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Posts posted by Nescio

  1. Yes, \LaTeX is great, I can highly recommend it. Here is a small example of 42 lines:

    \title{Lecture notes}
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
    Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. 
    Aenean massa.
    \subsubsection{First lecture}
    @#$% sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
    \subsubsection{Second lecture}
    Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.
    Nulla consequat massa quis enim.\footnote{Don't forget to quote your sources: \url{https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum_(unsourced)}}

    Save it, then run “pdflatex file.tex” thrice, and the output should be:


    [EDIT]: Apparently some filter objects to the usual Latin word for “with”, hence those weird signs at the start of line 34; here is the “uncensored” file:


    45 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    That appears to be a commercial site trying to make money; keep in mind LaTeX itself is completely free and open source; better visit https://tug.org/

  2. 6 hours ago, Alexandermb said:

    In case you haven't noticed i've made am update of the cavalry (including actors) feel free to use it on your mod, it will be useful to have people testing and see if anyone can see bugs or frames i haven't noticed yet in the animations beside ideas while i'm still working on it. Feel free to make any comment and suggestions for animations. 

    Thanks for the notification. I've just downloaded your mod and started trying it out. One thing I noticed is the Seleucid scythed chariot:Screenshot_from_2017-11-11_11-01-00.thumb.png.72f19221b135e61355e5aba8a60b1339.png

    The old visual actor is left, right is your new one. As you can see there is a gap between the horse and its armour.

    • Like 1
  3. 0abc updated again:

    • numerous changes to special technologies, champion rosters, bonuses, etc.
      • chariots are moved to siege workshops (instead of halls)
      • scythed chariot aura: -2 c/h/p armour of enemy melee infantry within 15 m
      • Britons can train naked fanatics from captured Gaul taverns
      • Macedonians can train mercenary elephants from captured elephant stables
    6 hours ago, Servo said:

    In my previous update  my saved games run very nice with some occasional Roman errors. The new changes were autoupdated

    With new update I played the same saved games even with errors popping out.My Ai automatically captured enemy Ai and the HP was still high (strange but nice).

    Maybe due to error only my slingers can repair damaged structure on default, the rest I need to click on repair icon.

    Seems like the recapture rate by units inside the structure is very slow at almost 90% level. When I click a single unit to recapture it can't. But when in multiples they can recapture the remaining capture HP.

    When I highlight all units in the screen only a couple units HP bars can be seen.

    Try starting a new game after updating the mod and see if any errors occur then.

  4. 0abc updated again:

    • removed population bonuses from individual brit and gaul structure templates. Instead, included it in the Celtic structure bonus:
      • economic structures grant +2 population
      • military structures grant +4 population
      • temples grant +6 population
    • unlock champions is available to all factions
    • various minor corrections
    10 hours ago, Servo said:

    One good thing with your mod is that I noticed it automatically updates the saved games too. This way I don’t need to create a new game to enjoy some interesting changes.

    You're mistaken; this is neither good, nor specifically related to my mod. It's a feature of 0 A.D. itself: save games preserve the mod names, but not the mod versions. This means that although you can often (but not always) load save games started with earlier versions of a mod, unexpected errors might occur (e.g. that aura error you posted). It's advisable to finish or delete your old save games and simply start new games after updating a mod.

    10 hours ago, Servo said:

    Hope the AI make some siege units this time.

    Yes, I can confirm all factions construct at least battering rams, and train cavalry and infantry champions as well as mercenaries and citizens.

  5. The destruction and foundation visual actors often do not match the sizes of their corresponding structures. E.g. the Persian, Ptolemaic, and Punic wonders all use a 8x8 although respectively 12x12, 9x12, and 6x12 would better match their footprints, obstruction, and visual actor sizes.

    It would be nice if someone could create visual actors for more different sizes. Here is a list of nice to have and existing sizes:

    art/actors/structures/destruct_stone_* [currently 8]

    1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6,
    2x1, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6,
    3x1, 3x2, 3x3, 3x4, 3x4, 3x6,
    4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4, 4x5, 4x6,
    5x1, 5x2, 5x3, 5x4, 5x5, 5x6,
    6x1, 6x2, 6x3, 6x4, 6x5, 6x6,

    8x4, 8x6, 8x8, 8x10,

    4x12, 5x12, 6x12, 7x12, 8x12, 9x12, 10x12, 11x12, 12x12.

    art/actors/structures/fndn_* [currently 12]

    1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6,
    2x1, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6,
    3x1, 3x2, 3x3, 3x4, 3x4, 3x6,
    4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4, 4x5, 4x6,
    5x1, 5x2, 5x3, 5x4, 5x5, 5x6,
    6x1, 6x2, 6x3, 6x4, 6x5, 6x6,

    8x4, 8x6, 8x8, 8x10,

    4x12, 5x12, 6x12, 7x12, 8x12, 9x12, 10x12, 11x12, 12x12.

    • Thanks 2
  6. Yeah, I understand that part, and I quite agree.

    However, it's not entirely clear to me what to put into a separate file or patch. How to load a new js file into an existing one? And would you prefer to spin off just the resources part of the session.js file, or also population and the other lines concerning the top panel?

  7. Now you've lost me, I'm afraid. What exactly do you want me to put into a patch? All I did was inserting a new verticallySpaceObjects into functions_utility.js and subsequently changed a few lines in sessions.js

    3 hours ago, leper said:

    And if that isn't possible at least add the unmodified file in a commit, then have another commit with the changes only.

    Which file(s) do you mean exactly?

  8. 0abc updated:

    • gui: resources are now listed vertically in a panel to the left of the minimap; fixed structure tree error
    • ai: used mimo's rP20389 and rP20399 as a blueprint to make the ai capable of constructing the newly available structures in this mod (halls, shipyards, siege workshops, stables, etc)
    • included Alexandermb's updated lithobolos visual actors
    • replaced combined barracks with an infantry barracks and a cavalry stables for all factions which did not yet have stables
      • disabled Ptolemaic camel stables
    • teambonuses are made stackable
    • new auras:
      • caravan: land traders grant +1 c/h/p armour to other land traders within 10m
      • convoy: merchant ships grant +1 c/h/p armour to other merchant ships within 20m
      • infantry garrison: battering rams have +0.3 walk speed per infantry unit garrisoned inside
    • all walls no longer have any territory influence
      • palisade/wooden (village) walls can be constructed in own, neutral, enemy, and allied territory
      • siege/turf (town) walls can be constructed in own, neutral, and enemy territory
      • stone (city) walls can be constructed in own and neutral territory
      • default health to resourcecosts ratio is at 25:1 for all walls
      • default health to buildtime ratio is at 50:1 for all walls
    • several other minor changes, corrections, etc.

    As usual, there exists a 0abc-readme.pdf for more detailed information.

    • Like 1
  9. Currently I'm working on a new resource panel gui (again). Here is the code of the resources.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <object name="resourceCounts" size="0 32 116 244" sprite="genericPanel" type="image">
      <repeat count="5">
        <object name="resource[n]" size="0 6 108 46" type="image" style="resourceCounter" tooltip_style="sessionToolTipBold">
          <object size="4 4 36 36" type="image" name="resource[n]_icon" ghost="true"/>
          <object size="32 0 100%-4 100%-4" type="text" style="resourceText" name="resource[n]_count"/>

    This results into:


    Now I want to list the resources vertically (to the left of the minimap), instead of horizontally. Although I guess it's probably not that difficult, I can't figure out how to achieve that. Any suggestions?

  10. Besides, you also need stone for many researches (city phase, blacksmith infantry attack technologies, soldiers' will, glorious expansion, murder holes, unlock spies).

    Nevertheless, walls are cheap, too cheap I think, and not very strong.

    Nor do I think there isn't enough stone available; you can always barter for more or use traders to gain any resource. Moreover, on most maps you start with a 5000 stone quarry and a 5000 metal mine very close to your centre; if those would supply sufficient resources, there would be no incentive to expand, therefore I don't think mines and quarries should contain a larger amount than they already do right now.


    [EDIT] a comparison:

    fortress     : 4500 health / 1000 stone =   4.5
    wall turret  : 4000 health /   90 stone =  44.44
    long wall    : 3000 health /   28 stone = 107.14
    medium wall  : 2000 health /   22 stone =  90.91
    short wall   : 1000 health /   15 stone =  66.67
    stone tower  : 1000 health /(100s+100w) =   5.0
    sentry tower :  250 health /  100 wood  =   2.5
    outpost      :  800 health /   80 wood  =  10.0
    small house  :  800 health /   75 wood  =  10.67
    big house    : 1200 health /  150 wood  =   8.0
  11. Whenever you're experiencing any errors or warnings, please access the interestinglog.html file (its location typically depends on your operating system, see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths), and copy the message from there; plain text is easier to read than a screenshot.

    My guess is that if you fix whatever is wrong in the hero selection screen, the gui file error will disappear as a consequence.

    And welcome to 0 A.D., darkinterloper! Hyrule Conquest seems to be a very promising mod :)

    • Like 2
  12. Yes, it's better.

    47 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    The human form of Amun is usually depicted blue. The Ram headed Amun is usually green (with red eyes), black or an odd type of brown.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    48 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    [...] common, is by no means universal. It depends strongly on the period and place where the depiction is made. Iconography isn't as static as it's sometimes insinuated (over thousands of years of history things change/evolve/adapt).

    Completely true (and not just applicable to Egypt only).


    Something else: it seems those two figurines on Amun's crown wearing the red and white crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt (I forgot which one is which) are both cobras; isn't one of them supposed to be a vulture? (Or is this another example of evolving iconography?)

  13. To clarify, I'm not saying the current Kushite emblem is ugly, nor do I have any objections to what is depicted (Athens, Carthage, Persia, and Ptolemis all depict gods as well). My point of criticism is how it is depicted. I fear I can not exactly pinpoint it, (it might be just me), but the style seems simply too different in comparison to the other emblems:


    Maybe it's just that the golden background is too bright, maybe it's because it lacks the suggestion of being a shield, maybe it's something else; I can't say exactly, it's just that the Kushite emblem seems too different.

    PS Why is Amun green? Isn't a green skin typically reserved for Osiris in Egyptian iconography, a red skin for males, and a yellow skin for females?

    • Like 1
  14. 13 hours ago, LordGood said:

    lol I haven't even played as the Kushites yet in any capacity

    Nor have I; I guess I will if they're included into A23 :)

    By the way, I don't really like the faction emblem; the style seems to be too different from those of all existing civilization icons.

  15. 4 hours ago, sphyrth said:

    My 1024x768 Screen is a Nightmare for GUI Modders.

    Modifying the GUI is quite annoying anyway, don't blame your screen :) The game ought to be playable on screens with a width of 1024 or 960 pixels as well as on widescreens of 3840 pixels wide.

    4 hours ago, sphyrth said:

    Asides from the Resources,

    Actually I intend to list the resources vertically in a separate panel to the left of the minimap (which is also why I moved the minimap again); I'm still working on fixing a few errors.

    4 hours ago, sphyrth said:

    the Hero Icon and Minimap are overlapping.

    Apparently I forgot to save a changed number earlier; it's now fixed.



    PS Those additional selection markers have been accepted by elexis and are included in the svn. Healers now have a plus-shaped marker in A23.

    • Thanks 1
  16. Although Greek “hippeis” (Latin “equites”) literally means “horsemen” (or “knights”), in Classical times Sparta's hippeis were actually elite hoplites who fought on foot, consisting of 300 picked men who followed and formed the guard of Sparta's two kings; “Agathoergoi” is another term for exactly those 300. There is no need to include them into 0 A.D., because there already is the spart_champion_infantry_spear.xml unit.

    And concerning the Roman rorarii, accensi, adscripticii, supernumerarii, etc. we know next to nothing about them; those terms had ceased to be used (or were redefined) for soldiers before Roman historiography started. Velites formed the Roman light infantry; they were organized, had a formal place and role on the battlefield, and were armed with javelins. Rorarii were apparently unorganized, they were kept behind the lines, outside the battle, and were supposedly even lighter armed than the velites (or potentially unarmed). The assumption they were slingers is merely a guess (a sling is much cheaper than a javelin).

  17. 10 minutes ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    A civilization in the village phase should rely mostly on grain. Some nomadic civilizations could get a bonus but not all

    People living in the city phase should rely mostly on grain; bread was already a luxury for city-dwellers in Antiquity. Those living in villages and on the countryside had plenty of space to keep livestock and typically had a much healthier and varied diet, which also included cheese and occassionally meat.

  18. 2 hours ago, elexis said:

    > Also, pierce damage damaging buildings is really unrealistic.

    Didn't we come to that conclusion several times already, always increased the Pierce damage and are now at 99% and it's still too few? Anything speaking against making that 100%? (I guess the formula, but perhaps we can go to 99,99%)

    Units will always inflict at least 1 damage, right? If so, it doesn't really matter whether the armour is 90% or 99% or 99.99%, nor what the attacker's pierce damage is; what counts is the number of attackers and their attack rate. E.g. twenty archers need (2000/1.0)/20=100 seconds to level down a barracks.

  19. 32 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    That diminishing returns thing is very incognito indeed. I had no idea it was even implemented or how it works? Micromanaging resource gathering in general is pain in my opinion...

    Yeah, only a few people are probably aware it exists; I only discovered it after stumbling upon it when modifying templates. Anyway, it basically is a multiplier applied exponentially to each additional worker. Currently the field can have up to five workers and has a diminishing returns factor of 0.9, which means:

    the first worker farms at 0.9^0=1.0=100% speed
    the second worker farms at 0.9^1=0.9=90% speed
    the third worker farms at 0.9^2=0.81=81% speed
    the fourth worker farms at 0.9^3=0.729=72.9% speed
    the fifth worker farms at 0.9^4=0.6561=65.61% speed

    Combined five workers on a single farm gather at combined rate of 4.0951 individual farmers.

    I actually like this functionality (or think it's at least quite interesting), although the current value (0.9) does seem a bit high.

    • Thanks 2
  20. (See also D914)

    Part of the problem is that sentry towers have significantly less health (but rather surprisingly more capture points) than outposts or any other structures; here is a quick comparison:

                     ,health, capture points
    storehouse       ,  800 ,  300
    outpost          ,  800 ,  500
    sentry tower     ,  250 ,  800
    stone tower      , 1000 ,  500
    Iberian tower    , 2400 ,  500
    fortress         , 4500 , 4200
    Iberian fortress , 6000 , 4200

    Actually I proposed a couple of weeks ago to change it into e.g.:

                     ,health, capture points
    outpost          ,  750 ,  500
    sentry tower     , 1000 ,  750
    stone tower      , 1500 , 1000
    Iberian tower    , 2500 , 1250

    However, “balance” changes are notoriously hard to get reviewed, accepted, and implemented, therefore I've shelved it for now :)

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