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Ultimate Aurelian

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  1. This thread has some interesting references (later derails into a very long argument about iron cuirasses) https://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?664783-Hunnic-equipment/
  2. For their units you could have something like Infantry "Pikeman" (the guys with big spears and square shields) Infantry Axeman Slinger Archer Champion Swordsman Woman citizen Priestess Merchant Fishing ship Merchant Ship Light Ship High Priestess* King* Great Warrior* *We don't know the name of historical Minoan rulers, so heros could be more generic archetypes (the other option would be to use Minos and other character from Greek mythology)
  3. https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/documents/1002/12_Parzinger_1836_Final_0.pdf This temple has recently been restored: https://astanatimes.com/2023/07/resurrecting-ancient-glory-experts-restore-baikara-temple-in-north-kazakhstan/
  4. On one hand it would allow to add more civs. On the other hand the existing civs might be downgraded to some degree when they are merged into an umbrella civ.
  5. Well that is to a certain point always going to happen in a historical game like this; players will be introduced to new concepts that might sometimes confuse them at first. There are already a few civilizations that are not very well known, or different from the stereotypes some people might have (IE Ptolemies instead of more stereotypical Egyptians like in RTW, Romans in the vanilla game based on the Republic).
  6. They are separated from the Britons. Not sure if there is enough differences between the Germans to justify something similar (compared to Suebi, the Cimbri seem more nomadic, more influenced by Gauls and with heavier equipment).
  7. Some sort of animals symbol is mentioned by Plutarch; but the description is pretty vague. It seems to be a Port helmet, introduced around 60 B.C.
  8. This helmet might be too late for the Cimbrian War timeframe. It is a type that was introduced the 1st century BC and use in the Gallic Wars.
  9. It would be interesting to have some bronze age cultures from Europe. Although a lot of it would require speculation due to the lack of written sources. Since there are no known figures from those cultures, the heroes (if they have them at all) would have to be based on generic archetypes (high priest, king, great warrior...).
  10. Pytheas (cited by Pliny) says the Teutones originated somewhere around Pomerania. It's a bit of a stretch, but Teutobod's equipment could be based on that region. https://www.enapp.muzeum.lebork.pl/archeology/oksywie-culture-grave/ It's important to note the peoples in this region were the only Germans using round shields at the time (So the normal Cimbri or Suebi units should not have round shields).
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divico there is a third interesting figure from the Cimbrian War, but he was not Germanic.
  12. I think one of the Gauls chainmail textures could work as placeholder (Again, Cimbri were relatively more influenced by Celts). Regarding hero bonuses, i can only really find useful information on Teutobod and Boiorix. For the other ones (like Lugius) the only information is their fate after Vercellae.
  13. For the Cimbri i think they could have champion sword cavalry instead; with long swords (Gaul swords could be reused), armor and white shields. The heroes could probably be armored as well.
  14. So perhaps the Cimbrian faction could have archer infantry as well.
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