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Posts posted by BreakfastBurrito_007

  1. On 02/11/2021 at 6:46 AM, Thales said:

    Biden created an oil and gas shortage in the US by cancelling and/or prohibiting US oil and gas production

    Keep in mind that Biden was cancelling lease sales of public lands and stopping development of future oil and gas production. I don't think it resulted in the shutting off of any oil or gas production in the USA.

  2. 17 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Well, they have the same health as spear cav. IMHO, a problem is the armor.

    I agree, the armor is the problem. Swordcavalry should not be superior in every way except barely losing to spearcav. The best way to fix the discrepancy between spearcav and swordcav is to let swordcav keep the high damage, but reduce their armor. This way, spearcav will defeat swordcav more convincingly and spearcav will be more survivable, but not as lethal as swordcav. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    Another possibility would be to give rome auxiliary units, but no structure to train them. So they can only train them once the Romans conquer a barracks/stable/CC from a different faction.

    Would it make sense from a gameplay or historical sense if these units could be trained faster than normal?

    Also, would they cost food/wood or would they be like mercs as @Dakara said

    I feel this could give rise to some interesting fights. I like this idea quite a bit. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

    Chosing the Kushites. What a weird and annoying civ! xD

    Kushites have quite a few powerful things like good cavalry and cheap elephants, not to mention the possibility of training rank 3 healers. I think their main challenge is that CS archers are pretty bad this alpha.

    my favorite thing of theirs is the club men mercenary that I fail so much at using.

  5. 45 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    I was playing a team game once as Seleucids from pocket position and I wanted to rock with chariots. So after some booming I am 200 pop and I start to make the chariots. I needed a population space, so I have deleted some women. As I am spending all resources as soon as the get in, I do not have a lot of wood. There are about 80 infantry and 2 women chopping wood and I need the population space. So I grab the bunch and instead of selecting the women from the group, I deselect them and delete the 80 infantry. Since I am low on wood and these units were my wood gathers, I have no wood income to remake them. I end up doing fertility festival to get my population back up, which actually means that after some time I had more women than I had before I started to delete them.

    The worst, in the end noobdude runs trough my base and after the game he brags how well he has played and how good Sparta is. If I did not delete about 80 infantry, he would not even make it to my base.

    Usually instead of deleting units I just try to fight with about 100-120 of them, leaving enough eco-units to retrain into champions or cav when those units die. This way I fight well enough with CS army and I don't waste as much time trying to reach champion before my first big fight. Iber is fantastic at this because it is possible to be training indibil while your units are fighting right after finishing fort, and the first wave of champions can be made from leftover or bartered res as soon as indibil is trained. One thing that really can beat this is if someone knows what I am up to and goes all in (150 units +siege). Seleucids are great at the "15 min all in", but also have great champion options if the engagement reaches a stalemate.

    33 minutes ago, clavz said:

    deleting all the barracks instead of the one being captured by the enemy because of a doble click

    In a25 I have noticed a lot of accidental double clicks, when I mean to do a single. I thought it was just me and my crap keyboard.

  6. 3 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    Now I probably need to use that competitively with Athens hoplite champions, +6 HP per second.

    I don't use healers in most games, but it seems that healing melee is the best. +x hp per second is more valuable for high armor units because each of their health points is harder to deplete. Healers are snipable because they are so weak, but then they also flee when attacked so it would be dangerous for someone to fail the healer snipe if there were athenian hoplites in front of it. Also, it does not make sense to heal ranged units because the fight is lost by whoever loses their melee units first.

    Winning with athens kind of a flex (at least in TG).

  7. 2 hours ago, alre said:

    Just today I canceled my first batch of 6 women in a rated 1v1, right before it was completed. On another 1v1 some time ago, I destroyed my own CC not unlike you did with the elephant stable. I was trying to get rid of some women

    How sexist XD. Cancel culture strikes yet again.

    I think my kush club fails are pretty high on the dumb burrito list.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    hmm... So then it is really annoying to play with an ally.

    No, that is a large overgeneralization from what I wrote. If an ally is cooperating and communicating, then I have a lot of fun working together to beat the other team.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Philip the Swaggerless said:



    Yes the iber boom and champ spam is formidable. 

    In my post I was actually talking about using cav to attack ranged infantry units that are behind pikes.  I like that with the way the blacksmith is now its not too expensive to incorporate cavalry into your army. 



    Ah that does make sense, however, it is sometimes possible for an enemy to change formations and swivel the pikes to the best spot. If they are surrounded, the best one would be box because it puts the pikes all along the outside perimeter of the box.

    • Thanks 1
  10. @Dakara yes I think it is most noticeable with the merc cav from carth. An easy strategy with them is to attack the CS eco of a noob on enemy team for the purpose of ranking up the units before passing on to a better player who you can beat much more easily now that you are rank 3 while he is rank 1.

    Another frustrating situation is when an ally loses to an enemy army with a KD of .05 and now you must fight a full rank 3 army.

  11. Just now, Dakara said:

    What do you think of reducing the max level of units to 2? Or reduce the ramp-up with levels so that level 3 is equivalent to current level 2. level 3 unit is very strong, too much snowball

    I heard that ranking up is much stronger for melee units than ranged units. In previous alphas this was not a problem because melee units were less important. 

    I think being rank 3 would not be as much of a problem for snowballing if there were other ways to reach rank 2/3, such as making garrison-training faster, or allowing training of rank 2/3 units for a higher price.  (if you go to the "all civs are my favorite" discussion, there is a lot of debate about this).

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  12. @Philip the Swaggerless I actually watched the game where you countered mass (40+) iber fire cav with your own CS Persian cavlalry. I am very impressed you managed this, and I have not seen someone else do it before or since. I think a key factor is that your enemy ignored warnings (previous engagements) to make more spearcav in his cavalry composition and eventually you trapped him and he lost all the champs. It is my observation that Iber is the "easiest" cavalry civilization because of a fast boom, -15% unit cost hero, and powerful and survivable champions. However, there are other civilizations like Persians and Gauls that have better heroes to accompany their cavalry (Kurush and Vercingetorix), so iber cav will be very dominant unless another player is able to make their own well-upgraded CS cavalry with maybe a few champions.

    Also, Persians have hyrcanian cavalry which could be able to raid iber farmers which are usually protected by wall. (hyrcanian cav can be doing 3+ crush per 1 second to buildings) so they can bust the wall pretty easily and idle the farmers, which can help stop firecav spam.

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  13. 15 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Agreed wholeheartedly. In addition to "Attack Ground" I would like an "Attack Group" option that keeps your units attacking the enemy units you've selected within a radius, so that if they move around they're still targeted. "Attack Ground" would leave your troops shooting at an empty space if the enemy soldiers moved out of the area.


    My only concern with the "attack-group" option is that it could make it too east to ignore pikemen in that group, I want to allow the other player to do some kind of micro to try to avoid it. For example, if you used attack group your enemy would continue to have his pikemen be ignored even after they are mixed back into the army, which would be quite frustrating. I think it is ok if attack-ground can result in the ranged units shooting at nothing, because in a big battle, when this feature would be most useful, the player is already watching, making sure they are not losing too many units/ responding to enemy battle tactics.

    @wowgetoffyourcellphone do you know how I could test that bit of code that already exists for attack-ground? I have no idea how. If @real_tabasco_sauce and I were able to each get it to work, we could test it in different larger scale scenarios to see if it is useful, behaves as expected, or helps unit balance. While AoE4 has almost no battle behavior optimization to be done by the player, 0ad could improve in that area.

  14. 15 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    This may be because it is the only "Champion Cavalry Swordsman" in the base game. The parent template may need a small nerf

    I think since it has better armor and better attack it is quite op. It has substantially more armor than any other cavalry unit. Only the seleucid +2 armor (hero) boosted champion cavalry can equal them, and that is without a roman cav hero. I think it would be best to reduce champion swordcav armor to below that of champion spearcavalry, and leave their attack damage the way it is in a25

    15 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    A small reduction in Pierce attack to make it less effective against units, while maintaining its effectiveness against buildings?

    I am not sure about this one yet, right now I am more in support of reducing pierce armor and/or travel speed by a level to make them more vulnerable. I think a better way to reduce damage would be eliminating fire damage to units.

    15 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    I think as long as a unit type can't be used exclusively and requires some kind of backup, then its strength can be justified.

    It is true, players with pikemen do not always win, but they do have a huge advantage over those with spears. Most frustrating is that 10-15 pikemen can make 50+  ranged units invulnerable for as long as there are pikes. I think we need to break the "melee units die first" forced fighting trend by adding attack-ground or attack area, I think pikes would still be quite powerful after this is added, but players would have more ways of working around them, and also battles would be more interesting overall, with no one class of unit necessarily dying first. I am trying to test the attack-ground thing this weekend, but to be honest I have no idea how to do that.

  15. 12 hours ago, Yekaterina said:

    Get swordsman for yourself. Swords counter pikes. If you see them going for Ptol  then choose Spartan and spam Skiritai. 

    Yekaterina yes swordsmen do counter pikes the best, but they will still lose their melee units first against pike/skirm or pike/sling (unless equal numbers of skiri, which is a different ball game). Cav do provide other options to beat the composition.


  16. 2 hours ago, a 0ad player said:

    In phase 1 as maury infantry rushing ptol focus fire the slinger

    Yes, this is the best way to kill the slingers, keep in mind though that you need to kill each individual one because the archers will go back to killing pikes. It becomes untenable to do this after units reach more than 20-30 in number. If you have a larger army, focus firing will not be effective, but it can be possible to maneuver units to ignore the pikemen, but your opponent can adjust pretty easily by choosing box formation.

    3 hours ago, alre said:

    - everybody give me a like if @BreakfastBurrito_007 comes here proposing to add attack ground to the game

    Its an astounding prediction XD. Does this mean you agree and have heard enough of me, or that you disagree and it should not be added?

    I will try to test the existing thing this weekend, but I am computer ultranub and will probably fail.

  17. 3 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

    There was a conscience change from a23 to a24 to make upgrades not be a inf vs cav decision. I think it is a positive one and allows players to switch army composition in late game, which wasn't possible before (but may warrant a global reconsideration now that metal scarcity doesn't unnecessarily limit the aforementioned shift in composition)

    Yes, I like this quite a bit. One of my favorite things to do with seleucids is do a powerful inf+ele attack with the ele hero and then swiftly retrain into cav and train the cav hero. 

    12 hours ago, alre said:

    In A25, blacksmith upgrades are so good that they're almost forced

    I agree with this, but rather than eliminating this system, I would advocate for a separate series of creative unit upgrades where you could see trade-offs, decisions between 2 options, and similar creative setups that involve things besides attack damage and hp/armor (maybe add some crush to sling attack, or adjust bonus damage). 

    This is another reason why I have been advocating for rank 2/3 training options, as much of a pipe-dream as it is; it provides an option to boom or improve military (train rank 1 or some other rank) rather than both boom and improve military (train rank 1 only).

    3 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

    in p3 (at which point they were also "almost forced")

    True, these were also "forced" and it was not always certain you would have the metal available.

    • Like 2
  18. I have long been in support of blacksmith upgrades that affect things besides armor or damage, or at least a more creative blacksmith.  An example of an upgrade that would be interesting is a slinger upgrade option that buffs crush damage a bit, or a +1 upgrade to spearmen cavalry counter, or maybe even a longer pike for Macedonians. Perhaps a few of these upgrades could carry tradeoffs, another idea for some melee unit could exchange melee armor for plus attack damage and movement speed.

    I actually would not mind players being able to make blacksmith in p1, with next ranks of upgrades unlocked in consecutive phases.

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  19. 5 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

    I still fail to see the merit of adding an option to train rank 2 units. Neither do I think one person will be able to convince the other.

    If you don't see the merit of the idea, then I don't want to waste your time. Besides, there are other areas of gameplay that could see more improvement for less work, such as attack-area or attack-ground, civ differentiation, maybe charging (its in the grapejuice mod if people like that implementation).

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