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Everything posted by hyperion

  1. a23 was much better than a24 in my opinion, that so called "reset" was silly in my book, just that you implied @borg- is a bad player with no clue of gameplay and that there was no real reason given which I consider a lie. I'm not at all against reverting the patch. Feel free to create a PR, whining won't change anything.
  2. @borg- clearly stated he approves the patch, and there are reasons given even if you disapprove. Also that was at a time when balancing was mostly discussed in PMs, which is luckily no longer the case.
  3. Indeed, missed that reference in the wiki. Hope that was the last one.
  4. There were no relevant work since the last time it was brought up AFAIR, even if it was quite a while back since.
  5. No useful per se, but if it makes life easier for the maintainer than it's fine. Basically you could say we cover around 800 to 1100 elo now where I'd say we should cover 400 to 1200, in 200 elo steps maybe, with a fun to play AI.
  6. About ministers, the bonus was intended to be much more, then there was an argument made that this needs to be useless for the sake of balance. Trying the initial intended value is still something I think is worth a shot. Another point is just because top players don't use certain techs doesn't mean low elo players can't see value in it, so the statistics probably paint a skewed picture.
  7. I have to say the AI needs to be fun to play against for the regular user, a super powerful AI isn't necessarily needed. One major issue often brought up is the lowest difficulty level is to challenging for new users. The AI also struggles on water maps. Having a powerful second AI with the purpose of challenging to top players is an option tho. Edit: added "top" to players, as I meant from the start
  8. Don't use a chat window at all. The chat functionality is a poor match. If you want to scroll back just read a manual instead of an interactive intro. Just pop up a window / banner for each objective as you do in other cases already. Suggest to allow skipping objectives.
  9. Great, that means you are one of the few that can bisect the issue, let us know which commit changed your experience for the worse. You should be able by letting ai players play against each other in a LAN game (no need for team games) to reproduce the issue if it's related to state hashing, which is likely if you see a short simulation stall every 4s only but have high fps otherwise. Any other symptoms must have a different reason than what this thread is about.
  10. Someone else would allow the reader to have context, so https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7610
  11. On really poor GPU it may make a difference. Given that such a poor GPU is usually paired with a week CPU (and we are mostly CPU bound) I agree that it's unlikely to help.
  12. Unusual location for that library. Which package does it belong to? Is it orphaned? Maybe from a manual install?
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_peoples Starts with "Not to be confused with Germans." Then goes on with suggesting Germani. "The term Germani is generally only used to refer to historical peoples from the 1st to 4th centuries CE" Something else to consider we also don't group Greeks but have Athens, Macedonians and so forth in game. All in all I see why lots of people would feel wired about using Germans here.
  14. Can be found under "Settings -> Hotkeys", for capture the default is "c" on English keyboard.
  15. Also had troubles, you might want to try the patch which is an extract from a wip branch. Might or might not fix your issue. Anyway a web dev should look into modernizing this one. profiler2.patch
  16. I recommend to use a text editor with syntax highlighting.
  17. Do you run the same Windows version? Are there any other obvious differences between the two machines?
  18. Suggest to use git and the git tag "a27" instead. The ppa will hopefully be updated withing a few days.
  19. The playlist api is exposed and I see no reason why map makers can't already make use of it if they choose to. An example use of the api is the cheat "retro me". So an option to enable mind reader mode to find the desired playlist? Writing a mod offering a playlist editor might have a few users tho. Now to the topic, all pieces are of high quality and it's hard to make out a clear favorite. I'd say they can be listened to not just as game background music but as pieces of art on their own. Suggest to load them into an external media player, the lossless versions of the tracks are in the art repo, tho the compressed version shipped with the game are very good already.
  20. See https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/blob/master/build/moz.configure/rust.configure for how the compiler gets detected (or not in your case). So if in path it should be found, so maybe the unwrapping of the rustup wrapper is where it goes wrong.
  21. I assume rustup was used, I'd say a fairly reasonable means to get it. If you already install 0ad manually doing the same for a rust compiler isn't a stretch. Using derivatives has it's place, and I'm not talking about Ubuntu here. A well known example would be Raspian, sure you loose some but at least your hardware is supported. We all have to live with tradeoffs. You sure that is for the same partition you are building on?
  22. Works fairly well for the bushes in your picture, should be good at least for not to steep slopes and not to abrupt changes in slop. For grass which I don't think has benefited much if at all, I suggest to look what @nifa did with palisades:
  23. run libraries/build-source-libs.sh to build third party packages Also make sure to checkout the release branch to be compatible with rc users, main branch is not!
  24. Might be an incarnation of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/2740
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