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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by chrstgtr

  1. I don’t think you are understanding what I wrote. Either units are targeted, which may or may not lead to many units being targeted all at once (see above), or individual geographies are being targeted—regardless of whether or not units are in those aimed at locations. Shooting at random geographies is pointless. Shooting at units is useful. How you target units is a different discussion, which I lay out above
  2. That would be (1) or (3) as I describe above. I believe (1) is bad for the reasons k describe
  3. This is either my (1) as described above or random shots. They are either targeting units or not. Not targeting units is useless. If shots aren’t being targeted and are just shooting at an area (as opposed to units within that area) then I don’t see why anyone would ever use that
  4. This doesn't make sense. Why would you ever ask your units to attack at random? In every way, this is less preferable than any of the options I describe below. I think there are only four real options here: Tower-like attacks for a specified area that targets units within the area. This has at least two options as I explain below With each volley, a new target is selected. This is the same as a tower. Pro: This will probably encourage healers because units injured units won't just die right away like they do now while they are under attack from several units all at once. Con: It will lead to a slow, sudden death of large armies. This will without a doubt lead to snowballing in 1v1s because large enemy armies will die almost all at once while the attacking army will lose basically no units. In team games, this will lead to a teammate's army being able to quickly wipe enemies even if the enemy army is large because units will be uniformly very injured. This will also make this type of attack Targeting closest units within an area. This is the same way units are now except they will only attack units in a specified area. Pro: It works. Con: It will still probably lead to some units being overly targeted. This will eventually lead to melee units being targeted as they walk through the ranged army Repeated attacking of randomly selected units until they are dead. Pro: this gets rid of the overly targeted problem that we have now Con: Coding? Nothing works like this now. This also leads to less control over attacking unit types here. This also make this type of attack not very workable with melee units. Additionally, this may lead to situations where your attacking units have to walk some distance before engaging in a fight, which is pretty undesirable, but I suppose that could either be fixed with code or itself could be seen as a feature because better micro would avoid this problem. Some combination of the above while selecting targets based on unit types Pro: you won't randomly target melee walking through. Con: Coding? Nothing works this way. Overly complicated? Personally, I like (3) and would like the option of adding (4) somewhere down the road.
  5. Not useless. But maybe not the best CS unit in game. Remember melee units will continue to fight other melee units, where pikes will do well, and range units quickly fall when melee is able to directly engage with them. In response to your question, I think it depends. Is it the situation where you pick an area or pick units. Pick units would follow. Pick area would disengage after they leave. No strong preference for me here, but I do think both could encourage more movement in fight, which could be interesting (ie large-scale luring or moving your units into safety
  6. Thanks, I didn’t know a difference had been created yet. Can you link me to it It doesn’t sound very functional given what players want it to be able to do, but I would like to be able to take a look
  7. I don’t quite get what the difference is. My suggestion had always been that a player should be able to drag and select an area where units will focus their fighting on until they are given a different command or no more units exist in that area. This can be done where units focus on the nearest unit with a selected area (like how normal attack move works) or where they spread out their projectiles within a selected area (like how towers work). Ideally both iterations would be possible what I don’t want is a feature where units will just aimless shoot at an empty area (or stand idle) because they were “told” to while enemy units walk right in from of them
  8. It will 100% decrease micro in certain situations (at least amongst the best players). Has anyone ever effectively defended against a pike and skirm/sling rush successfully without microing to attack the range units in the back? Some unit combos are just better than others, but that can be overcome with good micro that targets certain units. That element will largely disappear (and I don't think many will be sad that they will no longer have to select 30 units one by one).
  9. I think this is what most people want. Attack move just targets the nearest unit, so why can't we have something where we just attack units within an area. This would be similar to how towers and defensive structures work. But more to the point, is there any downside here? Players don't have to use it if they don't like. The only downside I can see is that it decreases micro, which many would see as upside and is irrelevant in large group battles.
  10. Does it actually matter? I can’t recall a single instance when someone purposely captured a corral. Make the patch if you want, but I think you can afford to be lazy here
  11. It wasn't luck. A24 tried to do a lot of stuff. In hindsight, a lot of people have summed up a24's mistakes by saying something to the effect of "in a23, slingers were too strong and archers were too weak, so a24 just should've lessened the dmg of slingers and increased the dmg of archers." That obviously sounds reasonable. But rather than taking that simple approach, a24 tried to do a lot of complicated changes. Some of these changes, like pathfinding, projectile speeds, and rotation times are massive changes with effects that seep into every aspect of the game and ripple through unexpected areas. When you try to change that much all at once there are a lot of unintended and unexpected changes. It's no surprise that the full effect of all these changes wasn't appreciated during development. In comparison, a25 was not as ambitious. It changed relatively few things and the changes that occured to the bigger things, like rotation speed, were far more modest. In short, the changes were more modest, humble and incremental. As a result, their impact was more ascertainable during development. There is a reason to limit these massive changes that impact everything--because it makes balancing possible. If you try to change everything all at once then you're basically making a new game with each alpha instead of adjusting an old game to keep up with current needs. With that said, basically all of the feature changes that are being discussed here (and elsewhere) aren't of the type that would have rippling impacts.
  12. Just worth noting that at least one of those (attack ground) was actually proposed by @BreakfastBurrito_007, who falls on the balancing side of things, and he and I squawk about it just about every chance we get. The balance vs. feature divide isn’t as binary as some people suggest. I get that there is some paralysis resulting from bad memories of a24’s release. I would submit that the process for a24 just failed. The people who drove a24 are largely uninvolved at this point and the proper concerns were raised at the time, but we’re just largely ignored or voted down by a minority that controlled the process. I really don’t think the entire MP community should be blamed for something like that, especially when many complaints of the MP community are the same ones being voiced here.
  13. This is a defeatist point of view that clearly relies on false assumptions. There are many examples of where new features had been proposed and adopted, so I don’t understand how you can say it’s not possible. I’ve even given you an example of how it can work out so someone doesn’t have to “run the gauntlet” alone. With the possible exception of turn rates, which have been tried several times and are still being tried, I am at a loss to think of any features that have actually be shouted down by anyone truly involved. Sure there are some people on the “balancing” side who think nothing should be introduced because it will wreck balance. They are wrong. Also wrong are the people in the “feature” side who forget that 0AD is a game. Like with most things, the right answer is usually somewhere in the middle
  14. I like but, but same hero is tough because it requires everyone to be the same civ. Same class could work but it a little tricky because some hero’s are ele which most civs don’t have and then there are other hero’s that are something other civs don’t have, but I suppose you could unmount cav heroes or make other similar adjustments. And there is also the fact that some heroes of the same class type are very good while others are basically worthless after the first five minutes. this all goes back to how the game isn’t fully built yet and there are large swaths that need to be improved if a random game mode like nomad is ever going to pretend to be fair. With all that said, the easiest solution is also the most obvious here: let players chose their hero at the start
  15. If you look at the forum history, the people who were loudest about the a24 being imbalanced were the same people who said a24 was bland and uniform louder than anyone else and they did so from the very start. If anything, it was the casual players who received a24 best, but that also came to pass and I am not here trying to point fingers. And if you look at the ongoing conversations in the balancing community, most concern how we can (re)introduce aspects of the game that lost in a24 or have never been developed. For example, look at the threads @wowgetoffyourcellphone posted where he and I had several productive conversations that hopefully will materialize into new, balanced features that will make everyone happy. Saying "people who care about balance make the game boring" is wrong and unproductive. People who care about balance can also care about it being interesting, fun, and dynamic. People who care about balance simply want new features to be balanced in addition to being new.
  16. Does this only work when you get the alert? i.e., if I continually hit space bar will it rotate me to my different battle theatres?
  17. Ah, that change from a23->a24 makes a lot more sense then. Thanks for clarifying, @Stan` All else equal, I would still prefer to be able to capture siege, but having capture as default also caused a lot of problems so I get why we would try to avoid that.
  18. All this. I would also like to be able to capture siege units like in a23 (and before). I wouldn't want it as a default mechanism like it was before, though.
  19. It's probably my most used keyboard button after minute 10. It is very helpful for micro if you are not using attack move.
  20. Do you also propose that we wait several days for units to walk across a map to meet the enemy? Or better, that we wait 18+ years to raise a solider? Games are extrapolations. The unit measurements might as well not be denoted in real life units. Sometimes you just have to roll with what is obviously not real life.
  21. You and @Philip the Swaggerlessappear to be the only other Americans in this thread.
  22. I'd rather slaves be specialized for wood. Mines aren't that important to eco. While wood is very important. Make it a tradeoff decision like how fields are mostly women. That way wood could be raided after minute 6.
  23. Some of these, like high priest and slave, would actually be great additions. Also, want to add that instead of making these eco units better at gathering, we could alternatively make them cheaper
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