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LetswaveaBook last won the day on August 29 2024

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  1. The concept of a champion cavalry (with 1 population) is somewhat problematic. (1) If it can't hold up for its value in a fight (in the sense of beat a unit that is 30% of its cost), it is just a mobility gimmick. (2) However if it is fairly competent at dealing with 30% cost units, then the game is decided by getting enough recources to build a more expensive army. This seems an unfixable design to me.
  2. Maybe it would be an idea to catagorize random maps and employ that to avoid a messy menu.
  3. In the Dutch, the emperors of the HRE are referred to as "Duitse keizer" meaning German emperor/Deutsche Kaiser. However the Dutch education system skips right over the middle ages into the Dutch war for independence and the following glory period
  4. I think Age of empires 2 so popular because it encourages players to opt for a combination of economic growth and military aggression.
  5. Maybe I don't fully understand. But in order to fix the "restricted classes", I assign an "attack" element to the unit template while some units shouldn't get any attack element. Am I wrong on this? The unit template is not suitable: It seems to mess with units that don't have a ranged attack (healers, fishing ships&trades escpecially)
  6. I dont fancy updating every template, especially since I would also consider not allowing ranged units to attack rams or siege towers. Doing it template by template means that with every change of mind, I need to change all the templates again. The templates would be inf_skirm_sling_crossbow_archer Jav archer and javelin champion archer, cav archer and crossbow, the hero templates for archers, cav archers javelineer and mounted javelineer and of course the bolt shooter.
  7. @Stan` Any suggestion on modding the Attack.js script? I tried the code below, but it did not work. I suppose the code does not return the "Field" string/token/whatever correctly Attack.prototype.GetRestrictedClasses = function(type) { if (this.template[type] && this.template[type].RestrictedClasses && this.template[type].RestrictedClasses._string) { let max = +this.template[type].MaxRange; if ( max > 55 ) { return ["Field"];} else {return this.template[type].RestrictedClasses._string.split(/\s+/);}} return []; };
  8. I was wondering if there could be a statement like "if the attack type is ranged, then add "Field" to restricted attack classes" https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Attack.js
  9. The unit template is not suitable: It seems to mess with units that don't have a ranged attack (healers, fishing ships&trades escpecially) I could edit many parent templates, but that is not what I was looking for.
  10. Does anyone know a quick way to restrict ranged units from attacking fields? The template_unit_dog shows that such things can be done, but I wouldn't want to update every single template. Also, I would like to ban Archers/Javelineers from attacking completed structures with their ranged attack. Attacking uncompleted structures is something I would consider a gamplay mechanic. But banning Archers/Javelineers from attacking completed only structures with their ranged attack, would seem tedious. Any suggestions if that can be done in an efficient way?
  11. It is not only about honour, but it is also an issue of self respect : If you have a genius mind, don't waste it by being like everyone else!
  12. A spectator could have given him the info that the berries were there.
  13. Any unit that can capture also needs to be defeated. If you have some champions, you could loot and capture enemy buildings to gain workers again.
  14. Chemistry is complicated. While Na and Cl are both red, the combinition NaCl is fine. btw: group 18 is mostly unlickable.
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