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Posts posted by Sundiata

  1. 15 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    can someone tell me why they would put a sail someplace that's very likely to be damaged when ramming another ship ? 

    I think they rolled it up during engagements. But the angle of the mast could be a little steeper, so the sail would end up a little higher. The mast doesn't need to be as long either. I don't think the sail should extend beyond the prow ram of the ship.

    Anyway, amazing work as usual, @Alexandermb 

    • Thanks 1
  2. "Ho'omau" - Short Film

    "A mass migration of Pacific Islanders in search of salvation leads to a war between the native population and the growing numbers of new arrivals, and a young girl stuck in the middle is forced to choose between fighting for what she loves or to save what is left of it."





    min 1:55, kill of the week...

    I was like:




  3. The African Queen Who Stood Against Rome

    A bit simplified and romanticized, but an entertaining 4 min narration of the Kushite Roman war nonetheless. Cute animations. I wish some of the bigger Youtube History stars like Kings and Generals or Epimetheus would make a few videos on the various chapters in Kushite history... Apparently Will Packer is even going to produce a movie about Amanirenas for Universal (although there are very little details available).  



    • Like 1
  4. I think ethnicity in the Middle East including the Arabian peninsula is actually incredibly complex. I'm personally not in favor of ignoring political realities to create a single muddled up faction like the "saracens" in AoE, based solely on the notion of shared ethnicity. The Umayyads were a vast and multi-ethnic state that incorporated Arab, Persian and Byzantine influences, as well as everything in between, and far beyond. I'm in favor of depicting an actual state that really existed, rather than separating a "single" ethnicity from that state, stripping it of all non Arab elements, of which there are many, and then present it as a historical faction, which it wouldn't be... It doesn't make sense to me. It made sense in vanilla for the Gauls because of a lack political cohesion, and the Iberians because of a lack of references. Neither of these things are an issue with the Umayyads. 

    • Like 4
  5. 9 minutes ago, soshanko said:

    I support the IDEA of adding arabs as a faction. but needed to research pre Islamic arabs first like the lakhmids and the ghassanids.

    The Umayyads (661 - 750 AD) are being developed for Millennium AD, a mod that takes place from 500 AD to 1000 AD. The Lakhmids date from 300 AD to 602 AD, and the Ghassanids date from 220 AD to 638 AD, so for both of them, the majority of their history falls outside of the timeframe. Their territorial extent and interconnectedness are also very limited.

    With only 4 playable factions to date, it's important to focus on the most powerful states of the time first. Ghassanids were a Byzantine client state, and the Lakhmids were often a Sassanid client state. So Byzantines and Sassanids are more important, and Sassanids haven't been developed yet. In terms of territorial extent and interconnectedness, it's not even a competition. The Umayyad Caliphate was one of the largest and most powerful empires of it's day.

    There are a number of other early medieval states that would also be more relevant before the Lakhmids and Ghassanids. For example:

    • Abbasid Caliphate 
    • Khazar Khaganate 
    • Avar Khaganate 
    • Turkic Khaganate
    • Uyghur Khaganate
    • Chinese Tang Dynasty
    • Tibetan Empire
    • Asuka and Heian periods of Japan
    • Chola Dynasty 
    • Pallava Dynasty 
    • Aksumite Empire
    • Kingdom of Makuria
    • Ghana Empire
    • Great Moravia
    • Emirate of Cordoba
    • Lombards 

    To name a few.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    I wonder if the ships in game shouldn't just be smaller. 

    Nah, I think naval maps need to be designed with more open water and less bottlenecks in the waterways. Ships need at least a few units on deck (deckhands/captain) so they don't look like ghost ships. If the ships are made smaller it would increase awkwardness.. Maps (and their layout) need to be spacious enough in general, which isn't always the case. 

    • Like 1
  7. @Lion.Kanzen 


    For a split second I was worried that I might have accidentally recreated the black flag flown by ISIS, but I checked, and ISIS and their crappy flag design ain't got nothing on me :) 


    Some more PNG's. Do with them as you will (Lion's trademark photoshop magic):


    Original Reference:



    PNG outline:



    Filled (small white gaps between outline and fill are still visible)



    No white gaps:



    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  8. 5 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Didn't you originally support the idea?

    I still do ;).

    Quoting myself:

    On 10/11/2018 at 1:28 AM, Sundiata said:

    Would make for a very unique specialized hunting unit. Wouldn't be simple to implement I assume, but sooo epic. Perhaps even as a scout unit, although I'm not sure whether they outfitted their eagles with go-pro's in the BC era. Might have to check up on that. 

    It's an abstraction, but a small one, in my opinion. Especially considering the million other abstractions that make no sense, eagle scouts seem more than intuitive enough. And fun... 

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/13/2018 at 10:59 AM, stanislas69 said:
    • Launch a random game
    • Launch a normal skirmish.
    • Connect to the lobby
    • Play on the lobby with someone
    • Launch Atlas 
    • See if everything works there.  [anytime I type something in Atlas, it repeats every letter twice, so "Kush" becomes "KKuusshh". It's always been like that for both my macbooks]
    • Open Unit tests demo (To see if there any breakage in displaying entity's) [wut is Unit tests demo?]
    • Try mods 
    • Enable feedback and see if it works (Main menu) [What is feedback, where in the menu?]


    Thank you @trompetin17, @Itms and @Tobbi! Thank you soooo much.....


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, stanislas69 said:

    Sort of like the settlers 5 ^^

    The Settlers III was the first RTS I played, and I loved it so much... No hard pop-cap. Actual and logical supply chains, simple enough to understand, complicated enough to stay interesting and immersive. All goods would be visibly transported to storage yards, or to whatever structure that needed them. It was all interconnected.. It was so much fun to watch those chubby little dudes go about their business, but when it came to military, however simple, you had full control. I only remember playing a demo for Settlers V, and thought it was interesting. At least the military was a little more fleshed out.

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