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Everything posted by real_tabasco_sauce

  1. @chrstgtr @Fabius My thoughts on the centurions are that the rank three swordsman is more easily obtained by training using the army camp (rank 2 already). Also, once you have one centurion, the other units nearby will also rank up more rapidly (due to promotion bonus) making it easier to get another centurion. The limit of 8 should avoid computational worries, also the auras are non-stacking. I think it would be better to only affect melee damage, as the roman skirms could get way too strong if there is also a hero. I will also bring their damage back down to 11. The idea is that these units are "officers" for their army (hence the auras), so it makes sense they should be limited to 8. Since they are quite strong, I would like them to be a little difficult to get, but if they are too obscure in practice, maybe I can expand the upgrade to veteran swordsman too. Maybe spearmen too?
  2. Not really a meta shift in TGs, but its overall more helpful. I do see them used more often.
  3. @Stan` I'd like to make a few changes to the more recent merge requests (change the names of icons in unit_upgrades) (adjust the centurions a bit as per above comments). I think I should also improve the descriptions on my merge requests to better explain them to voters. After that, we could update the polls here with the new merge requests and begin voting. I think while players are using the next version of the community mod over the month, devs could start updating SVN with some of the community mod changes and whatever bug fixes are necessary. Around feature freeze time, balancers should have a good idea of how to balance the mod content.
  4. Centurions added as a merge request: https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/27/diffs rank 3 (elite) swordsmen may be upgraded to centurions via a salary of 100food and 50 metal each. There is a concurrent limit of 8. They take 12 seconds to upgrade and upon upgrading they take the form of a sword champion with an aura of 30 meters. The aura is a 10% damage buff as well as a -25% promotion experience effect on CS. They will be the strongest sword champion in the game with 14 hack compared to 11. They are also very cool!
  5. No comments on this? DE does something similarly for the Macedonian barracks. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I am trying to setup a functional centurion unit for the romans in the community mod. The idea: elite swordsmen may be upgraded into centurions by a 100 food 50 metal upgrade. I am thinking a concurrent limit of 8 centurions should be added too. They have their own stats and aura, and I am using the existing actors (which are very cool btw). This works so far, but I have no way of adding a cost to the upgrade. I based this system off of @borg-'s immortals implementation. Any tips would be awesome! Disregard, I figured it out after writing this!
  6. @wowgetoffyourcellphone thanks for adding these icons to the development version. Should I change the names of the .png files currently used in the branch to the ones you renamed in the source files? I am worried that the discrepancy could be very confusing if/when the mod should be incorporated into the main game.
  7. Also, I just made an icon for the Nisean war horses upgrade so that the "chamfron" upgrade can use the chamfron.png icon. @wowgetoffyourcellphone now all the icons are taken care of.
  8. ok, I'll remove the diminishing returns part, since this is an obscure game mechanic that might be removed anyway. I think the building and resource cost is good on its own. Also, an update on centurions: Rank 3 swordsmen may be upgraded to centurions which are strong champions with an aura: +10% damage and -25% promotion experience. 3 things remain, however: 1. I need to add a limit to them (8 maybe). 2. give them a cost to upgrade. 3. ensure that the auras do not stack.
  9. wait, is it 90 percent for each farmer, or only for the added farmer? In any case, it could be removed or changed to .95 if it is too OP for seles.
  10. Do unit auras stack by default? I am trying to design an aura for a possible centurion unit, but everything I can think of would be OP if they stack. Thanks, -sauce
  11. yeah not huge, but it's substantial. The main thing is that its present for the whole game time, unlike the discount on construction.
  12. 90% return, so i think it's each additional farmer is 90 percent of the previous one. 1st farmer = 100% 2nd farmer = 90% 3rd farmer = 90% * 90% = 81% 4th farmer = 73% 5th farmer = 65% Maybe I am wrong tho. in theory, you would get pretty good benefits from spreading your women out after you move some to a woodline.
  13. also, I added a merge request for unit specific upgrades, after I finally found an image for the last upgrade. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/25/diffs take a look, this could be a large content drop for the community mod.
  14. perhaps yes. Maybe this is something we could remove if it proves to be OP.
  15. I called it "fertile crescent" It should help with seles need for food, in particular for eles and cavalry, two Seleucid strengths.
  16. Ok everyone, I found a good civ bonus for Seleucids: farms -25% cost, -75% build time, and no diminishing returns for farmers. How does this sound? This way the bonus works in the short term, but also a little bit in the long term. here is the merge request: https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/24/diffs
  17. yes, of course. As the merge request is written, rams are still a phase 3 unit, but just infantry may be trained during p2. At the time, I wasn't sure if an hp reduction was necessary as well, but I might still implement a few of these suggestions. Thanks.
  18. check the merge request: melee CS: 160 (unchanged) melee champ: 260 ranged CS: 80 ranged champ: 180
  19. already done, see the merge request I previously linked. I agree, we don't need nearly 400 HP champ cav XD. I believe its closer to 13 percent, 300->260 for melee.
  20. yes, engine changes and other important stuff (hopefully some improvements to performance ). Its very unlikely that the mod can be copy-pasted, but something similar could easily be rewritten.
  21. My understanding is that it will be incorporated into a27 after more important engine changes and stuff.
  22. @chrstgtr the noble cavalry are spear cavalry. Rome is the only civ with champ swordcav, and they are pretty OP.
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