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Everything posted by real_tabasco_sauce

  1. i feel like realism is a slippery slope, and that perhaps instead there should be a realism mode (or mod), with added resources, damage types, and these fire mechanics
  2. I guess this looks nice from a real life simulation standpoint, but from multiplayer gameplay perspective, this is bad gameplay.
  3. well especially in AOE3, it dumbs down siege and raids, and frankly it's boring. We cannot replace capturing with this mechanic, it would be awful.
  4. see my two proposed "unit-specific" upgrades for pikemen: https://gitlab.com/real_tabasco_sauce/0-a-d-community-mod-unit-specific-upgrades/-/blob/unit_upgrades/community-mod/simulation/data/technologies/pike1.json https://gitlab.com/real_tabasco_sauce/0-a-d-community-mod-unit-specific-upgrades/-/blob/unit_upgrades/community-mod/simulation/data/technologies/pike2.json I tested these and they had a noticeable impact on the usefulness of pikemen. In addition to these upgrades, I think an increase in pierce damage, and maybe a decrease in hack armor to equal their pierce armor would be ideal.
  5. I agree with @BreakfastBurrito_007, any arson and fire arrows should just be an animation of the current anti-building attacks with no damage modifications or new mechanics. Melee units can just "start fires" and maybe archers could have a flaming projectile for when they attack buildings. In general, I think this level of realism is unnecessary. If we must add something like this, we should absolutely avoid the AOE3/AOE4 style torching.
  6. really? here is husbandry for horses. Now just longer pikes, scouting tactics, and cavalry heavy draw remain. For longer pikes I have no idea, maybe a good starting point is a screenshot of a pikeman attacking? Then maybe make silhouette.
  7. progress update on icons: Some "new" icons I edited XD. Handguard (swordsman), raiding cavalry (cavalry axeman), heavy shot (slinger), buttspike (pikeman) from left to right. all that remains to be made are: longer pikes, balanced javelins, scouting tactics (archer cavalry 1), cavalry heavy draw (archer cavalry 2), and husbandry (cavalry swordsman 1). if you are curious about the buttspike, this is the inspiration:
  8. yes, I would agree with this. There will be some fine-tuning needed in the future for Han. I already have a couple ideas, but I think we should all wait for a consensus to be made on what exactly needs changing.
  9. lol what am I supposed to do. Obviously balance changes are agreed upon by many people. I think within the unit specific upgrades proposal, there is an appropriate solution to a couple of @Emperior's issues, namely cav OP and merc cav op. Han balance changes will happen later anyway.
  10. @Frederick_1 I recommend you use a plug in mouse, not wireless. I certainly had issues with wireless mouse input
  11. oh wait a minute. No need to draw anything! there are way more than I thought: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/portraits/technologies/javelin_thong.png
  12. Oh, that would be awesome! There are much easier ones for me to do (ie make a spear by extending the existing arrow) but this one was going to be a lot of work. Thanks!
  13. Ok I'm finding all kinds of nice icons for potential use in unit specific upgrades. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/textures/ui/session/portraits/technologies/jav_thong_mockup.png however: Here is the original online. Is this legal?
  14. Sorry for the giga-necropost, but I was thinking of using some of the icons in this thread and also from the below topic for icons in the "unit specific upgrades" branch of the community mod. What is the ideal size for tech icons? (in pixels I guess)
  15. Ok, I went ahead and made a merge request for the 4 new team bonuses.
  16. My only concern is stacking the speedy skirms/slingers team bonus for brits with other speed buffs like Viriato from ibers. That would make their skirms 15 m/s which is comparable to cavalry.
  17. Ah good point, yeah it makes sense to limit this to infantry. Done. This could be a team bonus. Maybe just slingers and javelins? thoughts on this for britons?
  18. In general, I think we should avoid a strict counter system like in AOE. Instead, 0ad has generally allowed the natural stats of different units to result in some units countering others depending on the context. ie archers beat skirmishers when range is important. I guess an exception to this is the cavalry damage multiplier. i've been thinking about a crush armor rework for a while now. Overall, it should be a reduction with some units having more or less than others, but then one would have to adjust slingers for example as necessary. I think something like this would be done after the current balancing efforts (like how I postponed the unit specific upgrades). As for area of effect damage, I would say it doesn't belong on chariots since they are currently ranged units only. I think there was some work done on giving eles an area of effect attack, but I am not sure how easy this would be to add to the mod. @Adeimantos in terms of unit differentiation (unit roles) what do you think of my unit specific upgrades idea? these upgrades are already in my fork of the community mod: https://gitlab.com/real_tabasco_sauce/0-a-d-community-mod-unit-specific-upgrades/-/tree/unit_upgrades the discussion on these upgrades is below.
  19. This could be a team bonus. Maybe just slingers and javelins? I like this as a civ specific bonus. One could call it "hill forts." a new briton unique tech would good too. Researched from the cc during phase 2 perhaps? Maybe an increase in damage for certain unit types, maybe increased acceleration and/or move speed at the cost of armor?
  20. Hi @Darkcity thanks for the feedback! I was thinking 50% would be good since it would have a significant effect on gameplay, but 20% or 25% is a safer option. My thoughts are this: if we test the bonus at 50%, we can always bring it down to 30% or 25% as needed. But if we test the bonus at 25% it might not be very interesting for gameplay and then I bet people won't try it out. Also: for some reason, with 50% reduction in train time, infantry train in 7->5 seconds, and cavalry from 11->7 seconds. It's not 50% interestingly so its not as strong as expected XD. I'm wondering if there is some other factor at work. It is a significant difference, however.
  21. ok 3 team bonuses down: https://gitlab.com/real_tabasco_sauce/0-a-d-community-mod-unit-specific-upgrades/-/commit/9c73d5e1cd3e8c6b6c5a28431982c27e04066934 for carthage perhaps: -50% mercentary train time. in the repository now.
  22. Well, I think athens is pretty good now: "democracy" CC techs (including phase up) -50% research time -30% cost. Carthage could maybe be a more impactful trade bonus, potentially: cheaper, faster training traders, markets too maybe. I think kush is acceptable (maybe just an improvement like I did for seles), which really leaves brits, Han, and probably mauryans.
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