less sense. ). No flaming or anything like that here. Great people, great forums, great nonsensical discussion without losing the sensible ones. It's the only forum I've felt safe posting my real name before. Well... not really posting, but close enough. It's basically perfect. Except that pinkisacolor won't come back. Ah well. I'll convince him eventually. Oh and that I don't post often enough, but that's me, not the forum. And that I'm not working on something for WFG, but that's also me.
  4. Yeah, extensions are nice. I've got nearly 20 installed. Ranging from a silly one that randomly changes the browser name to a great extension that adds mouse gestures so that, with a slight movement with the mouse, you can close the window, open tons of links in new tabs, go back, forward, minimize, move to the next tab, change image size. Tons of stuff. http://www.flexbeta.net/main/articles.php?...age=1&pagenum=2 (First one on the list. Be sure to download from the link they give because the one in the mozilla update site is outdated.) Others are nice, too. Glad to help!
  5. Welcome! You'll like this place... I hope. Absolutely no flamming at all. And no one cares if you're really weird. *cough*I'm weird*cough* Also, we've got a fish smiley. Oh. Whoops! I'll go edit mine right now then.
  6. It's the browser. IPB Javascript doesn't work that well in all browsers. But there is an alternative (other than switching to the accursed IE ). Well... several. With the smileys you'll either have to live with it or memorize the ones you use often. With the code you could 1. Switch to Mozilla Firefox and download this extension. http://update.mozilla.org/extensions/morei...?id=128&vid=513 or 2. See if you can find and extension like that for Mozilla. Or you can just type the code by hand. Hope that helped! Ok. There is an extension like that for Mozilla. http://update.mozilla.org/extensions/morei...?id=128&vid=197 It's a really nice extension (well... the Firefox one is, so I'm assuming Mozilla's is good as well.). Much more conveneint than the IPB code.
  7. Tuesday, hmm..... I think I'll be able to get something weird ready be then.
  8. Hello Flippy! (again...) You'll like this place. No flaiming at all. As oppossed to AOMH.....
  9. Maybe he'll come if you ghive us another screenshot.....
  10. 5 more and I'll reach 100. ....maybe I should have waited for that to happen before voting.
  11. Looks great! But... Doesn't that mean more than one?
  12. It was some cheat to get infinite shades. Or a whole lot if not infinite. I think it had something to do with surrounding your temple. Anyway, it's been fixed in one of the patches.
  13. That would be funny. Maybe have the result of the cheat be Jason appearing as a unit and performing "a small jig" to attack.
  14. Ok. If that becomes too hard to implement, maybe start with fixing this related bug. If someone is viewing forum 11 in wfg (General chat) and I check the listing in tla, it shows tla's forum 11. (Scenario Design) Maybe, for a start, you could make it just say, "Forum in WFG" But I don't know anytihng about modding forums (I use InvisionFree), so I have no clue whether it's easier or not. Any update on some of the other mods requested here?
  15. It doesn't make up for it anymore. We're not getting much snow now. :-( Just enough to cover the ground to go sledding a day or two. We do get a bunch of warnings, though. A couple years ago, the weather people predicted an ice storm so school was canceled, but.... the ice storm never came.
  16. School begins in less than 5 days for me! Oh well I'm going to be homeschooled for most of it, so it's not that much of a headache. Anyway, I woke up, went back to sleep, woke up, and got on the computer like I always do.
  17. Indiana, USA Horrible weather, rains constantly flood my basement, etc.
  18. 2 younger brothers. 1 younger sister. All annoying. And 1 older half-brother.
  19. Okay, now that this is back up. Here's another idea When you look at some screens like a person's reputationlisting, the online list, and a few others, it does give inaccurate information due to the forum linking thing. When one of those pages refers to a topic on another board, it says "moved or deleted" or "viewing board index". Also, it doesn't specify which board index. It's not really that big of a deal, but it would improve the forums a bit (IMO). (It's probably going to be hard to implement, though.)
  20. http://trashthesystem.co.uk/dnas/misc/history.php Too lazy to paraphrase it.
  21. I toss it, but not in the trash can. It's just in some little corner and every now and then when it reaches about 100 papers I just toss it in some drawer in case I suddenly feel like sorting through it all. Like that's ever going to happen.
  22. We do? I never knew that. Anyway, welcome! You'll (hopefully) like this place. Everyone is polite and doesn't care if you are weird. *cough*I am*cough* And we have fun forum games. Go Number Association!! And WFG is developing two of the most interesting games I can find. 0AD and TLA. Have a salmon. Or catfish, or whatever it is. I says trout, but I've never tried trout, so I say salmon. and I'm hungry. ^I told you I'm weird.
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