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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Not really, at least given the lag, the smoothening is not visible if it doesn't make the visual lag worse. Many people speak of this "dancing". Wendy accused me of dancing once, but I have no idea what it means. Please explain to me what exactly is "dancing". You can surely change the speed of spear cavalry to a different value. I did watch quite a few videos from Ken Wood and Yauna versions. The units in Ken Wood was particularly agile and responsive; Yauna features huge crowds and heavier casualties in comparison and is similar to what we have now, except for acceleration. I don't know how the players felt at the time but from the recordings, the units seemed to be more agile than the status quo.
  2. Whenever I try to join Ginnungagap's and @Norse_Harold's game, I get stuck on this page. Their side shows that I am in the room, but I cannot see any buttons or the chat. There is no button to return neither, so the game is crashed. What could be causing this bug? I've never been able to join anything hosted by Norse Harold even though he claimed that he has whitelisted me. There is always either Stun Error or this page. The issue with Ginnugagap started this afternoon.
  3. If everyone has powerful computers and high bandwidth connections, then there won't be lag. However, the CPU has to do extra maths to compute the acceleration behaviour nevertheless. It might not be visible on some computers, but when it comes to calculating hundreds of units fighting simultaneously, any reduction in calculation tasks is great. How can we improve acceleration? As long as it is still there, the extra calculation remains and you units will look less agile. From the comments above and some videos on YouTube, it seems like the acceleration feature is something new to this latest update. So my question is: why add it? Regarding diversification of units, as I said, let the archer units have acceleration and turn time because they must not be as agile as shorter ranged units. The melee units should be absolutely agile.
  4. Already?! :O In that case you will need to keep the community mod
  5. At this point, it seems like a deterministic map (skirmish/scenario) would satisfy everyone. But sadly few maps in the skirmish or scenario category can host 8 players, so what we really need is a 4v4 skirmish map. Atlas Mountains is off the table because of its lack of resources and uneven terrain. Mercenary civs enjoy too much advantage there.
  6. Yes, but there are 2 major disadvantages: 1. You cannot place your farmstead at the optimal position because your mines are obstructing you. This is especially the case for civilisations with large farmsteads, e.g. Persians, Gauls. 2. You must delete the farmstead later in order to place down storehouses for mines. The 100 wood invested goes to waste. Even if you do not need to delete it, it is unlikely for you to be able to farm near it effectively as the field placement near the farmstead, mines and future storehouses will be much more awkward compared to a farmstead in the middle of nowhere. So that means you have to invest 100 more wood into farming compared to other players, meanwhile having a hindered berry gathering rate. In early game, this is a significant price to pay just for bad luck.
  7. You can debate about whether the hills should be kept, but we can all agree that berries between mines is a disaster that must be removed.
  8. It was a disconnect. After coming back and pausing, I could still see it. But if you just randomly pause the game then you can't see it. You must lose connection first.
  9. Dear all: I would like to request for a new map that is suitable for 4v4 TGs. If anyone can help me make it or teach me how to make a map, that would be great! Mainland is currently the most popular map for TGs, but aside from the spawn location issue that I mentioned before, it has 2 additional imperfections. 1. Berries spawn between mines. This is hugely inconvenient, so it should be prohibited. Berries should be far from the mines. 2. There are random hills on Mainland; they can lock a player inside at times. These hills are just an obstruction: either both sides are frustrated, or, the archer side gets a huge advantage. I think these hills are completely unnecessary and they don't make the match more fun or enjoyable for anyone. Their only real effect is offset the balance and foil battles. This hill might look innocent but it will cause great frustration once fighting starts. This is not even the worst case; today I was barricaded into a cage by 3 hills and I couldn't help my allies nor escape enemy attacks... Sad... In conjunction with the spawn location issue that I mentioned in another thread, I believe that we need an upgrade, a better version of Mainland that is fair for all players. We can start from Mainland as a benchmark and tweak it such that: All players get equal, dense forests that are accessible in phase 1. All players get equal number of berries No geographical features All players get equal amounts of metal and stone Players can decide where they would like to spawn based on their choice of colour, e.g. yellow being team 1 border, orange being team 1 pocket... Please comment if you have any additional suggestions. Best, Helicity
  10. @Stan` @Helicity The mod has been made. All except archer cavs have instant turn and instant acceleration, and dancing is still not possible. I tried to dance and I lost the fight to an AI. I don't think phyzic or JC can dance successfully neither. Everything is now instant, even though the motion may look jerky visually, you have instant response and you no longer have to worry about crowded woodcutting or berries gathering. Feel free to test it yourself. yekapathfinder.zip
  11. I think the entire pathfinding algorithm changed from A23 to A24, not just turn rate or acceleration. In A23 I see units (especially spear cav) just gliding around while turning instead of walking, but this is not the case in A24 or A25: units stop quickly, turn quickly and run away quickly. There is no gliding. We can do an experiment in community mod.
  12. I think not, because it could be a technical error, e.g. program crash, network problems etc. No one wanted to quit at this point, and the player who disconnected wants to come back and finish the game. But having this summary menu unintentionally benefits the player who disconnected, even if they don't know about the exploit or isn't willing to use it.
  13. Nevertheless the host is at a disadvantage because of this. It's easy to disconnect and rejoin for the guest player, and this could foil an early rush. It's a lot easier than scouting
  14. That is an interesting idea! But I think we should keep them as focus-fire units, because turrets / towers shoot at everything, including non-important targets like buildings. I find it necessary to use ranged champions to snipe enemy ranged units, especially my champion archers against enemy ranged. With that being said, I would like them to be identical to regular cavalry. I find archers very useful, because their range advantage enables sniping or shooting at enemy units from a safe distance. Cavalry archers with the hit and run tactic are especially difficult to defend against.
  15. Should we disable this? It feels like a cheat and makes scouting obsolete.
  16. I was playing a 1v1 and I accidentally found that if I pause or disconnect temporarily, then bring up the summary sheet, that will show both player's stats, including charts and so on. This gives me a huge advantage, as I can know his strategy without scouting. I can see whether he is training cavs or inf or pure women, then immediately I know what to do. So it is an exploit and I don't remember this being a problem in A25. You can argue that he can probably see me but then it's basically revealed map...
  17. The good thing is, all of these changes are very easy to implement, just tweak a few values in the templates. The hard part is to get people to agree. I agree with all of these. Not sure about others. I don't play in the A26 lobby very often so I haven't seen siege towers or massive amounts of chariots in A26, but siege towers troll has always been OP and never nerfed. It's been the case since A23. Regarding chariots, I think I posted about them as well but no-one could reach an agreement. I wanted them to become turret like units that can shoot while moving, made a mod for it, but was never accepted. To be safe we should just make chariots identical to cav. I can change the effective model size without changing the visual look, so seemingly large models can pass through narrow gaps. I haven't used archers yet. How are they?
  18. Yes The issue is, the popular people on Youtube are all noobs at this game. They are just showing how they play against the AI, which is very slow and unexciting, since they just slowly train a few units or build or few buildings. A lot of time is idle and there is 0 action for 20 minutes, by which time most audiences would be bored and clicked away. If they can make videos of intense lobby matches, that would attract more attention. Or at least boom faster and get into action quicker. In Mayorcete's video, his army stood next to a catapult doing nothing for a few minutes. Most real people would have finished off the AI by this time already with a large infantry push and a few siege, and we didn't get to see large scale battles like that in his video, not even cavs! So we need more people like Valihrant and people who can get many subscribers / views. It's sad how the most viewed video on my channel is a national anthem and not any of the 0AD videos...
  19. Dear developers and players: I would like to request some potential changes to the game. Please discuss with me whether your agree with me or not. Firstly, I would like the acceleration feature to be removed for all units except for archer cavalry and archer chariots. This is because the acceleration decreases the agility of units, which not only is irritating in intense battles, but also introduces more lag (or apparent lag) due to more computational heavy pathfinding. In addition, it makes retreating from a battle quite impossible; the enemy ranged units (especially archers) will kill everything you accelerate away. This is also why acceleration should be kept for archer cavalry units: without this feature, they can hit and run on enemies too easily, making them impossible to counter for civilisations without archers. Spartans cannot really defend against a crowd of archer cavalry because the archers can just retreat, regroup and shoot again, slowly wearing out the infantry. Spartan cavalry also cannot take on these archers because they themselves have too little health to sustain a fight (and the archer player would of course carry some spearman as well). The acceleration and slow turn time would make executing this maneuver more difficult and give the other cavalry a change to catch up or escape. Secondly, the turn rate of all units except archer units should be set to infinite (or some very large value, e.g. 99999 rad/s). Combined with no acceleration, this again will improve visual smoothness and decrease frustration, so that players feel less lag. It will also help with the pathfinding of siege weapons greatly. Thirdly, the size of champion chariots seem to be significantly larger than their cavalry counterparts, which causes them to be less agile and cannot squeeze through narrow lanes easily. Unless the chariots have some additional advantage (e.g. more damage, longer range, higher health), they should be made identical to their cavalry counterparts to be fair on the chariot civs. With that being said, I don't mind if we alter the chariots slightly so that it is "stronger" than cavalry but less agile. Finally, siege towers should be slowed down. Rams cannot catch up with them, which makes them unstoppable. Sspz has a video where he showed this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4UvZ-F8WKk Please discuss your thoughts, opinions with me and let's make a change for the best! Best, Helicity
  20. Nevermind, I misunderstood. I thought I was polishing the civs because they will be added to public in some later alpha, so I was wondering which one to add first. Since the Germans are for Terra Magna, then I will just work on them and ignore whatever goes on in public.
  21. 2023-02-25_0023.zip @zxphxr in this game I didn't use community mod so it should run smoothly without issue. I was the red Spartan player.
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