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Posts posted by Sundiata

  1. A few documentaries on ancient Kush


    Ancient Nubia, Egypt’s Rival in Africa (1992) This short docu looks and feels surprisingly outdated, but offers a pretty decent rundown of Nubian history. *Meroitic is developed around 300 BC, not 100 BC. 



    Tempelstadt Naga - Die verschüttete Hochkultur A short German documentary on Kushite history, with a special focus on the excavations at the royal city of Naqa. 



    Las Reinas Negras de Nubia  @Lion.Kanzen, this one's for you! De nada :) :P A 1 hour documentary on Kushite history. *For some reason they mix up Amanishakheto with Amanirenas. I think the consensus on the dates of those rulers has changed over the past 10 years, which resulted in older documentaries and writings mentioning the wrong queen in relation to the Kushite-Roman war. 


  2. Random German Art Refs, units and buildings










    "Lanstrop is an Iron Age settlement in Dortmund (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)"



    "Graphical reconstruction of a farm from Germanic Iron Age with fences, gates and outbuilding outside fence, excavated at Lithauens Alle Øst in Høje Tåstrup near København. From Danmarks Oldtid by Jørgen Jensen - Gyldendal"



    The Iron Age village of Hodde in Denmark during the 1st Century BCE 




    "Reconstructed Iron Age house from Hjemsted Oldtidspark between Ribe and Tønder"



    "Denmark reconstructed Iron Age house"





    "Teutons on the hike"







    Teutoburg Forest




    • Thanks 1
  3. @Nescio, check out this one, the Pylos Combat Agate, a 15th century BC "Greek sealstone of the Mycenaean era, probably manufactured in Late Minoan Crete", from the Griffin Warrior Tomb. The finest Bronze Age intaglio I've ever seen... This beauty is merely 3.4 cm across!


    The seal portrays a warrior who, having already defeated one opponent sprawled at his feet, is plunging his sword into the exposed neck of another foe with a "figure-of-eight" shield, while at the same time grabbing the crest of the man's helmet.

    (note the interesting in-combat rotation of the shield)






    More interesting info on the tomb, and many other artefacts: https://www.archaeology.org/issues/352-1909/features/7900-greece-pylos-mycenaean-warrior-grave 

  4. 54 minutes ago, Stan` said:

    There was a plan to make a more formal report with Sundiata, not sure what happened to that.

    There was little response from the team in addition to one very unhappy response from what I could understand. Considering the lack of interest and the fact that I'm not a team member I don't have much ground to stand on to be writing dev-reports that no one's really excited about. I don't want to sound negative, so forgive me, but it was a bit confusing for me. I was looking forward to the return of dev-reports, but my attempts at reporting didn't seem all that wanted.

    I'd still like to at least update the facebook page with regular screenshots of developments in the art department, mod-news and upcomming community events. I was supposed to PM @feneur about that, but the dev-report thing had me scratching my head... Are you still expecting me to update the facebook and/or write dev reports? Please discuss in-team and let me know. I'd still love to do it. I just didn't understand why I had to explain why I was doing something that was literally asked of me. You know?

    (PS: just to be clear, I didn't have an issue with correcting and nuancing the report, but that wasn't really crux of the problem. The problem seemed to be the idea of even writing a report in the first place)

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Obskiuras said:



    23 minutes ago, Stan` said:

    I thought those kind of castles (motte and bailey were more 8th century castles) ?

    Indeed, the upper two refs are medieval, the third one is Continental Celts and the last one is a reconstruction of an Irish ringfort from c. 500 AD. Not ideal refs :P 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 2 hours ago, EqUalIzEr4217 said:

    I am now newcomer to RTS either. But I have always used cheats to have a more relaxing gameplay. It's just funner to me that way. I am no Pro in any since, therefore I am easily overwhelmed. I don't really have a strategy other than to gather resources as fast as possible, and create a strong defense as fast as possible. But this is not easy for me, the AI is definitely way to hard for being on very easy. Guess that's what I get for cheating the AI all those years. I look forward to Aegis as you call it being updated. I really like the game thus far, just wish it were easier to win. Can't wait for Campaign to be finished.

    Since Alpha 23 this should be less of an issue. In the match setup, go to AI configuration and set the AI behavior to defensive.


    • Like 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    No if you can call them dlc at some point or expansions.



    dlc's don't make any sense for a free game though. They're basically a profit maximization tool, which serves no purpose for a free to play open source game created by unpaid volunteers. We actually have a big advantage in this regard over the corporate route which seeks to please investors first and foremost. 

  8. 2 hours ago, influxlondon said:

    have you found ways to save maps and reload them? even if its only in atlas.

    Just be sure to name them and give a description in the map settings tab, and then save them (under the same name?). Just make sure the name isn't taken yet. It should show up the next time you open Atlas when you click "file", or go to "file" then "open" and it should theoretically be there. The problem is that it's not always the case. If you forget to name the map in the map settings it could disappear or get overwritten or something. But even when being careful, saving different iterations of the same map, each with their own names, and then just loosing them can be a bit disheartening. 

    imo, basically you should only need to name the map once (file name derived from the map name), and when saving a map causes another map to be overwritten, a dialogue box should appear asking you whether you're sure you want to overwrite an existing file. Then at least you have the chance to rename the file and keep both maps. But currently I think files can easily be accidentally overwritten without the amateur map maker's knowledge. Is there an autosave function? Would be great.


    2 hours ago, influxlondon said:

    The maps look wicked too! i cant save anything so ide be wasting my time for some screen shots but things like that make me wanna get onit!, any tips on the ground terrain? always felt i could never get it looking too great.

    I sometimes lost maps after hours of neurotic terrain painting, lol... cries inside. So I understand... For terrain painting, use a few similar terrain textures and randomly paint them through each other to avoid repetitive patterns appearing due to texture tiling. The first and third screenshot were purely aesthetic projects and aren't optimized for performance (that amount of grass causes too much lag, we need instancing badly). The middle screenshot of the Nile Valley had, in its final state, a lot of grass and dense tree growth on the river bank but was perfectly playable and kind of fun too. Played a number of matches on it and then it just disappeared after another crash or something (or got randomly overwritten by a previous map, I'm really not sure).  

    • Like 1
  9. I've never been able to use Atlas without it routinely crashing on me, loosing saved files, unable to use search properly (need an external text editor and then copy paste what I'm searching for into Atlas search) (mods or no mods). It's a pity because with some practice I'm sure I could make a lovely map or two. Making Atlas more intuitive, straightforward and user friendly could engage a lot more community members in map-making.  


    Abandoned/lost projects:





    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, asterix said:

    this is trickier bits are done for Xiongnu and  Scythians. 

    He's talking about Samaritans, an Israelite population closely related, but distinct from Judaism (think: the Parable of the Good Samaritan, in the Gospel of Luke). According to tradition, they are descendants of the Northern Israelite Tribes who were not deported when the Assyrians conquered Israel in the 8th century BC. I think you mixed them up with Sarmatians, a nomadic confederation of the Eurasian Steppe. Samaritans in Israel form a tiny minority today (less than 1000 people), but were once quite an important regional population, often ruled by the greater powers of the day (Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Seleucids, Romans, Arabs, Ottomans, British, Israelis). Apparently many of the Muslim Palestinian people of Nablus are originally of Samaritan descent.  










    Ruins of ancient Samaria, their capital city




    Reconstruction of the Southern Temple at Beth Shean



    Samaritan synagogue 



    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    @Sundiata you know about this "Litham" headgear?

    Yeah, variations of it are quite common along the entire Sahara and Sudanic Belt, from Southern Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal in the West, through Mali, Burkina Faso, Southern Algeria, Niger, Northern Nigeria, Southern Libya, Chad, Northern Central African Republic, Sudan, Egypt and parts of the Levant and Arabian Peninsula. Probably has many different names in many different languages. People like Tuareg, Sanhaja and other Berbers (Imazighen), African Arabs (like the Baggara), Egyptian, North African and Middle Eastern Bedouins, Toubou, Zaghawa, Kanembu, Fulani, Hausa and others wear variations of it (some more ornate than others). Mostly worn by nomadic cattle herders and long distance traders, or aristocratic cavalry people. Mostly Muslims wear it, but as the wiki page you linked suggests, I'm also convinced that the look predates the advent of Islam by a long time. 


    Tuareg and other Berbers








    Zaghawa people




    Chad Arabs










    Bedouin don't seem to cover their faces very often anymore, but they used to. They prefer a Keffiyeh nowadays...




    • Like 1
  12. I use mac and the screen always glitches for a second or so after starting a mod. 0AD window closes weirdly by sliding out of screen, to the right, while a black screen slides in from right to left, revealing my desktop for split second and then the 0AD window with mod activated appears on top of the black screen. No other program slides windows in and out of view like that. It doesn't seem to cause any issues though...

    • Like 3
  13. 3 hours ago, wackyserious said:

    Added Piracy technology as a civilization bonus for the Illyrians.

    Nice... Wouldn't it make a little more sense to give them a higher metal loot when killing units, destroying structures or especially when sinking enemy ships? Ooooh, or give them some kind of unique wololooo ability to "convert" enemy ships when they're under a certain health? 

    • Like 2
  14. Scythians depicting Scythians in this Electrum vase from the Kul-Oba kurgan, Crimea, 2nd half of 4th century BC. (Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg):






    Another Scythian golden vessel: 



    Scythians in Achaemenid Persian relief at Persepolis:



    Another Greek one



    Some nice art:











    And a little mythology: "Last charge of the Amazon's", by zpapageo, showing Penthesiliea's army at Troy. Mmmmm, Bronze Age....




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