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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. Is this the first ticket closed by a non-wfg member (at least one of the first)? I think Cygal deserves a reward.
  2. I've updated the ticket and attached a document - let me know if you have any questions! http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/66
  3. Great! I have a document started that is a few pages long. I'll post it up on Tuesday with some guidance and you could polish it off
  4. In addition to the lofi that Erik mentioned, there is a PDA skin as well.
  5. I would imagine that our art department would supply some template files (complete with mesh, skin, bones) in a variety of formats for the community so that they wouldn't have to start from scratch. 3ds max (and I'm sure other programs) has some nifty tools to apply motion capture files and custom keyframed animations to custom rigs, and you could certainly do that.
  6. Both those textures were taken from photo references. You should be able to find more of this type here (or take your own): http://www.environment-textures.com/ Straighten the image. Use your photo program to tweak the colors as you want them. Use a simple plugin like this (or offset tool) to make the texture 'seamless'. http://www.btinternet.com/~cateran/simple/#hw
  7. I made all of the art for the website, was there anything in particular you were interested in? Most all of it is .css powered.
  8. The 0 A.D. website is data driven by our forums. It interfaces using IPB SDK.
  9. If you would like to play your RTS game with battalions, then we have the option for you to use formations. This gives you the flexibility to play AoK style or BfME style.
  10. Erik is right, formations do not function as one would expect through the game's UI, however the underlying code for formations is in place (by Andrew aka pyrolink) and simply needs to be refined in parallel with the required pathfinding updates.
  11. The carnyx was at one point going to be incorporated into the game as a morale unit. There were two classes, standard bearers and noise makers. This unit would have fit in the later. Noise makers had a negative effect of morale on enemy units. Standard bearer's a positive. There was some gameplay features regarding how they would integrate within formations, but due to the complexity they were cut from the game. However, they may return in Part II.
  12. A little weak on content for this news release
  13. I finally got COLLADA working. My goodness! What a headache. I spent hours trying different ways to export the .dae file and different exporting options. I finally started looking at the .dae file itself and comparing it to the .dae files that you exported Philip. I noticed a few differences - probably due to different versions of the COLLADA exporter. So, instead of trying to go through and find exactly what those differences where I decided I'd revert back to the exporter that you originally used. Once I did that - everything started working... wierd. I still haven't gotten the prop point of the antler to be recognized though. So it looks like the game doesn't recognize the outputed .dae files from the later revision of COLLADA max exporter that I was using. In this exercise I validated that you can create a new skeleton, the process of exporting models from max, and I'm trying to validate that props work - but no luck so far. Next step is to write a complete tutorial so people can replicate what I've done. Since I can't get to SVN without crashing my internet connection on my phone, I tried to create this TourtoiseSVN patch that should include all the deer files. If someone is interested in seeing the deer in action - people use it and upload it to the repository. deer.zip
  14. Thanks for the intel. I'd be curious to know how it was released and by who - but I doubt any of us would be able to find out. If you are able to get a copy, let me know I'd like to ask you some questions about it.
  15. Thanks Philip - I'll give that a try
  16. Ok, I was able to investigate the errors in the interesting log and here is what I get: ERROR: Found too many possible objects to convert - try adding the 'export' property to disambiguate one ERROR: Couldn't find object to convert Does that help?
  17. Thanks Philip, we are making progress. I exported 3 different files here in this zip, did the tweak in notepad you suggested. deer_male_works.dae - This is just the deer model, no props, no skeleton - it works! deer_male.dae - deer model with an object titled "antler" that is a child of this. I selected both the deer mesh (deer01), and the prop object (antler) and export selected. Doesn't work. There is no skeleton. deer_male_skeleton.dae - just like deer_male.dae except the mesh is 'deer' (not deer01), and it should include the skeleton. Another thing is the scale, it is huge. The deer_male_works.dae file is close to 100x to big I think. I remember you mentioning something about this. I think I'm using ColladaMax_FREE_3.05B skeletal.zip
  18. Philip, I made that correction and I didn't get it to work. I tried just exporting a simple dae file with no bones or animation and that didn't work either. So, I thought I'd try your test files you had used before and I got that to work... So there must be a problem with how I'm exporting the file? Could you let me know what boxes to check and uncheck on the export screen in Max (for both a mesh and an animation)? The options I see: STANDARD OPTIONS [] Bake Matrices [] Relative Paths GEOMETRY [] Normals [] Triangulate [] XRefs [] Tangents/Binormals ANIMATION [] Enable Export [] Create Clip [] Sample Animation Start [] End []
  19. There is a new article posted on the web that as a fan of the game, you may want to read. You can find it HERE. If you enjoyed it, Digg it! Post a comment!
  20. I was thinking about it, and I'm not sure if correcting the skeleton would fix the problem (though I think that needs to be done yet), because loading just the main .dae file doesn't work... But, then again the skeleton is even listed in the mesh export... so maybe that is the problem. deerstuff.zip
  21. Doh... I'm sitting here at work on my computer with my thumb drive in and it seems.... I didn't put the zip file on it last night. Arg... Well, I'll just have to try an upload it tomorrow. Though I think I have thought of what might possibly be the problem, and it may be my skeleton structure. I copied the schematic in max, but what I really should copy is the structure within the .dae file. I think they showed the clavicle parented to spine1 instead of spine. So I'll check that out. Hopefully that fixes the problem.
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