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Everything posted by chichigrande

  1. If you could go anywhere in the WORLD where would you go. I would probally go to Hawaii because I've never been there and I could work on my surfing skills.
  2. @wijit Sorrydidn't know about that one... and plus there are different choices.
  3. i had to vote PS2. Tha PS2 has the bast games, in my opinion, like the Grand Theft Auto series and the best sports games like Madden.
  4. I with Desmond, I think it needs to look a little more professional.
  5. 1) I need to pee like a racehorse! (when i need to urinate really badly) 2) Do you think we live in a barn or something? (when someone leaves the door open) 3) Turn that music down! (when my sister or brother turn on their very nnoying music) These are the ones I probally say the most.
  6. I would probally say... a cheetah or some other kind of big cat. I like to be lazy, but if need to I can be fast and do what needs to be done.
  7. Me? I remember that I have to go to church adn only got 10 minutes to get ready. :-(
  8. I'm really happy here at WFG. I like it a lot and it's tons of fun.
  9. Orginaiztion is the key. So I voted for one forum for each game. The would also mean that the people that like one certain game with be with the other people like them and no disagreements can occur.
  10. Welcome to WFG hope you have a fantastic time!!!
  11. No, George Bush is just an idiot. He's probally the dumbest person ever to live in the white house.
  12. I ahd to put Nicole Kidman bucause I don't really kow many of the people up their and Nicole Kidman is still fine though.
  13. pyro-maniac That word pretty much describes me. Anything I see I want o burn it or watch it burn, unless I like it.
  14. My congrats to Brian and Sam. Hope you guys have a fun time.
  15. It was probally a Disney movie, but I don't remember it though. The firest movie I can remember me seeing and that I really liked was Jack, with Robin Williams and Jennifer Lopez . It is still today the only movie that has ever mad me cry .
  16. 1) banana rocks 2) this is what I like to do 3) big pimpin'
  17. Former Yankee's catcher Yogi Beara has also had some pretty funny quotes. "So, what time is it," reporter said to Yogi. "You mean now?" Yogi replied. "Do you want your pizza cut into 6 or 8 slices?" the cashier said to Yogi when asking if he wants his pizza cut into 6 or 8 slices. "You better 6, I don't think I can eat 8," said Yogi. And if anybody here has seen the Aflac comercial when they're in the barber shop. That is also Yogi.
  18. I voted for Arnold because he has the most success with his life than all of the other actors. Plus, he's now the Governator.
  19. I voted for Bruce because in real life he seems like he could win in a fight between hikm and Mel he would win.
  20. I reached the WFG forums through Brian and Bobby. Brian and Bobby told me to check out the site so I did. And so far it's been really fun.
  21. I'm in here with Bobby, Desmond, and Brian. Sadly I am still a freshman in highschool.
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