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Posts posted by Nescio

  1. 6 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:



    16 hours ago, Nescio said:

    45. Anyone able to explain why selling resources works but buying not, after I added silver?

    This still annoys me.

    16 hours ago, Nescio said:

    And in which file can I replace the bribary cost of 500 metal with 250 silver?

    Found it: templates/special/spy.xml It's not the first time I repeatedly overlooked that important special/ folder...

    7 hours ago, fatherbushido said:

    48. Yes that's this one. (The tooltip should be change accordingly as those modifications are already handled in Template.js).

    Don't consider that patch as officialy recommended. It is not reviewed.

    (For example, take care of rounding issues, if you use only integers addition it will be fine).

    It does seem to work:screenshot0001.thumb.png.611c32e8791aaa286803a1d3523b0f12.png

    However, 5*1.5=7.5 and resources are integers, so I suppose the code of that patch ought to be improved. Nevertheless, I actually only intend to avoid multiplicating loot and just use only adding integers.

    7 hours ago, fatherbushido said:

    45. Your modified files are on github?

    They are now: https://github.com/0abc/0abc-unified

  2. Many thanks for pointing these out! I really appreciate it someone is testing and checking what I've done :)

    6 hours ago, Servo said:

    Infantry citizen soldiers can promote to rank 10 only then experience continue to cycle.

    Now fixed.

    6 hours ago, Servo said:

    I got some irritating crashes and maybe my fault of using wololo but the culprit seems the kenel house(britons). I built it to garrison my wololoed dog. Once I deleted it the game works smoothly again. 

    What is a “wololoed dog”? Garrisoning Briton war dogs into Briton dog kennels does not cause any problems as far as I'm aware.




    0abc updated:

    • new resource: silver
    • silver can be acquired by:
      • selling other resources (barter, market)
      • traders (gain is currently any combination of silver and other resources)
      • catafalques, palaces, and wonders grant a 1 silver per second trickle
      • killing enemy heroes:
        • healer and infantry heroes grant 50 silver
        • cavalry heroes grant 100 silver
        • chariot heroes grant 150 silver
        • elephant heroes grant 200 silver
      • killing promoted units (with x the rank (which can be 0 to 12)):
        • healers and infantry grant 1x silver (champions 2x)
        • camels and cavalry grant 2x silver (champions 4x)
        • bigae (two-horsed chariots) grant 4x silver (champions 8x)
        • quadrigae (four-horse chariots) grant 5x silver (champions 10x)
        • elephants (two-horse chariots) grant 6x silver (champions 12x)
      • looting structures:
        • centres grant 200 silver
        • libraries grant 100 silver
        • lighthouses grant 60 silver
        • markets grant 30 silver
        • palaces grant 150 silver
        • temples grant 40 silver
        • wonders grant 400 silver
    • silver can be used for:
      • buying other resources (barter, market)
      • espionage: bribing now cost:
        • 250 silver without counterespionage (instead of 500 metal)
        • 500 silver with counterespionage (instead of 750 metal)
    • siege weapons can no longer be captured; they also cost food but have somewhat more health
      • Roman stone thrower costs 50 stone extra but inflicts +20% crush damage
      • Persian battering ram costs 100 wood extra but has +20% maximum health
    • disabled Carthaginian embassies (I actually liked them, they added some interesting flavour to the game, however, they also penalized Carthage unnecessary when compared to other factions, therefore I felt compelled to disable them, unfortunately); instead they have an infantry barracks and a cavalry stables (as do most other factions)
    • new town phase structure: military shipyard:
      • available to athen, cart, mace, pers, ptol, rome, sele, spart
      • constructs all wargalleys
    • economic docks now:
      • construct fishing boats and merchant ships (all factions)
      • construct war barges (brit, gaul, iber, maur) and fireships (iber)
      • serves as a dropsite for all types of resources
      • is a market for trader routes
    • included Alexandermb's new visual actors:
      • Macedonian gastraphetes crossbowman
      • Mauryan battering ram
    • city phase now costs 500 food, wood, metal, and stone (instead of 0, 0, 750, 750, respectively
    • many other minor changes (see 0abc-readme.pdf)
    On 23/10/2017 at 2:02 AM, sphyrth said:

    I semi-agree. The UI is already overwhelming with buttons and info. The background is bringing more eye-strain.

    If you open 0abc/art/textures/ui/session/ and delete panel_left.png and panel_right.png, the game will simply resize and use A22's default background images.

    • Like 2
  3. Thank you for the invitation! However, my requests are not mercenaries :) Besides, half of them have already been completed by Alexandermb. Anyway, here is the full list again:

    • Maybe combine elements of the following units?
      • Arab javelinist (sele infantry skirmisher)
      • Nabatean camel archer (ptol cavalry [sic] archer)
      • Persian spearbearer (pers infantry spearman)
    • Note: a camel is not a horse. You can actually sit on a dromedary camel with your legs crossed:


    • Libyan/Egyptian chariot archer:
    • biga (two-horse chariot); one driver and one composite bow archer (or javelinist)
    • lighter and nimbler than chariots elsewhere
    • small D-shaped platform, axis at the end
    • six-spoked or four-spoked wheels
    • Carthage and the Persians recruited large contigents of them in Classical times
    • very approximate dimensions (as you can see, my drawing skills are limited):chariot.thumb.jpg.52d59287e8ef47485a47e31ed1617d89.jpg
    • they also formed the core of Bronze Age Egypt's armies; reproductions and specimina preserved in tombs:



    • epigraphical evidence:



    • artist's impressions:




    • modern reenactment:



    On second thought, I'd also appreciate cattle and other fauna: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22944-domesticated-animals-livestock-and-other-fauna/ However, those certainly do not have any priority.


    To have things clear, is this thread only for visual actor requests, or also for other art? Currently I'm reusing existing icons, however, I certainly wouldn't mind to have a couple of more appropiate portraits, provided they're in the same style as the icons already in the game.

  4. Nice! However, why does the packed version have soldiers with different helmets?

    12 hours ago, Alexandermb said:

    and will make the others siege weapons too

    There are not that many; I'm only aware of six:

    • bolt shooters:
      • athen/cart/mace/spart oxybeles
      • ptol polybolos
      • rome scorpio
    • stone throwers (maybe assign three men each):
      • athen/mace/ptol/sele lithobolos
      • cart ballista
      • rome ballista
  5. Allow me to emphasize I do know next to nothing about Kush. And if the faction is complete and qualitively at least as good as the existing factions, I wouldn't object to including it into “0 A.D.” as well. However, that decision is not mine to make.

    26 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    Less civs really isn't better.

    To clarify, I was not really suggesting reducing the number of factions from twelve to three. “Acceptably”, “Ideally”, “Realistically”, “Theoretically”, etc. are all quite different terms; “a lot easier” does not mean “better” nor “should be”. Of course the choice of the current dozen could be debated. (Why Athenians and Spartans, but not Boeotians or Syracusans? Or a generic Greek civilization? Don't the Britons belong in part two? And why merge completely different peoples into an amalgam called Iberians? It's like grouping Carthaginians, Greeks, and Romans into a single faction, just because they happen to have lived in the same area.) Nevertheless, we now have them, therefore let's focus on improving them (and more importantly: on improving the underlying code, the performance of the engine, flexibility of the AI, etc.)

    That doesn't mean we should cease discussing unimportant but interesting and potentially nice to have ideas; but let's always be critical on whatever is suggested, of course  :)

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, fatherbushido said:

    it s not done, that s why I ask to you if you have had it;)

    Apparently I did not correctly understand your earlier post, allow me to apologize for my ignorance :) To clarify, modifying loot is not allowed? If that's the case, I'll shelve my ideas on ranks improving silver loot gains for now.

  7. 48. Interestingly, it seems that neither:

    {"value": "Loot/food",                "add":      1,    "affects": "Infantry Champion"},


        {"value": "Loot/food",                "add":      1,    "affects": "Infantry"         },
        {"value": "Loot/food",                "add":      1,    "affects": "Champion"         },

    works; at least neither is showing up in the unit statistics:


    All other modifications in the same file (attack, health, etc.) do work. So I suppose loot behaves a bit differently?




    45. Anyone able to explain why selling resources works but buying not, after I added silver? And in which file can I replace the bribary cost of 500 metal with 250 silver?

  8. 17 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    Ok, we're starting to find more common-ground :)

    17 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    Well, I didn't look at it like that before. You're right, BC it is :P 

    It seems we're indeed coming closer :)

    17 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    The reason I'm researching the Kushites is because they fit all of the ages. Not just Archaic. They span the entire length of 0AD's timeframe and beyond.

    Completely true. However, they peaked around c.700 BC, when they controlled Egypt, therefore I listed them under Archaic period.

    17 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    Isn't a lot of Imperial Rome already in Delenda Est? What work would need to be done?

    Actually I don't know, I've never looked carefully at DE. However, adding new civilizations is relatively cheap. Keeping them simultaneously balanced and distinct from all other factions, not just now but in all future versions of the game, is a very demanding and time-consuming job. Things would be a lot easier if there were only three factions (e.g. Carthage, Rome, Syracusae), instead of the dozen we currently have, or the many more wished for and occassionally added in mods. (This also explains why AoM is a much better game than AoK.)

  9. Well, I'm not objecting to the use of Antiquity for everything between neolithic prehistory and European Middle Ages. And I concede many historians use “Classical Antiquity” as a term covering the 8th C BC to somewhere around the 3rd C AD, which is then followed by “Late Antiquity”. However, classicists typically prefer to use the term “Classical Period” specifically for the 480--323 period, as do I.

    Imperial Rome is not a taboo, just a lot of more work. Besides, Imperial Rome postdates all of the existing factions (except the Britons). If any new factions were to be added (which I do not recommend right now), I think it would be better to:

    • first cover c.200-1 by adding the Arsacid Empire (Parthians peaked in the 2nd C BC), Greater Armenia, Numidia, and Pontus;
    • next complete c. 300--150 by adding Attalids/Pergamon, Epirus, and Bactria
    • then include the Archaic period by adding Assyrians, Babylonians, Etruscans, Kushites, Lydians, and Urartu;
    • moving on to some important but often underappreciated peoples of the Classical period by adding e.g. Illyrians, Scythians, and Thracians
    • and possibly more Greek factions such as Boeotia/Thebes, Rhodes, and Syracusae (the archenemy of Carthage for centuries; Rome appeared only very late);

    only after all those it might be time for the later and markedly different ages of Imperial Rome.

    Furthermore, any cut-off point is always inherently arbitrary, regardless which date is chosen. And the end of the Roman Empire (whenever that might be) is certainly not anything better than the start (which is clearly defined).

    By the way, I also don't like the use of BCE/CE instead of BC/AD, primarily because it's one more letter to type, and secondarily because the supposedly more politically correct BCE/CE (which assumes everyone accepts this relative dating) is actually more offensive than the traditional BC/AD (which at least concedes it's a Christian dating).

  10. 9 minutes ago, fatherbushido said:


    It's a string but the "spaces = OR , + = AND" thing doesn't work here. (Should it? see @bb_ recent diff).

    48. Well, I understand how OR and AND work in “affects” and “requirements”, I've used that many times. However, I'm currently wondering if they can also be used inside “modifications” (the wiki is not clear enough for me on this point).

    16 minutes ago, fatherbushido said:

    The only thing you can do with those specific affects is something like "Champion Infantry" which will indeed apply to entity matching Champion AND Infantry classes.

    If you want to do an OR with specific affects, you have to use a new line.

    So all is doable.

    So "Champion Infantry" will do want I want? Thanks!

    14 minutes ago, fatherbushido said:

    (Also have you set that modification in your mod? And what do you want to do with it, as modifying the loot is not always the good idea with techs?).

    The file I created is rank_01.json, which is being used for promoted units:


      "affects": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6","7", "8", "9","10", "11", "12"],
      "autoResearch": true,
      "icon": "rank_01.png",
      "modifications": [
        {"value": "Attack/Capture/Value",       "multiply": 1.05                       },
        {"value": "Attack/Melee/Crush",         "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Melee"   },
        {"value": "Attack/Melee/Hack",          "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Melee"   },
        {"value": "Attack/Melee/Pierce",        "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Melee"   },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Crush",        "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Hack",         "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Pierce",       "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Spread",       "multiply": 0.99, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Cost/BuildTime",             "multiply": 1.05                       },
        {"value": "Heal/Range",                 "add":      1,    "affects": "Healer"  },
        {"value": "Heal/Rate",                  "multiply": 0.95, "affects": "Healer"  },
        {"value": "Health/Max",                 "multiply": 1.05                       },
        {"value": "Loot/silver",                "add":      4,    "affects": "Biga"    },
        {"value": "Loot/silver",                "add":      2,    "affects": "Camel"   },
        {"value": "Loot/silver",                "add":      2,    "affects": "Cavalry" },
        {"value": "Loot/silver",                "add":      6,    "affects": "Elephant"},
        {"value": "Loot/silver",                "add":      1,    "affects": "Healer"  },
        {"value": "Loot/silver",                "add":      1,    "affects": "Infantry"},
        {"value": "Loot/silver",                "add":      5,    "affects": "Quadriga"},
        {"value": "ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed", "multiply": 0.9                        },
        {"value": "UnitMotion/WalkSpeed",       "multiply": 1.01, "affects": "Melee"   }
      "tooltip": "Units promoted to the first rank gain +5% health, +5% attack damage, and +5% capture attack, but also +5% training time and -10% resource gather speed; melee units also have +1% movement walk speed and ranged units -1% spread. Healers have +1 m heal range and -5% rate."


    10 minutes ago, bb_ said:

    Is the string support really broken in there?,

    In my recent diff I propose to change some misleading array scopes, like `["foo bar"]=="foo+bar"==[["foo", "bar"]]` in where the first syntax is is misleading. And doesn't `"foo bar"` or `"["foo, "bar"]` represents the OR here?

    No, I don't think so, I was just asking because I'd like to understand how it works.

  11. Being able to rotate the view and admire structures from all different sides and angles is certainly a visually pleasing feature. However, it can also be quite annoying and undesirable; the numbers of times I accidently rotated the map far exceeds the number of times I intentionally did this; the result is disorientation. Therefore I would really appreciate it if there were a quick and easy option to return to the default 0° angle rotation, e.g. a “re-orientate to the true North” button at one of the unused corners of the minimap.

    [EDIT: bb_ pointed out simply pressing “r” does the trick.]



    On 19/07/2017 at 8:13 AM, WhiteTreePaladin said:

    One simple thing that I think could be very nice is a better way to manage large selections as that's rather messy right now. Age of Empires 3 had a feature to command all your military units on the map to rally at a particular spot. The button was located near the minimap. This is a very useful feature because the max selection size means that unit selections will ignore units after the max size has been reached making it very painful to move large groups of units.

    Something like that would also be nice to have.

  12. Yes, I agree; something similar I've implemented in my 0abc mod:

    • Village phase: outposts and palisades
    • Town phase: sentry towers and turf walls
    • City phase: stone towers and city walls

    Outposts can be upgraded individually into sentry towers, sentry towers to stone towers; walls can not be upgraded. Fortresses do not train anything, they are just defensive structures. And the AI actually builds more fortresses than I do, protecting its borders with them, as is historically accurate.

    Unfortunately the AI does not construct walls nor wonders (neither in “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant” nor in 0abc); if it were capable of handling those, it would certainly be a more formidable opponent.

    PS Let's be careful not to get involved into another off-topic discussion :)

    • Like 1
  13. 45. So I've added silver, however, somehow there is now a problem with buying resources:

    Screenshot_from_2017-10-23_18-28-02.thumb.png.db25b2d1bc9c014aca182332c64a8130.pngThe only clue I have is a single warning from the interesting log:

    WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/components/Barter.js line 45 reference to undefined property multiplier.buy[resource]

    which I fail to understand. I did not touch the Barter.js file, nor do I understand why line 45 (buy) is problematic but line 46 (sell) not.

    By the way, which file do I need to change the cost of bribing (espionage) from 500 metal into 250 silver?



    18 hours ago, leper said:

    47. Use svn, or edit some placeableFilter file in simulation/data.

    placeableFilter file? Which, where, and how?



    48. What is the syntax for internal AND and OR operators in technology json file modifications?

    {"value": "Loot/silver", "add": 1, "affects": "Healer"}

    E.g. I want it to affect champion infantry instead of healer.


    • Like 1
  14. Nice elephant stables, LordGood!

    8 minutes ago, Grugnas said:

    i take the opportunity of this thread showing those new visual fancy additions to ask: what's gonna be fortress role after those new adds, supposed that specific units will be trained from dedicated buildings?

    What's the role of towers? They don't train units either, but they can shoot arrows and are garrisonable; likewise I think fortresses are still worth having even if they do not train anything at all. (Just because castles train units in AoK doesn't mean 0 A.D. has to slavishly copy that). However, it was not decided that all champions are to be removed from fortresses, at least not as far as I know.

    • Like 3
  15. Thank you all for your replies, I really do appreciate feedback!

    13 hours ago, minohaka said:

    After reading the readme, scanning over the readme.pdf and briefly reading over the posts on this thread I can't figured out if the AI is supposed to work on this mod?

    12 hours ago, minohaka said:

    Is the Petra Bot supposed to work in 0abc?

    Yes, it is, and it actually does (mostly). It even makes better use of some new features (e.g. unit rank training researches) than I do myself :) If, however, I notice the AI is not capable of using something important, I typically revert it; for instance, there were more technologies at the wonder in an earlier version of this mod, however, the AI never builds wonders (nor does it under the default “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant”), not even when it has tens of thousands of resources, therefore I postponed those additional technologies.

    Note: I've not yet figured out whether or not the AI does build those new specialized buildings I introduced in the past few days. The AI can and does build Persian cavalry stables and Mauryan elephant stables, so I suppose it should be capable of handling them for other factions as well. If not, then I'll probably postpone those structures as well.

    13 hours ago, minohaka said:

    Also is it supposed to work with the current ongoing Alpha 23 dev version?

    I mostly play/test the current Alpha and decided to install Alpha 22 (on linux environment) to try the mod after I got errors in the A23 one.

    No, although I briefly considered making it compatible with the svn version, I decided to use the latest stable release (A22) instead; I had to choose, making it compatible with both is impossible. When A23 is officially released as the next version, I'll update 0abc accordingly.

    13 hours ago, minohaka said:

    PS: I got it to launch in A22, but the AI doesn't do anything it stays with the units it starts with. Is that the expected behavior or is it something to do maybe with the version I was previously playing on this box?

    That probably has to do with the specific map. Personally I only play random random maps; some of them are test maps which work neither under “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant” nor 0abc; a few are heavily scripted and work under “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant” but not under 0abc; most maps work under both “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant” and 0abc.



    12 hours ago, sphyrth said:

    I semi-agree. The UI is already overwhelming with buttons and info. The background is bringing more eye-strain.

    However, I like the minimap in the corner. In fact, I'd take any corner as long as it's in the corner... not alongside the Unit/Building control buttons.

    The GUI change was made necessary because the current GUI does not support more than 24 structures (and some factions already exceeded that), so I had to redesign it. The minimap I detached from the central panel because I needed more space. However, I suppose I could spin off the GUI changes into a separate auxiliary mod.



    12 hours ago, Servo said:

    except the build bugs.

    Recently I experienced a few myself, these are quite annoying. I don't understand why they happen, it's not a systematic error. If I build a row of five houses it typically works fine, but occassionally one is left in a state of 100%-but-nevertheless-unfinished-limbo. I *guess* it might have something to do with overlap with other structures or objects.

    12 hours ago, Servo said:

    What I like with Vox is the Kushite

    If the Kushites are included in “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant”, I'll also include them into 0abc afterwards, but not beforehand; the same applies to any other faction(s). Despite containing thousands of files, 0abc is relatively small in size (a few MB), and I like it to keep that way, hence no new visual actors for new structures.

    9 hours ago, Servo said:

    Btw @Nescio the Judean slingers have 70 range or longer than Briton slingers having around 40 at max upgrade. 

    Yes, that's correct; there are several types of spearmen, archers, slingers, swordsmen, etc. Also note that unit ranks and upgrades do not increase attack range. 0abc's ranged infantry maximum attack ranges are currently:

    • throwing axeman (unused): 1*15m=15m
    • javelinist: 2*15m=30m
    • stone slinger (brit, celt, iber, pers): 3*15m=45m
    • archers (longbow, composite bow, crossbow): 4*15m=60m
    • lead bullet slinger (athen, cart, mace, ptol, spart): 5*15m=75m

    The rationale for this is that classical authors (e.g. Xenophon) repeatedly stress than slingers easily outranged and outshot archers, but also that non-Greek stone slingers had only about half as much range as Greek-style slingers (who used tiny lead bullets). Again, I'd like to emphasize that the 0abc-readme.pdf contains more detailed information.

  16. 38 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    Just edit the XML file and remove two lines...

    Thanks, it worked, that was surprisingly easy! I never looked at the actor files before, always assuming editing visual actors is too difficult for me, however, I now learned everything is neatly subdivided; my compliments to whoever designed this!


    41 minutes ago, Alexandermb said:

    i will take a look on them

    Great, I appreciate it :)

    41 minutes ago, Alexandermb said:

    44-R: Try modifying the template files,  by using something like food_grain food_fruit or fruit alone. food.fruit, food fruit until you get it

    I already tried that earlier, resulting into the structures becoming uncreatable due to errors; so ResourceDropsite.Js it is.



    47. I've also moved all simulation/templates/structures/{civ}_* files to simulation/templates/structures/{civ}/* which works perfectly fine. However, Atlas fails to detect them. Which file do I have to tweak for this?

    • Like 1
  17. Many thanks, feneur!


    Now, where were we, Sundiata? We agreed that we agreed, however, we disagree on how to formulate things acceptably, right?

    4 hours ago, Sundiata said:

    We know quite a great deal about [Classical] Antiquity, relatively speaking, but we know very little about the periods immediately preceding and succeeding this period.

    Immediately preceding, yes; we already established including the start of the Archaic period, without pinpointing it to any year, would be appropiate for “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant”. However, I can't accept “immediately succeeding”; we actually know relatively more (although still tantalizingly little) about the 5th C A.D., when Antiquity is supposed to end and the Middle Ages are supposed to start, than we do about both the 3rd C (pre-Dominate, clearly within Antiquity) and the 8th C (pre-Carolingian, clearly within Middle Ages). Personally I'm happy with keeping 27 B.C. as the cut-off point, because life under the pax romana (with civil wars only once a generation :) ) is markedly different from anything preceding.

    • Like 1
  18. 8. Something I still want is the ability to allow units to occupy more than one garrison slot (e.g. infantry one, cavalry two, elephant six).

    On 04/09/2016 at 1:17 PM, fatherbushido said:

    8. That's something I had yet thought too. You need to modify a bit GarrisonHolder.js

    On 18/10/2017 at 5:22 PM, leper said:

    We had different garrison slot sizes once, it was a mess, didn't really add anything and was removed.

    Any suggestions on how to re-implement it then into a mod? (My C++ and js skills are rather limited, so I'd appreciate any help.)



    27. How to add diff proposals to phabricator by using a git clone (instead of using svn)? And how to load an existing diff into a local git repository?



    38. Many thanks for creating that Greek/Macedonian gastraphetes soldier! Three more unit actors I'd like to have:

    • Indian/Mauryan battering ram
    • Arab/Bedouin camel spearman

    Cf. Nabatean camel archer (ptol cavalry [sic] archer)

    Note: a camel is not a horse. You can actually sit on a dromedary camel with your legs crossed:


    • Libyan/Egyptian chariot
    • biga (two-horse chariot); one driver and one composite bow archer (or javelinist)
    • lighter and nimbler than chariots elsewhere
    • small D-shaped platform, axis at the end
    • six-spoked or four-spoked wheels
    • Carthage and the Persians recruited large contigents of them in Classical times
    • very approximate dimensions (as you can see, my drawing skills are limited):chariot.thumb.jpg.52d59287e8ef47485a47e31ed1617d89.jpg
    • they also formed the core of Bronze Age Egypt's armies; reproductions and specimina preserved in tombs:



    • epigraphical evidence:



    • artist's impressions:




    • modern reenactment:





    43. Something else I'd want is the diplomacy-and-espionage panel displaying in which phase each player is, as well as including a n×n panel which shows what the diplomatic stance between each pair of players is.



    44. Is it possible to change farmstead as a dropsite for food.fruit and food.grain (but not food.meat) and the corral as a dropsite for food.meat (but not food.grain and food.meat)?



    45. Furthermore, I'd like to implement a special resource, silver (call it cash, coins, currency, gold, or whatever you like), which can not be gathered directly, but can be acquired by:

    • selling resources
    • traders (gain is 100% silver, no other resources)
    • catafalque, palace, and wonder trickle rates
    • looting centres, libraries, palaces, temples, and wonders and killing heroes

    And it's the only resource which can be used for:

    • buying resources
    • diplomacy (paying other players to become your ally)
    • espionage (bribing units or structures to temporarily share their vision)
    • and perhaps also for directly promoting individual units to a higher rank (as a quick and expensive alternative to the default and free option of acquiring experience from fighting)

    Silver is not required for any researches, structures, or units (I don't intend to penalize (AI) players unnecessarily)

    Ordinary resources can no longer be directly bartered for each other (trade uses silver exclusively); furthermore, buying and selling resources is always possible (even without a market; I'd like to remove that AoE requirement). Also, I'd like to remove the barter and trade panels, as well as the resources from the top panel, and replace all that with a new permanent panel in the top left corner:

    PopulationIcon &                                    & total/maximum &             &              \\
    SilverIcon     & (number of active traders)         &  SilverAmount &             &              \\ %#0
    FoodIcon       & (number of active food gatherers)  &    FoodAmount & Buy100Food  & Sell100Food  \\ %#1
    WoodIcon       & (number of active wood gatherers)  &    WoodAmount & Buy100Wood  & Sell100Wood  \\ %#2
    MetalIcon      & (number of active metal gatherers) &   MetalAmount & Buy100Metal & Sell100Metal \\ %#3
    StoneIcon      & (number of active stone gatherers) &   StoneAmount & Buy100Stone & Sell100Stone \\ %#4

    Now, where to start?


    46. Finally I want fruit trees to stay after they are depleted, instead of disappearing when they reach 0 food, because they can slowly recover food when their amount is somewhere in between maximum and minimum (exclusive). Right-click to harvest food.fruit, control plus right-click to cut and destroy the tree and collect wood.

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