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Posts posted by Nescio

  1. On 07/12/2017 at 9:36 PM, The Undying Nephalim said:

    I guess another question for something that's confusing me, what determines if a building counts towards teching up from the village to town, town to city phases? I have several buildings that all require the town phase tech but they are not contributing towards the count in order to tech up. Is there some class I need to add to buildings?

    12 hours ago, The Undying Nephalim said:

    I had a feeling it was a Class, I just couldnt seem to find any examples in 0AD. That seems to do the trick though. :victory:

    Yes, phase advances require a number of entities with the Village or Town class to be researched, which are by default most structures but not to fields, walls, units, or other entities. However, you can easily change this in your mod and certainly do not have to follow this convention. You can add classes to units as well, if you like, or remove this requirement, or add others. Furthermore, you can easily rename, add, or remove phases if you like; you don't really have to use Village/Town/City.


    7 minutes ago, The Undying Nephalim said:

    Well it's that time again, that time I bother about getting only 4 resource types showing up per civ.

    It ain't so bad at the top:

    But it's a bit of a problem at the marketplace:

    Anyone have the nohow to get this working? :angel:

    Actually I had this problem as well in my mod, 0abc, in which I wanted to add one resource. Being able to display it properly everywhere (including on low resolution screens) forced me to partially redesign the GUI. You can find everything I changed at: https://github.com/0abc/0abc-unified

    I also expanded and updated https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ModdingResources

  2. On 04/12/2017 at 7:50 AM, Itms said:

    We had the honor of being highlighted during the 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015 editions and we would love to renew the experience for the 2017 edition!

    What happened in 2011, 2014, and 2016? Anyway, as of now:

    http://www.indiedb.com/games/0-ad : “Rank 47 of 45,079” (seems to be going alright)

    http://www.moddb.com/mods/hyrule-conquest : “Rank 180 of 31,399” (could use some help)

  3. On 04/12/2017 at 4:50 PM, Servo said:

    Been playing the mod for a while now on SP and have some of the observations:

    Thanks for posting, I appreciate feedback and bug reports, etc.

    1. Animations, visual actors, etc. are things I typically do not touch, therefore they ought to be the same as in A22. I've standardized reload times (for human soldiers to 1000 ms) though, thus the animation might be out of pace with the precie moment when the damage is exactly inflicted, however, that is not something which is of high importance to me.

    2. That's true. Creating twelve different versions of any soldier would make this mod unnecessarily large (it's supposed to be lightweight). Besides, using just one visual actor for all ranks has several advantages: it keeps the unit recognizable; it allows the other two existing visual actors to be used for other units of other factions; changing a unit's outfit mid-combat seemed weird.

    3. Researching City phase ought to be unproblematic; I'll try to reproduce it later and see if I can figure out what is the issue. The high number of farms is probably the result of only of the latest changes, i.e. the introduction of a minimum distance of farms to centres; it's something which I'm trying out and might revert.

    4W. “Captured women”?

    4G. That's intended. The Gastraphetes was a hand-held siege weapon, not the relatively small hunting crossbow of Late Antiquity, those of Medieval warfare, or our modern lightweight plastic versions.

    5. Could you be more precise? Maybe a typo somewhere, I'll have a look.

    6. Annoying. I thought I had solved that weeks ago. I'll have another look at it.

    7. New visual actors for new structures are being added to A23. Because I prefer to keep 0abc small (a few MB), I do not intend to include them; reusing existing graphics is an efficient temporary solution.

    When I have time for 0 A.D. again, I'll have a more careful look and try to solve the bugs you mentioned. I'm quite busy with other things these few weeks.

  4. 2 hours ago, The Undying Nephalim said:

    How do you allow more then one tech to enable line of sight sharing? It seems to only be able to handle 1 entry. 

    Yes, it can accept only one entry. It's because it's a boolean, i.e. either true or false. If there are several technologies which enable it, then if you have researched one of those, then why would you research another one?

    Anyway, if you would want to allow a single faction to have multiple technologies to enable vision sharing, then make the "unlock_shared_los" autoresearched with any of those multiple technologies as a prerequisite (an OR statement).

    And if you want different factions to have different vision sharing technologies (but only one each), you can do that by keeping "<SharedLosTech>unlock_shared_los</SharedLosTech>" in the generic "player.xml" file, and inserting into the specific "player_x.xml" file of faction X:


    (or whatever you want to name the technology for faction X).


    To figure out where to locate which file, have a look at: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/special

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, SirPope said:

    I was going to use the term Octember but I doubt anyone would get that reference. Basically, A23 will break a lot of mods with the template changes that's going on and this is going to need maintaining then anyways. Get it stable enough to run on A22 and patch it if you feel like it. We don't know when the actual release date is and they still want more content before then. If it's usually 2 releases a year and it's been 3 months... 3-5 months? That's not a long time for a release of a game, even an alpha update. Plus, that's only 3-5 months that this mod would be run-able.

    The life cycle of A21 was over eight months, so if that's anything to go by, don't expect A23 before April then. Furthermore, time between releases seems to be increasing, so it's perfectly possible A22 will last even longer. The point is, the release date is not fixed, therefore we'd better avoid speculating on it.

    A22 has been released and therefore won't be changed any more. Adapting a mod to the development version is a lot of work, because A23 is constantly changing and anything can be altered at any time, potentially breaking mods overnight; nor do we know how A23 would ultimately look like. It's wiser to base a mod upon a stable release (e.g. A22) and only update it to the next version when it's released.

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Zeta1127 said:

    There was also a small issue with the Theban Fire Raiser, which I also fixed, so as near as I can tell, the mod is fully ported to Alpha 22. I am still interested in releasing 0 A.D. Empires Extended to the public, but it is a lot of work to manage a released mod, so I am still hesitant to do it.

    Managing a released mod is not necessarily more work than managing a local mod. If your mod works without errors on A22, then releasing exactly those files should work for everyone else's A22. It's completely up to you, of course.

    7 hours ago, SirPope said:

    I don't think anyone is really expecting an upkept mod at the moment - A23 release is somewhat kinda right around the corner. Call it an alpha mod for an alpha game. If you don't update it we'll probably do it ourselves or assume your working on a 23 version.

      Reveal hidden contents

    If you want to test it more, put a few AI's against each other and watch them fight. If they don't train a unit (like Siege) or build a building: the <Classes> tag might not be there at all for it or be right. Make sure to check the parent as well. A 2v2 or 2v1, So they build a market and hopefully train traders.


    7 hours ago, av93 said:

    What make you think that? Only has been 3 months since last alpha release, now alphas are released by like 2 at year. Maybe the dev team has switched to short cycle developing, but didn't read nothing about it.

    The next alpha is always around the corner, because work on the next version starts as soon as a stable is released. However, that doesn't mean A23 is about to be released right now. No asset freeze has been announced as far as I know and a lot of work is ongoing. Personally I would be surprised if A23 would be finished and released earlier than January (it's pure speculation, of course).

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Grugnas said:

    actually latex is really powerful but i always wondered if it is really worth to use it.

    What i mean is that this seems more like a scripting language than an "advanced" text editor thus it will require practice and to remember scripts and libraries that perhaps one can easly forget over time thus not so "time saving" even with practice.

    But sure, if you want to invest more time for something of really fancy, LaTex is the way to go.

    Yes, LaTeX is a typesetting language. You can use any general text editor (e.g. emacs, gedit, kwrite, notepad, etc) or a specialized TeX-editor (e.g. TeXworks, TeXnicCenter, LyX), but to compile it (create a proper pdf) requires a TeX-distribution to be installed (e.g. TeXLive, MiKTeX).

    The learning curve is quite steep; you need to invest a few hours to get used to LaTeX, but once you've mastered it, life becomes so much easier.

    When I started at university years ago, we were introduced to LaTeX on day one, and forced to use it for all assignments. I didn't like it initially back then, but now I'm really glad I had to. Since then I've never used MS Word, Powerpoint, or similar time consuming typesetting programs.

    So if you want to be able to typeset professional documents with very little effort, learn LaTeX.

    If you're not interested, perfectly fine. Many people aren't willing to invest time into learning it.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Nescio said:

    Besides, “beotian” ought to be renamed to “Boeotian”.

    3 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    I'd like to avoid having caps and stuff in filenames, but I'll do it in the XML file.

    To clarify, I wasn't talking about capitalization, but about the e; I mean the first “e” should actually be “oe“ (or “oi” if you prefer Ancient Greek orthography); we no longer write Edipus either, but Oedipus (or Oidipous); likewise Boeotia (or Boiotia), but not Beotia.

  9. 16 hours ago, Servo said:

    1. Make AI build walls and gates.

    That would be very nice. Even when surrounded by fortresses and dozens of towers the AI can be easily defeated by ignoring those fortifications and simply ordering your battering rams and champion swordsmen to attack its vulnerable centres. Walls would make that less straightforward (provided the AI doesn't keep its gates wide open).

    Being able to construct wonders would also be nice (a higher maximum population limit can be a serious game changer).

    27 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    The first few matches for every single person I've ever enticed in to playing 0AD have been pretty traumatic. I see the same for every first-timer on youtube. Different aggression levels from the AI would help A LOT. The AI waltzing into your town with at minute 10 with a "massive" army when you've just figured out how to build a farm is really disheartening for a lot of first timers. At least give them a heads-up that the AI is a total douche...

    The AI can be quite overwhelming if you're new or slow, but is not much of a challenge when you're used to 0 A.D. Furthermore, it seems to be have difficulty on maps where wood is scarce.

    Actually I'd welcome any improvements which would make the AI a better long term opponent.

    35 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    This shouldn't be that difficult to do, is it? I honestly don't know...

    Have a look at the files inside https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai

  10. 11 hours ago, sphyrth said:

    I haven't checked yet, but I believe that your GUI Elements are begging to be put in a Sidebar. (Please ignore the bottom part. It's just a rushed attempt to put everything on one side)

    And why not? Some games did it. Take Caesar 3 for example.

    All it needs is a way to handle all the buildable/trainable stuff when they can't fit on the entire screen. Just like how Red Alert 2 does it.

    It is a possibility I've considered myself earlier but rejected for several reasons. (Caesar III is a simple but great game, I really liked it years ago.)

    4 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Hmm, I was under the mistaken impression that many of the files were compressed into smaller more efficient binary files or formats for the alpha releases. PNGs compressed to DDS. XML files to XMB?

    3 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

    That part is true however I don't think js files have such an equivalent 

    The size of 0abc's simulation folder isn't the issue (only 2 MB, compressing it won't make a significant difference), but its number of files (over 3000) apparently is, or actually setting up the AI.

    I repeat, in 0abc generating a giant random map with no population limit and eight “none” AI players takes about 18 seconds. Having a “Petra Bot” AI instead increases the time by about 180 seconds, a tenfold increase.

    Although it's especially noticeable with 0abc, undoubtedly other mods are experiencing the same problem, albeit in a different degree.

    3 hours ago, SirPope said:

    This works with svn? Do I need to copy the svn's tortoise folder to a new one or... can I just paste it in the mod folder there without breaking the update function of tortoise? It took me 4 to 5 hours to download. If I have to do it again less then a week later I'll cry.

    Extracting public.zip and defragmenting the folder I put it in sped 0ad up quiet a bit for me at least (probably just the defragment really). You may want to defrag the cache files as well that could be a problem if you're slowing down a bit. If it's the first time loading a mod or map the cache is filled (I think the first time and not everytime). A lot of junk gets moved around. Computers just look for empty space on the hard drive and shoves it in it there. Check pyrogenesis.exe page fault number in task manager and see what it says. If it's 1 million (or somewhat relatively close to it), you might want to defrag the folders. Defraggler has a defrag folder option and the newer windows might by default IDK. The hard drive works fast but with a program that requires a lot of files, that could mean a tiny slowdown for everyone of them.


    I think the cache contains some what compressed version of it.

    Sorry, I don't think I fully understand your post. If your question is if 0abc works with 0 A.D.'s svn version (A23), the answer is no, it works with the latest stable release (A22). However, I believe you're referring to something else.

  11. 7 hours ago, Servo said:

    It took 18 seconds from my timer btw and says 100% but stop for a while after tha, then waited maybe a minute or 3 if I remember before the game loads. That was his update before the latest which I haven’t tried yet. The saved games took little time though even with max 300 pop.


    Excessive times are related to setting up the AI. Generating a giant eight player random map with no population limit takes merely seconds if all AIs are set to “none”. If, however, AIs (e.g. Petra) are selected, the time increases by several minutes. Hopefully this will be improved in A23.


    Anyway, 0abc updated again:

    • farm fields have to be at at least 50 m from civil centres (distances are calculated from the centre of one object to the centre of another)
    • number of towers is limited to a maximum of ten plus five per centre
    • village phase technologies typically cost 40 seconds, town phase technologies 50, city phase technologies 60
    • fishing boats can gather food.meat (useful if amphibious animals (e.g. hippopotamus) are introduced)
      • females and infantry can gather food.fish (useful if there is fish in shallow water)
      • workers benefit from fishing net technology
    • Mauryans have -10% stone gather rate (their walls don't cost stone and they have +10% maximum population limit)
    • Persians have -5% wood gather rate (their centres have +10% territory influence radius and they have +10% maximum population limit)
    • each wonder grants +1.0 silver, food, wood, metal, and stone per 2.0 seconds resource trickle rate
      • garrisoned units (up to 50) heal at 5.0 health per second
      • 50 m aura: nearby units heal at 2.0 health per second
      • 100 m aura: traders and workers +5% movement speed
      • (stackable) global aura: units -10% training time (per wonder)
      • (stackable) global aura, requires “Glorious Expansion” technology: structures +10% territory influence radius (per wonder)
      • (stackable) global aura, requires “Glorious Expansion” technology: +10% maximum population limit (per wonder)
    • numerous minor tweaks, etc.

    As usual, see 0abc-readme.pdf for more detailed information.


    • Like 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    The only occurence of something like that I know of is some Chinese texture currently in the game. While I consider adding unused functions in the engine to make it more moddable, such as https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3488 I don't think adding art is a good idea. First because the people maintaining art assets notably programmers who could have already 12 used civs to deal with so adding random actors just for fun doesn't seem like a good idea. Then because it gets hard to keep track of all the mods using stuff that should be committed especially if said stuff is tweaked differently in every mods.

    This ^ also is a good example of "it's not because we used to do it in the past that it's a good idea". Also it means we are bundling useless stuff for releases. 

    I guess what I said above applies to this, unless Kushites are integrated alltogether.

    Yes, I fully agree the statement “it's done in the past therefore it's a good idea” is false.

    To clarify, I'm not arguing to include just anything into the svn; instead, I think it might be worth considering including visual actors which are not yet used but might be later. E.g. the Mauryans do not have any siege units at the moment, but those might be added later, therefore I think it's a good idea to include Alexandermb's Mauryan ram visual actor.

    Besides, “unused” certainly doesn't mean “useless”; having a couple of extra units is useful for scenarios (and mods). I just checked A22 and I found these “unavailable” units (there might be more, I didn't check carefully):



  13. 4 hours ago, Alexandermb said:

    Actually is the whole body, the camels are using the old unit mesh

    It would be nice if it could be improved, however, it has certainly no priority. Undoubtedly there are many other more important things.

    5 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

    As much as possible I'd like stuff to be used when they get committed :)

    Yeah, but if something is not directly used in the default distribution, it can still be worth including it anyway. Currently (A22) there are at least a dozen units which exist but are untrainable. A few more doesn't hurt.


    (Furthermore, maybe some of the Kushite visual actors could also be included in the svn (if they are finished and qualitatively at least as good as their counterparts of the existing factions); some of them are already being used in several mods, and quite a few players appear to like the Kushites. (Just a suggestion to ponder upon :) ))

    • Like 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    But first we have a lot of buildings to do. I do want to add as much as possible before A23 though.

    Yes, I agree that's more important. Including unit visual actor improvements would be nice to have, but definitely has no priority at all.

    Nevertheless, visual actors (without the simulation templates) I hope will eventually be reviewed and included in A23 (allowing me to remove them from 0abc) include:


  15. While you're at it, could you also fix the camel (ptol cavalry [sic] archer) rider's legs?


    As you can see the warrior is standing inside his dromedary. He's supposed to sit on the camel with his legs crossed:




    11 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Seleucid cataphracts would have looked almost exactly like this:

    Full barding wouldn't come until the Parthians.

    For Hellenized Greek cataphracts this is probably appropiate, yes, although it would be nice if it would extent a bit further back and if the ends would visibly meet together behind the horse's neck.

    However, the Scythians seem to have had fully armoured cataphracts before 500 BC, and potentially the Armenian cataphract tradition did too. Personally I'd like to see Cappadocian cavalry (pers_cavalry_spearman_e) fully covered in linen barding from chest to tail.

  16. 10 hours ago, leper said:

    Might be caused by how the AI currently handles template loading. In A22 it loads all of them at the start, so that does slow things down. It still does that in SVN, but some work to enable us to move away from that behaviour has been done. However it seems the contributor working on that has been busy.

    Hopefully that'll be changed eventually. 0abc's simulation folder, though only 2 MB in size, already contains over three thousand files. When starting a new random map, getting to 99% takes seconds, from there to actual start of the session takes several minutes.

    10 hours ago, leper said:

    As I haven't looked at any of those mods in any detail take this with a grain of salt. As long as the New Horse mod does not change any templates (because only the actor files change), and your mod does not change any of the horse actors, and both of the mods have dependencies specified correctly such that they depend on 0ad, then there shouldn't be any need for manually ordering them in any specific way.

    If “New Horse” didn't have a simulation folder, order wouldn't matter. However, it does contain half a dozen templates, which is why 0abc has to be last.

    10 hours ago, leper said:

    Just because something works a certain way right now does not mean it cannot be a bug. Same as eg the AI not serializing/deserializing properly is considered a bug.

    What I only meant to say is it's part of A22, not specifically of 0abc.

  17. 0abc is updated again:

    • espionage (vision sharing): all units are bribable, no structures are
    • centres cost -50% time and resources in village phase only (town phase doubles i.e. restores it)
    • centres have somewhat higher crush armour (battering rams proved to be too effective)
    • civic structures within 50 m of centres have +50% capture points
    • several aura changes
    • 100%-but-unfinished-structure bug probably fixed now
    • other minor improvements
    On 10/11/2017 at 10:30 PM, Servo said:

    though loading takes a little while.

    Unfortunately, yes, this is quite a nuisance. It seems the more files (templates?) a mod has, the longer generating a new game takes.

    On 10/11/2017 at 10:30 PM, Servo said:

    in your opinion is it a good idea for the AI being allowed to build max 30 towers and a lot of forts?

    This is default A22 petra AI behaviour which I didn't change.

    On 10/11/2017 at 10:30 PM, Servo said:

    One more thing is if I won’t replace the previous update (with saved games) and download the new ones, not replacing the previous will I have two types of 0abc mod?

    You can have as many different copies as you like, just give the folders different names; however, I can assure you from my own experience it can be quite confusing to keep track of everything. A single repository is much easier to handle.

    On 11/11/2017 at 4:18 AM, Alexandermb said:

    In case you haven't noticed i've made am update of the cavalry (including actors) feel free to use it on your mod, it will be useful to have people testing and see if anyone can see bugs or frames i haven't noticed yet in the animations beside ideas while i'm still working on it. Feel free to make any comment and suggestions for animations. 

    I've downloaded and tried out your horse package but decided against including it into the 0abc mod, because it's quite large and has just a minor benefit. However, players can load and use your new horse mod in combination with 0abc, which works fine if 0abc is loaded last (in mod selection from top to bottom: 0adA22, New Horse, 0abc).

    17 hours ago, leper said:

    Nope, that's a bug. I expect this to be fixed a the same time as handling mods in the lobby.

    Bug or whatever, it's part of A22, I believe.

  18. And an error:

    ERROR: Failed to find matching prop point called "weapon_R" in model "art/meshes/props/cape_cavalry_medium.dae" for actor "cape_cav_animated_javelinist"

    By the way, I like that last image. Would it be possible to make cataphracts real cataphracts (completely covered in armour), instead of merely having a minor mail at the horse breast?

  19. 0 A.D.'s chariots always looked weird to me. Yes, no scythed chariots have survived, so some artistic licence is allowed. However, those forward pointing blades puzzle me, as do the scythes attached (or actually piercing through) the horses.

    Literary evidence mention scythes attached to the axles (those are there) and blades below the cart itself (those seem to be missing), but no scythes attached to the horses are mentioned, as far as I'm aware (perhaps those could be removed?).

    Xenophon is a relatively reliable source (he was an eye-witness), e.g. Anabasis I.viii.10:

    πρὸ δὲ αὐτῶν ἅρματα διαλείποντα συχνὸν ἀπ᾿ ἀλλήλων τὰ δὴ δρεπανηφόρα καλούμενα· εἶχον δὲ τὰ δρέπανα ἐκ τῶν ἀξόνων εἰς πλάγιον ἀποτεταμένα καὶ ὑπὸ τοῖς δίφροις εἰς γῆν βλέποντα, ὡς διακόπτειν ὅτῳ ἐντυγχάνοιεν. ἡ δὲ γνώμη ἦν ὡς εἰς τὰς τάξεις τῶν Ἑλλήνων ἐλθόντων καὶ διακοψόντων.

    In front of them were the so-called scythe-bearing chariots, at some distance from one another; and the scythes they carried reached out sideways from the axles and were also set under the chariot bodies, pointing towards the ground, so as to cut to pieces whatever they met; the intention, then, was that they should drive into the ranks of the Greeks as they advanced with the intention of splitting the opposing line.

    Translation of Carleton L. Brownson (LCL)

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