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Posts posted by Silier

  1. @Imperator Ferrum Princeps I, yeah, formations are not working great right now :D another thing I can think is cavalry charge and wall fights.

    If you  (or anyone} find anything else what makes you feel it is buggy please let me know. Because I definitely need to get another perspective.

    And yeah, I could probably messed up range unit synchronisation. I am going to split loose and reload animations in the future.


    And please be aware :D enable JUST THIS ONE MODE. 

    Its really heavily moded. I overwrote almost everything. 

  2. 4 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Right, the behavior of healers needs fixed. That might be in the UnitAI. @Gurken Khan, can you identify the behavior your wish to see for healers?


    For me, healers, when in a mixed selection, and that selection is tasked to attack something, the Healer should hang back and not close to min range with the target, because th healer does not (by standard) have an attack for the target. Currently, many times if the healer is a part of a mixed selection tasked to target an enemy entity, the healer will endanger itself by walking right up to the target. 

    I think it is because of way it is done on input processing.  If unit cannot perform attack command, next type of command is taken into account e. g. walk to point if attack is not forced command by key shortcuts. ( maybe move command applies anyway, do not know way of restrictions) 


    So order processed by unitai is probably order.walktopoint instead order.attack.That way even checks in order. attack cannot help. 

  3. Hi,

    @Gurken Khan

    Short answer is no. Unit will not survive in replay if did not survived in game. Taken and recieved damage will be exactly the same and AI deceisions too. Since game is not saved / loaded during playing all is exactly the same.


    Even events based on random values will get the same result, as random seed value is the same for game and its replay. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Alexandermb said:

    You need to know how to properly assign vertex weight to bones, and make custom IK bones,, sometimes its actually easy to animate with blender while other things aren't that easy for ex Horse took around 7 months to be almost fully committed. 


    7 hours ago, thankforpie said:

    Blender is great free tool for static models like trees and stones but making character walking animation in it is more than tough


    I at some point got fed up with blender cuz animating the armature resulted in deformed mesh between bones and it was deal breaker for me, i also couldnt fix it. That seems to be problem with interaction of skin modifier with either armature or another modifier

    Iam a not profesional in animation but I tried some myself in blender and worked prety good. 

    if your animated model is turned upside down you can use non weight bones and assign vertexes to the groups named exactly as your bones and tweak it slowly. 

    Yes weight bones are fast if you know how to properly set them, I used them as start and then removed or added vertexes from or into vertex group where was needed.Sometimes I had to split some areas to more for better animation result. 

  5. @juniorlovegroove you choose your name and server port default 20595. 

    Your son has 3 fields when joining:

    1st is his name: it is clear what should he type here

     2nd is server hostname or ip: here he has to type LOCAL IP adress of your computer which is something like 192.168.1.xx. On windows open cmd and type ipconfig, on linux i think it is ifconfig or ip. As you are in the same network, do not use public ip, which you probably get from some webpage telling you your ip.

    3th is server port, this is actually your port you typed in which is on default 20595. (be sure you both have allowed comunication on this port, on lobby is used STUN to overcome firewall)


    Have a nice day :)

  6. Hello and welcome to the forum. 

    In game are 3 main types of damage (talking just about vanila, no mods activated) pierce, hack and crush. 

    The same types are for armour. Every unit deals different types of damages.

    For example, swordsman has high hack damage. Pikeman, spearman, archer has high pierce damage, catapults and slingers, believe elephants too have high crush damage. 


    Acording to damage types mentioned above, every unit and building has 3 types of armour. pierce crush and hack. 

    When you select an unit or building and looks on its stats, you will see that every type of armour is different. These numbers are levels of armour protection ( higher better) but you have behind it how much percent of incoming damage of that type will be ignored. 


    for example, use swordsman against rams because rams have high pierce armour and low hack armour. 

    I think there are some modifiers saying that spearman deals 2xdamage to cavalry. it means every type of dealt damage is multiplied by this number (now 2 for this example).


    If unit is attacked, first is calculated how much of damage will be actually dealt for every damage type ( based on how many will armour block) it is sumed and the health of unit is degreesed by computed this sumed damage. 

    • Like 1
  7. Its just problem of displaying garrisoned units. Thats said player with more types of garisoned units cannot see their icon and cannot ungarrison just certain type of unit but still can ungarison them all. 


    Its kind of bug since do not have scrollable left part of gui for icons nor right one. It will happen also if unit can build more buildings as actually can be displayed. 


    So it is some limitation which should be resolved somehow. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/16/2018 at 4:24 AM, Loki1950 said:

    So who cast the magic spell to grow them that fast you are completely ignoring the internal time line of the game most single player games represent at most two seasons of a year ie: Six months 

    Enjoy the Choice :)

    I dont think so :)

    Units  are gathering from farms almost everitime so there is always gathering season which means years are running super fast. On the other side tree gathering or animal killing is thing of some hours or one day with traveling. And there is also unit movement. So I do not think we can measure ingame time properly. 

  9. @stanislas69 kind of :D working on my diploma thesis now and in the future

    to the topic

    I tried some aporoaches of rewriting firmation ai and its members.

    as they worked fine in clear plain areas they tent to not when rocks trees and stuff or edge of map comes to their way

    because or some members are stucked and not catching up formation or i have to allow rerange after movemnt which is terrible in most cases.

    and to eliminate loose formation advantages I had to put formation members very close to each other because anyway they would be overnumbered easily. and gave them a really big buffs. I think syntagma has 8x pierce damage like lol :D

    and formation against formation needs a bit more time to rethink as they sometimes are just staring at each other or closing gap between them in a bad way :D

    I think to work it needs pathfinder and movement rewrite what is in progress by someone else.

    I tried to make like push move for formation but it failed on movemnt finished before even get to the point what drived me crazy :D

    in this direction there is patch wip for unit pushing so once this is finished it would be easier to do I think.

    to conclusion:
    check @gaius's mods he is doing something with formations to act more like formations

    formations are something what needs a lot of work to be done before they will work and there will be minimum or nothing to worry about only balance.

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