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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. Could you give me a screenshot, David with your browser and resolution info?
  2. Yeah we are planning to give our crier an own website where every new issue will be shown and archived. Here is the first version of the website's design. Please shoot off your thoughts. http://wildfiregames.com/~tim/crier/
  3. Okay, he is of the opinion that the icons need be so big or else they don't look good. So, they won't be changed me thinks.
  4. Yeah, we could really shrink those icons. Asking Adam for it.
  5. Yeah, our CGs are based on the HG CoC. Why reinvent the wheel when someone did already? That one must have slipped through the cracks.
  6. Hey I have been wondering whether we could get rid of the topic author column on the forum display (when you clicked on a forum and a lists all topics). Instead we would put it bwlow the topic title. The extra width could be used for longer topic titles (I would change the maximum number of letters for the topic title). Sounds good?
  7. Hrm yeah sucks. But I think I can only put there a table for each of the link, which would result a slower loading time. Not sure if the advantage of the change would justify the drawback.. Your thoughts?
  8. Can you show me a screenshot, David please? If they used list-style-image I cannot make links out of them to mark forums as read, which I am planning.
  9. Hi Tim. I am Tim too. Nice to have you around. (
  10. Okay, did 2) already. Bed time now.
  11. Yeah, doesn't work either here. Please post once they are working again. Will work on the fix this weekend.
  12. Yeah, doh, don't ask.. Thanks for the suggestions. All fixed.
  13. Cool, finally something here! Go ahead and post more!
  14. Well my name is timkoschuetzki. Add me if you like.
  15. I think we would never make such a MAJOR decision upon "feeling right" for it.
  16. Those people who haven't known us for long..have a look at your watches. What day was yesterday?
  17. If you followed the comment section of the Iberians Buildingset Teaser News Bit, then you remember that I promised to put up the complete screenshot a few days later. Well, here we go now. Thanks to Michael (aka Mythos_Ruler) we have this wonderful shot now. The water is quite radioactive-blue, but it will do for now nevertheless. Check the screenshot out here and be sure to comment on it.
  18. I am only tellling the truth. Nothing one should do..but I became a community administrator nevertheless.
  19. ..that I drank my first beer and smoked my first cigarette at the age of 6. Honestly...
  20. Since you are almost at 20 posts now, you should be able to say something about how you like it here, Andy. Do you like it here?
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