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Everything posted by Kampot
You won't ever create it I'm challanging you, not saying you are not capable of it.
To find out if this is customrating issue you should observe 2 situations: Host of the game have customrating Guest connecting has customrating I only know if you set fixed string and in customrating you will always join with that string to that game. Also make sure you don't use experiemental random numeric setup, which is there only for situation you host game (you cant disconnect). it would generate your random rating every time you connect.
Stuck on Loading map page when joining Ginnungagap and Norse Harold
Kampot replied to Yekaterina's topic in Bug reports
@Norse_Harold Did great analysis. I remember some players were complaining not able to join my hosted games. I noticed that while using VPN, it made troubles while using VPN in and protocol was set to WireGuard I changed to OpenVPN and haven't heard any complains after. I'm assuming it confirms issue is related to that response on github link which posted by @hyperion I can help you with testing if someones describes me what to do. Please have patience I'm smart but not as much as you guys. -
When feature is available to EVERYONE it is not cheating but it is game feature. Use your words wisely. Also any new features usually comes from smart people. It is kind of automation (easing manual repetive tasks) and focus more on strategy. Usually this is how game should evolve. It cannot be considered as cheating. Cheating is what gives you advantage and you don't have access to it. - Game modification which are not publicly available and not possible to integrate to future 0ad version to enhance game play - Modification of game stats - Physical hw cheatings / different HW (faster, better mouse, mechanical keyboard...) these nobody considers, but gives huge advantage in response times. Auto-aim, multiclicks... etc..
Random, strange disconnects from multiplayer games (Not network issue)
Kampot replied to Yekaterina's topic in Bug reports
This might be usefull to you for boosting CPU https://github.com/nbebaw/boostchanger or https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode In the past I had issue with WIFI, either buy external USB wifi with antenna or use hardwired cable. Those are most likely issues -
Where is the "back to work" button gone?
Kampot replied to gui456wSERTDYF's topic in Gameplay Discussion
this button really not present also in situation where you would expect it will be there. so contextual mechanism not working correctly -
Currently there is mess with basic term what are these changes? No single in-game help to see them (easy - straight-forward), Im not able to digit out on forum, gihlabs and everywhere else (it is so much time consuming activity and just imagine everyone should follow it?). My suggestion is the person who is signing this mod @Stan` ? he should also check these details are provided and implementd in-game (no other channels) for particular "version". The code to show such readme when new version is delivered can be taken from autociv or similar mods.
Defining macros in 0 A.D. - will it ever be possible?
Kampot replied to Mentula's topic in Applications and Contributions
Today many players using their own "tools" to get edge (advantage) and they keep it secret. This way making macros public let players not having programming skill to get to similar level. This cannot be considered as cheating or anything else. This should be a MUST in the game to make games more competitive. Once autociv was considered as such "cheating tool", today is is basic tool most players can't imagine play without [I even rememmber nani was removing feature to see how many idle unit you have in minimap - he considered this too strong but fact is if this is publicly available no issues] (and 0ad team slowly adding these features to 0ad - but very slow - and main reason is they dont want to manintain it = funny, but fact) So nobody complains if other player have own tools and they are not aware of them, but now critique comes when someone makes public effort? Kindly wake up! The activity mentula is doing is great and he already deserve at least some of these tools to be "default" 0ad tools. One more feature I would like to see and call it cheat but it is your problem Auto-attack targeting hero | Auto-retreat hero (already used by some players) Auto-adding default groups when game starts (it is never ending repeating activity and trully boring) Set default stance per unit type Auto-sent infra units to towers (nothing kill your keybord more if you try protect against Hans sword rush and you will definitely lose your eco cycle to handle all these units moving there and back and many times commands you gave are ignored and you have to re-click 2times or more - fact!) Evenly distribute women on farm build Barracks production to be auto-adjusted if not resources for all selected (sometimes you are not able to even product 1 soldier coz of multiple baracks selection or it will produce only in few barracks if higher batch and rest of baracks are idling - but could be producing if some resource availalbe in lower limits) Further you talk of cheating, most advantage today is strongest CPU&GPU to get UI responses better than opponent => leads to micro skill gap, it is reason why some "light version of 0ad exist" without heavy 3D objects to address this at least to few ms. -
Suggestion - Reset all ratings and change the system
Kampot replied to Wendy22's topic in Help & Feedback
What about all the time rating + current alfa "rating" - both would be updated at the same time, but in-game visible only "current alfa" rating + in user profile would be "all the time rating" if you like this idea give it like - many people just read and dont act.. Be better! -
I'm personally against 100% blocking of user to play. It is simple, if you are raising your kids they make many mistakes, but they deserve to get punsihed but also rewarded if they improve. At the end we all want better world. Even I'm not having great experience with this player, ultimate solution usually leads to worseining situation. The only thing what works is survilance (up to some level) [translate it to source code improvement]- trust but check and act. It is also true that 0ad team is not effective enough (probably many reason and one would be this is not money making activity and we all have to make living somehow) Simply said, 0ad needs more devs but also very friendly approarch to "possible" contributors (which honestly is not current status)
Introducing the Official community mod for Alpha 26
Kampot replied to wraitii's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Still there is no easy way to see what are current changes, why this is not available in-game via menu? Please make it priority or people got confused with so many releases and not utilize all changes. Even looking for them here or some git or whatever is so diffucult. -
There is explanation text so read it accordingly. Well imitation or similar topic is probably not an issue if you consider how many dupe stuff we can buy on the market. it only express my opinion and if you like it just join
@vinmeyou are smartest of all, no one else even comes close and you have taught us all many things, most important things, great things and we all thank you for this. (any1 who agrees, please upvote)
System wide solution could be: - Act fast no delays! - Mute user from lobby by system and disallow to create a hosted game via lobby. - Players who host would simply not assign or auto-ban him (HostEnhanced mod has such feature) - To avoid another account creation simply ban IP for a day/week Apply to any account with similar behaviour. Only strong enforcement is the way how to threat with toxic. None of above followed = dont waste your time to even resolve it and to contribute - this player is banned from any my hosted game since today.
Introducing the Official community mod for Alpha 26
Kampot replied to wraitii's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Would it be possible to include in next community-mod release ability for host of the game to disable gaia attack after player resignation - either friendly units or all units? thanks -
Interesting, what would be use case for having multiple instances with same user loggged in? (never needed it, so probably reason never faced such issue). In my mind - observing other game while playing? (or same one)? - maybe devs neeed that, but does player really having usage for this? This brings me to idea why not to disable it?
Hello This is annoying, to see many hosted games, but in fact they are zombies (unable to connect) it says System: Service unavailable In attached screenshot there is a case with Shyft_Sierra I also noticed similar behaviour for solsyah. Does others have also similar issue can you report them here? Me personally never had issue to host and quit game and game always dissapeared from game list. The purpose of this thread here is to find out root cause of this issue Fell freee to express yourself Devs did you alrady noticed this? Are you workarounding it somehow? Are you aware of it? @Stan`
Introducing the Official community mod for Alpha 26
Kampot replied to wraitii's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Can be changes list bind to very first page too, please? Or even better pop-up box in-game when new version appears? Should not be big deal... -
There are indeed a few such players. Unfortunately there is no way how to ask lobby moderator to punish such player. Either they will ask you for thousands of evidence, and even if you provided it (but who makes screenshots in game right?) they tell you hosted game is in full control of person who host. Also there is no send flowers to such person in-game so in fact no single way of defense. The worst part is other players won't care much, they simply want play fast, not their problem or just ignore him. With the time tere will be no enough players so you either doomed to not play or accept such toxic players. Once I made a mod for host of the game, to be able to ban permanently such person, but reaction here was even worse. They blamed me I'm bad person. There is no solution to stupidity other then just leave this game. Nobody will listen us. See result 1 month later or 1 year later.. so we write such text here just at least feel some stress reliev.
Today i had very unplesant experience in a game. A player named DoctorOrgans insulted me for the whole game just because I'm simply better player. He sees only 1 viable strategy and it is "follow me", "do what i say".. If you simply ignoring this toxic player he starts calling you "idiot" and other bad words. This is not first time but many many times. How this can be resolved? Am I the only player person who experienced such low IQ behaviour?
and TOP 11 of best active 1v1 players if it was main intention to compile 2347 valihrant 2198 feldfeld 1988 vinme 1908 doctororgans 1817 ndnafub 1806 stockfish 1778 dakara 1769 dakeyras 1766 cl2488 1755 boredrusher 1731 havran Enjoy , no need to thank .-)
Such list is ok? 188 jackus 125 b0kluk3000 122 bloodydox312 108 cl2488 100 buckethead 74 gernot_hagen 73 vinme 72 pline_l_ancien 72 gonzalo1995 71 vidarr 70 nobueno 69 diogene__ 68 yari444 68 dhergham 66 carta_0159 60 marwelous 58 slamazelo 58 petiprg 57 umbritu 54 reinstalled 53 istjohn 52 stockfish 52 adosiksvk 49 dakeyras 48 mxnyy 46 feldfeld 45 zielinski 45 alexpl 43 pierosaaa 43 chutas01 43 bete 43 agoragang 41 happy_xoxo 40 wendy 40 jre 40 h.y.p.e.r.i.o.n 39 tirili 39 ja1a 39 firstlovelife 38 bigr16 38 asusgott 37 tonyshark 37 slav-ukraine 37 premiumyogurt 37 dirty@#$% 36 vimzim 36 valihrant 36 siromesalot 36 moohawk 36 5xt 35 z_sk 35 wolfred 35 philiptheswaggerless 35 danilo315 35 chesnutter 34 harry_india 32 vrayer 32 tetrazid 32 melon 32 friza 32 fremenwarrior 32 eladan 31 victore 30 xarli_meik 30 manowar 30 leandertal 30 henk7 30 catenaccio 30 alienpet 29 trini_evo 28 iroc501 28 epimanes 28 eneko_aritza 28 bakixeddu 27 lagertha_hollanda 27 havran 27 egbert 26 miketyson1312 25 valentini111 25 tedour 25 solsyah 25 paramood 25 fastus 25 eusmoliy 23 vabenil 23 marcarthur 23 kalpeamies 23 deanhernandezii 22 user71 22 nwtour_ 22 huichiloposcli 22 e.v 22 aslan. 21 spazmotik 21 noobnoob123 21 fernand69 21 carlito9790 20 reiden4ever 20 jangut 20 captainbuttbuddy 20 barabba88 19 spartacus753 19 queenlib 19 peebees 19 kevin2000 19 jehu 19 hoii 19 ensatoume 19 boel 18 3bs2 17 stormwalk 17 plic 17 manuservus 17 jagamatrix 17 fx64b 17 eerikoo 16 maroyjohn 16 lubacca98 16 julesrojas 16 hyberborean 16 daemont 16 benkwas 15 mwz86 15 kadungonpandian 15 i_am_groot 15 hefesto 15 bloodandwine 15 beaugoux 14 tom_0ad 14 tartalo123 14 sanuja 14 leopard__ 14 damindu 14 cronelius. 14 casi-perono 14 boredrusher 14 benkoss 13 steflol18 13 pepeelmoko 13 mohitatray 13 marinewarefareduck 13 --labyrinthe-- 13 filipos 13 crybaby 13 awks 12 warmaster 12 ukulelebazooka 12 tetchybisonak 12 sugusopulus 12 pluc 12 pita 12 ndnafub 12 mihongo 12 hepno 12 chevorek 12 aquilesvestia 12 021_theuz 11 titandeataque 11 terjetobias 11 stommy 11 snsaeed 11 nikitonipongo 11 mavashi 11 laionidaslll_2 11 juliensees 11 jl91gj 11 ihop 11 gatekeeperofbabel 11 forza 11 ettur 11 dakara 11 bob123488iron 11 benjaminhassel 11 azm749 11 alex_alex 11 alekinoa 11 adrianide 11 0admpacnt 10 zaquriah 10 yari1908 10 westcoasthammers 10 wassim6 10 soyisabelruiz 10 rubi76 10 raik 10 ponchitwo 10 noob_to_game 10 moot007 10 molonlave 10 luisa666666666 10 larglarg 10 kdm8 10 ecgtheow 10 crimsontide 10 black_phoenix 10 alkalin0 10 again 9 skyempire 9 plz_no_rush 9 patatesciler 9 maverickmongol 9 kukaas 9 krateros 9 kpitenbobzy 9 kikiriki 9 haronelamo 9 fervar 9 fdsfhsfdiufh666shest 9 daniperrit 9 cube9 8 wolf_gladiator 8 wald1234 8 villano33 8 todolomeo 8 tatman 8 murtranker 8 lenin1917 8 krakkenreturns 8 ahmetagsah 8 adar 7 xelbair 7 wilsonwilson 7 totaloser 7 telashar 7 ryndill_blackfyre 7 potpie212 7 nikolecool 7 molineichon 7 molinasergio 7 mkgandhi 7 longsentenceasname 7 legioner 7 lachima_ok 7 jeff32 7 jaxso2012 7 inzerman 7 hokaido 7 gmoraes_92 7 dragon_fly2021 7 drachenprinz 7 dexyoland 7 dcm 7 agua 6 walagra 6 trottomantr 6 thomasgt19 6 tevoran 6 sauprediger 6 riddler66 6 patorelosco 6 natanas412 6 -luka- 6 lord_matthias 6 king_herberto 6 jintaek 6 jeffhen 6 igot18before18 6 grosquick 6 fe1ipe 6 fastwt 6 doctororgans 6 deepdarkfantasy 6 chup222 6 castroww 6 bigbossy 6 bhumibol_adulyadej 6 angieee180 6 44kombine34 5 zeldaa 5 yasa.baris 5 williambonaparte 5 thebirdman 5 subeking 5 snopi123sa 5 rigimaru 5 resix237 5 pulka 5 proklink 5 pemulis 5 panfistaszek 5 nekanefdz 5 marine.hy 5 hh100 5 _.-..-ha_z_em-..-._ 5 gomtan 5 fim 5 felps123 5 byjyley 5 bottlenose 5 blighterghast 5 binobo 5 beskar 5 barbablanca_10 5 apuh 5 alonzobistro
Introducing the Official community mod for Alpha 26
Kampot replied to wraitii's topic in Gameplay Discussion
No need separate just 4-5 herous available but maximum to be used per game 3.. so we can keep these 2 totaly useless herous and maybe get some finally adequate. So naval will get untouched. Also other civs can get some "naval or similar useless bonuses for theri 4th heroes"... -
Introducing the Official community mod for Alpha 26
Kampot replied to wraitii's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Why not make 4 heros but only 3 will be available in current game - player can select them (no need any specific configuration simply make all of them available but max used can be just 3) where naval one will be most likely used in naval maps (barely played) and other one will finaly get some sense. There is huge diff between heros per civ. This should be addressed...