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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Dnas

  1. Yeah, this new forum engine tracks when search engines crawl the place. It's pretty neat.
  2. Whoah!! What made you guys go with a different menu? This one rules!
  3. Cool! I found it. It's obsolete??? But it looks so awesome! Oh well. I'm guessing the final one will be better.
  4. Alright, I'm tto tired to finished taking the rest of the pictures. Eclipse is almost over anyhow. Besides, it's nearly midnight where I'm at. Anyway, here's the animation. Not the greatest, but I did spend some time aligning things.
  5. I've got 19 pics now. Time to go take more. EDIT: It's fully eclipsed. And I've got like 50 pictures. I'll be sure to post the animation as soon as the eclipse is over and I'm done.
  6. I don't know if timezones and stuff conflict with this, but (at least, in Indiana) we have a lunar elipse now. I'm taking pictures every 5 minutes or so, so by tommorrow you can expect a nice little animation of the thingy. This is especially interesting for me because this is the first eclipse I've seen that wasn't on a foggy night. EDIT: About half covered now. So hard to keep the stupid camera steady. EDIT: Just a tiny sliver now....
  7. Maybe you should have a page at the 0AD site with all this old stuff. It would be nice to see.
  8. Taiwan because I have relatives there. The last time I went was 9 years ago, so my grandmother (my only grandparent left) has never seen my youngest brother.
  9. Dnas

    Fast Edit?

    Let me try. EDIT: It seems to work. Could use a better button though. Hey! I know! now that this is installed, making the quoting javascript will be a breeze!
  10. That's how they index the board for their searchengine.
  11. I'm posting more often now it seems. 3/4 of the way there to 400. Hmm... could a moderator edit the title so that it doesn't get all messed up?
  12. Definitely. It's an added incentive to posting helpful messages. I have a question: if it is reimplemented, will we have our old reps back, or are there no usable backups?
  13. Hmm.. what is the rating thing supposed to be anyway?
  14. Okay. I'm guessing that the quote problem will take a while to fix (I don't know, but it doesn't look like a simple thing to do.) So, maybe, while its still there, we could help fix it. Lorian pointed out that if you edit a messed up post and submit the changes, the post is fixed. So, if you don't have many posts, you could do a search for your posts and edit the ones with quotes. It doesn't take long. Just Edit and Submit Modified Post. I've gone through mine and I had 16 pages of posts. But other might have too many posts to do that, so when you notice a post that's yours and with messed up alignment, please take a few seconds to edit it. Or if you're a moderator, it could be anyone's post. If we get all the posts done (somehow), we'll save Timbo the time to fix up the problem so we can get other fixes and skins sooner.
  15. It's in data.bar, something like heronames.xmb. Some of the hersir names are quite funny. Some are a bit disgusting (as in disturbingly disgusting) though.
  16. lol... "Links in Timbo's Siggy" refers to the topics in Timbo's siggy. Not the topic "Links in Timbo's Siggy".
  17. Hmm.... The title for this topic got cut off.... Anyway, I try to be respectful, but the way they argue gets on my nerves a bit and I easily get irritated.
  18. Oh yeah. I forgot about the Computer desk.
  19. Since, we apparently have lost them, I'll try to remake a list of the stickies we have so a moderator can get them up if they have time. I can't remember all of them, but here's a try. News: Weekly Community Feature #3: Laugh Smilie Community Crier #11 Article: Extend That Fox! (Might have been unstickied by now) Merger/Upgrade Complete (wasn't stickied, but should be IMO) Community Assistance: Links in Timbo's siggy (You'll need to update them to match the new forum URL, btw) General Discussion: Cool, I Have Reached <> Posts ! Cool, I Have <> Rep Points! Computer Desk: The Great Free Software List 0AD: Suggestions for 0 A.D. TLA: Welcome to The Last Alliance Legal Information The Green Dragon: Tolkien Research Essay Contest! There are probably more. But this is what I remember.
  20. That wouldn't make sense. The source code sohuld be the same for both browsers. Scroll up to the top of the page. It says Cool, I Have <> Rep Points!
  21. lol... I see. Apparently html is allowed in topic titles or something and the forum engine thought <variable> was a tag and added </variable> Take a look at the source code. (Firefox has this really nice thing called Vew Selection Source.)
  22. That's a nice idea. But maybe, have the post not become deleted until the moderator okays it. Or make it at least able to tell that the post was deleted. Or else the discussion could still be messed up this way. -Long discussion -Important post deleted -People get confused about post being deleted -They discuss the deleting -Moderator un-deletes it -People who weren't present earlier get confused about people talking about being confused about post being deleted because the post that was supposedly deleted turns out not to be deleted and there is a discussion about how the people who talked about the post that was deleted, although it wasn't, are not in their right minds -Then people who were accused of not being in their right minds because of the deleted post that wasn't deleted accuse the people (who accused them of being not in their right mind) of not being in their right minds and that they should have realized the post was deleted and undeleted. etc. (That was fun to type) Okay, that's not ever going to happen, but something less severe and similar could happen.
  23. That would certainly be interesting. But it would take much longer to render (I think) Adding another light source drastically changes the frame rate.
  24. lol.... Maybe write a php script to convert them all (the titles)?
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