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Posts posted by Nescio

  1. 27. Maybe I'll try the git mirror instead.


    28. Something else, how to solve the following error message?


    ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/common-api/entity.js line 313 ReferenceError: bonusesClasses is not defined m.Template<.getMultiplierAgainst@simulation/ai/common-api/entity.js:313:1 m.getMaxStrength@simulation/ai/petra/entityExtend.js:28:12 m.HQ.prototype.findBestTrainableUnit/<@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:570:18 m.HQ.prototype.findBestTrainableUnit@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:554:2 m.AttackPlan.prototype.trainMoreUnits@simulation/ai/petra/attackPlan.js:557:19 m.AttackPlan.prototype.updatePreparation@simulation/ai/petra/attackPlan.js:440:4 m.AttackManager.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/attackManager.js:140:21 m.HQ.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2286:3 m.PetraBot.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:119:3 m.BaseAI.prototype.HandleMessage@simulation/ai/common-api/baseAI.js:64:2


  2. Quote

    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'units/{civ}_support_female_citizen' from node 'Entities' in 'campaigns/campaign_city_minor_test'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)
    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'units/{civ}_support_female_citizen' from node 'Entities' in 'campaigns/campaign_city_test'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)
    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'phase_town_athen' from node 'Technologies' in 'template_structure_civic_civil_centre_military_colony'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)
    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'phase_city_athen' from node 'Technologies' in 'template_structure_civic_civil_centre_military_colony'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)
    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'units/{civ}_support_female_citizen_house' from node 'Entities' in 'structures/rome_tent'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)
    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'structures/{civ}_wallset_stone' from node 'Entities' in 'units/spart_champion_infantry_sword'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)
    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'structures/{civ}_wallset_stone' from node 'Entities' in 'units/spart_infantry_javelinist_b'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)
    WARNING: [ParamNode] Could not remove token 'structures/{civ}_wallset_stone' from node 'Entities' in 'units/spart_infantry_spearman_b'; not present in list nor inherited (possible typo?)

    These yellow warning messages are a minor nuisance (I've not yet figured out how to solve them), but are nothing to worry about, because they all concern units etc which are not used in this mod.



    16 minutes ago, Servo said:

    I also noticed the units getting promoted as evident on the behavior and specs but the badge doesn't change. I gues the badges are not complete yet and it's fine. Or it neeeds more experience so the rank changes.

    Yes, all soldiers promote automatically (the AI benefits from this as well), and their stats improve accordingly (and gather rate decreases simultaneously). And no, there are no longer separate badges, graphics, icons, or visual actors for different ranks, nor do I intend to add those.

  3. Thanks. So I added


    into the .bash_profile file, which didn't work initially, but works now after restarting my computer. arc help now works, and I've used arc install-certificate and followed its instructions. Now, what's the next step?

    If I type svn diff, I get the changes I made in the blacksmith files, so this seems to work.

    If I type arc diff, I get:


    Failed to load class or interface 'SimpleXMLElement': the class or interface 'SimpleXMLElement' is not defined in the library map for any loaded phutil library.

    If you are not a developer, this almost always means that a library is out of date. For example, you may have upgraded `phabricator` without upgrading `libphutil`, or vice versa. It might also mean that you need to restart Apache or PHP-FPM. Make sure all libraries are up to date and all services have been restarted.

    If you are a developer and this symbol was recently added or moved, your library map may need to be rebuilt. You can rebuild the map by running 'arc liberate'. For more information, see:

    (Run with `--trace` for a full exception trace.)


  4. It's probably quite easy, but I have no idea what to do when https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/arcanist/ states:



    Now add some_install_path/arcanist/bin/ to your PATH environment variable. When you type "arc", you should see something like this:

    Usage Exception: No command provided. Try 'arc help'.


    When I type arc, I get:

    bash: arc: command not found...
    Install package 'arc' to provide command 'arc'? [N/y]

    And in this case, arc is the ARC file archive manager, which I believe is something different than the phacility's arcanist.


  5. 27. So I've opened and read all those links (which result in more links, not all of them useful), registered at Trac and Phabricator, and installed the dependencies listed under https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions

    Now I want to start with something small and easy: remove lines 9 and 10 from the brit and gaul blacksmiths:

        <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Town</VisibleClasses>

    These lines are both unnecessary (they are present in the general blacksmith template; all other civ blacksmiths do not have these lines) and potentially problematic (if the phase requirement is changed for the general blacksmith template, these two will still remain town phase).

    Now, the file is located at at least three different locations:


    Which of these identical files should I take as a starting point? And how to proceed from there?

  6. 24. How large are the map size tiles?


    26. Is it possible to have more than one technology requirement to enable an unit?


    27. Personally I appreciate the support and advice I've received here on the forums, and I'd like to do something back. Is it possible to make some minor contributions to the official game? If I were given permission to edit the files, something I could and would like to do is applying a more systematic approach to the naming scheme of shared researches, special technologies, and civilization bonuses, because currently it seems rather haphazard and could be improved, similar to how it's done with team bonuses and auras. I do have some experience with programming (e.g. C++, python, R), mark-up (LaTeX, XML), and version control (git) languages, but not with trac; however, I believe I could learn how to use it, with a proper introduction.

    • Like 1
  7. 33 minutes ago, mimo said:

    Yes, i think we all agree on reducing vision ranges. I had also an attempt already at https://code.wildfiregames.com/D76

    But from these trials, i think that:

    - we should change ranges of range attack accordingly (except maybe for catapult, no units would have range exceeding vision at that time)

    - we may have to decrease a bit walkspeed, otherwise reducing their ranges will make ranged units more vulnerable

    And i now believe it would be much better to first start with a "cleanup patch" which would not change any values, but replace them all using relative templates: choose a basic Vision and RangedAttack Range (possibly different for Units and Structure, i don't know) and make all changes in the templates relative to it. Then we (or mods) can easily play with different settings and understand the changes, while currently everything is dispersed in tenth of templates files.

    Yes, I fully agree that changing vision range without considering attack range and unit walk speed is a bad idea.

    As for the templates, I noticed they are currently rather arbitrary. Therefore I've applied a more systematic approach in my mod (0abc) and reorganized the template tree; feel free to have a look at it and include parts or all of it in any other mods, patches, distributions, etc.

  8. stanislas69 mentioned me earlier, so here are some of my personal thoughts and opinions:

    • Personally I'd rather work on improving the main distribution than on yet another mod, no matter how ambitious its name
    • In my experience, the time spent on actual modifying and adding files is just a minor fraction of the time spent on documentation etc.; thinking beforehand, doing some research, and checking, double checking, and cross checking afterwards is essential.
    • Vision: I've repeatedly toyed with the idea of drastically decreasing unit vision range, but have not implemented it in my mod (0abc); here is my reasoning:
      - vision range is intertwined with attack range; because an attack range greater than their vision range is practically undesireable, vision range always ought to be greater than attack range
      - there is no reason why melee units would have a lower vision range than their ranged counterparts; just dropping a bow does not lower vision; besides, they have a right to know by whom or at least from where they're attacked
      - there is no reason why champion units (or heroes) would have a higher vision range than their citizen counterparts; just having better armour does not increase vision
      - there is no reason why age advances or similar technologies would improve vision
      - ergo: the possibilities of limiting vision range are rather limited
      - what I did was decreasing ranged siege weapon vision range to 100 and increasing the vision range of civic centres, fortresses, outposts, sentry towers, and defensive stone towers to 100
      In your mod, infantry archers currently have a vision range of 50 and an attack range of 68 (champion: 55 and 76, respectively), cavalry archers 60 and 68, respectively (champion: 65 and 72, respectively).
    • Trade income: just halving trade gain, as you did, might be a quick and easy fix, but it isn't perfect. While I agree that long-distance trade is far too profitable, I think trade gain is acceptable for medium distances and too low for short distances. So I edited the file:
      and replaced lines 40 and 43:
      let distanceSq = firstMarketPosition.distanceToSquared(secondMarketPosition);
      gain.traderGain = gainMultiplier * distanceSq / 10000;
      let Ndistance = firstMarketPosition.distanceTo(secondMarketPosition)/100;
      let NdistanceP = Math.pow(Ndistance, 1.5);
      gain.traderGain = gainMultiplier * (Ndistance + NdistanceP);

      Effectively this significantly reduces long distance trade income, keeps medium distance trade income similar, and improves short distance trade income, to allow players squeezed in a tiny corner to gain at least a few resources; however, to maximize gain you still have to maximize the distance.

    • Cavalry: requiring a corral and one or two technologies to enable cavalry seems a bit too much; just disabling training them from the civic centre (thus requiring a barracks or stables) would achieve the same objective (delaying early cavalry rushes)
    • Spartan city walls:
      - Yes, Sparta itself did not have city walls for centuries; however, the same applies to Rome, which was mostly outside its ceremonial city walls until the construction of the Aurelian walls in the third century AD.
      - Spartan colonies (e.g. Taras/Taranto) did have impressive city walls
      - The Spartans themselves frequently constructed stone walls at the Corinthian Isthmus, Thermopylae, and other locations during their campaigns
      Therefore I think it's justified to allow the Spartans to construct stone walls
    • Animals: just stick to the traditional four: goats, sheep, pigs, cattle. Yes, nowadays we eat rabbits, but this certainly was not always the case. Rabbits did not exist outside the Iberian peninsula until late Antiquity, and when they emerged beyond the Pyrenees, they were considered pests (as are mice and rats), not food. (In the European Middle Ages hunting (e.g. deer) and poaching (e.g. hares) was forbidden for all except the priviliged, however, killing rabbits (i.e. pest control) was actively encouraged.)

    To summarize, please take your time to think carefully before implementing any changes.



    PS Personally I greatly benefitted from the help and advice of fatherbushido and others.

  9. On 02/09/2017 at 1:31 PM, Servo said:

    @Nescio I tried playing the mod but it looks like  a mod of DE. 

    There was an error which failed to load the animals. In Africa plains there was no chicken and all animals I will try to upload it. 

    Also the units isn't requiring metal as described which is the most important feature I was trying to try. 

    Btw DE's units has a standard attack rates of most units(if not all) and I found to be excellent.

    Actually I am unfamiliar with DE; from what I've seen and read on the forums I believe it adds new factions, units, graphics, etc. 0abc is a modification of the standard alpha 22 distribution, developed indepently of any other mod. If it implements things similar to other mods, it's because apparently each of us perceives certain features in the default distribution as in need of improvement.

    As for your errors, I can not reproduce them, unfortunately; I guess it has to do with your local distribution. Make sure you're using alpha 22, disable any other mods, load 0abc, and don't forget to click “Save Configuration” and “Start Mods”.

    And yes, all soldiers require food, wood, *and* metal. If 0abc is loaded, this ought to be displayed correctly in the tech trees etc.


    • Like 1
  10. Update:

    • Everything unified in a single mod: https://github.com/0abc/0abc-unified/archive/master.zip
      (less than 2 MB in total; contains over 2500 text files)
    • Trade gain now depends on x+x^1.5 (instead of x^2), with x the distance between markets
    • Bribable (espionage: reveal their vision range for 10 seconds) are:
      all ships and traders
      civic centres, colonies, crannogs, docks, embassies, halls, libraries, markets, naval shipyards, palaces, temples, theatres, and wonders
    • Walls, storehouses, markets, fields, farmsteads, and corrals can be constructed in neutral territory (new),
      as can civic centres, colonies, crannogs, docks, naval shipyards, and outposts (unchanged)
    • Many more different unit types and wider selections of units in faction unit rosters
    • More civilization bonuses
    • All soldiers (citizen, mercenary, and champion) can advance in rank:
      instead of basic/advanced/elite, units start at rank 0 and can promote a dozen times, up to rank 12;
      each rank grants +5% health, attack damage, and capture strength
    • Dozens of hours of work, thousands of new files, countless tweaks, and numerous minor changes, most of which will probably go unnoticed
    • Have a look at 0abc-readme.pdf (included in repository and in first post of this forum topic) for more detailed information
    • Feel free to try this modification out yourself :)


    • Like 1
  11. 19. Once again, many thanks, I greatly appreciate your help! I didn't know of the existence of Identity.js, but I believe that is the file which can solve my problems.

    1 hour ago, fatherbushido said:

    (If you do such a thing, I would recommend you to not use the _b convention for naming the initial rank.)

    Actually I intend to completely side step the standard naming scheme, so instead of:


    I intend to use:





    21. TraderGain.js was what I was looking for, thanks for pointing it out. And no, I didn't simply want to multiply the gain multiplier. Trade works fine for medium distances, but is too low for short distances and too high for long distances. The problem is the distance squared; powers are simply too steep. So I've replaced lines 40 and 43:

      // Calculate ordinary Euclidean distance between markets, normalized to 100 m.
      // We don't use pathfinder, because ordinary distance looks more fair.
      let Ndistance = firstMarketPosition.distanceTo(secondMarketPosition)/100;
      // Also calculate the square root of its cube
      let NdistanceP = math.pow(Ndistance, 3/2);
      // We calculate trade gain factor as a sum of these two values;
      // this will encourage long distance trade with remote markets
      // and simultaneously keep short distance trade a reliable form of income
      gain.traderGain = gainMultiplier * (Ndistance + NdistanceP);
      // Comparison of the above vs previous (distanceSquare/10000):
      // distance :  trade gain factor  |  trade income factor (i.e. gain/distance)
      //     10 m :    0.13 vs     0.01 | 0.013 vs 0.001
      //     30 m :    0.46 vs     0.09 | 0.015 vs 0.003
      //    100 m :    2.0  vs     1    | 0.020 vs 0.01
      //    300 m :    8.2  vs     9    | 0.027 vs 0.03
      //   1000 m :   42    vs   100    | 0.042 vs 0.1
      //   3000 m :  194    vs   900    | 0.065 vs 0.3
      //  10000 m : 1100    vs 10000    | 0.11  vs 1


    21 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Everything except the bolded part is currently implemented in DE. The "maximum of 100" part like in AoM would need some code.

    22. DE is frequently mentioned on the forums. Do you have a full changelog or complete overview which lists everything DE does? (A pdf would be nice.) I'm not really interested in downloading a 600 MB zip when I just want a few kB of text :) By the way, how does the default AI perform in DE?


    23. So if a hundred opponents would fit in a splash area, each of them would receive the full damage/x^2 (with x the distance from the centre)? And is the distance factor continuous or discrete (e.g. would a unit at 2.5m receive 1/2.5^2 damage or do all units between 2m and 3m receive 1/3^2)?
    The more explicit explanation is actually less helpful than the confirmation that “spread is the standard deviation”. However, is spread simply a probability (chance to inflict 0 damage) or a displacement (it could hit foes other than the target if they happen to be at the inaccurate landing point)?


    24. According to simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json the tiny map is 128 tiles, medium is 256 tiles, and giant 512 tiles. However, how large is a “tile”?


    25. Is it possible to have different flavours of one and the same technology? E.g. in order to advance to the next phase, you have to choose between mutually exlusive technologies 2A, 2B, and 2C; each of them grants the (otherwise unavailable) phase 2, but each one would also give a unique benefit.

  12. 19. Are ranks hard coded somewhere? Whenever I attempt to replace <Rank>Basic</Rank> with <Rank>0</Rank> I do get error messages, so I stopped trying that.

    On 20/08/2017 at 1:19 PM, fatherbushido said:

    Oh that (I thought you wanted auras and tech to modify rank). You can do it but you need to change the schema in Identity component to use numbers, but there will be many things to change. (I don't recommend to do it in an hacky way, but that's an idea to explore).

    Yes, I do. However, I do have difficulty implementing it. So I have a file simulation/data/technologies/rank_1.json:

      "autoResearch": true,
      "icon": "upgrade_advanced.png",
      "tooltip": "Units promoted to the first rank gain 5% health, 5% attack damage, and 5% capture attack, but also -10% resource gather speed; melee units also have +1% movement walk speed and ranged units -1% spread. Healers heal +1 HP and have +1 m range.",
      "modifications": [
        {"value": "ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed", "multiply": 0.9                        },
        {"value": "Health/Max",                 "multiply": 1.05                       },
        {"value": "Attack/Capture/Value",       "multiply": 1.05                       },
        {"value": "Attack/Melee/Crush",         "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Melee"   },
        {"value": "Attack/Melee/Hack",          "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Melee"   },
        {"value": "Attack/Melee/Pierce",        "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Melee"   },
        {"value": "UnitMotion/WalkSpeed",       "multiply": 1.01, "affects": "Melee"   },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Crush",        "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Hack",         "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Pierce",       "multiply": 1.05, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Spread",       "multiply": 0.99, "affects": "Ranged"  },
        {"value": "Heal/HP",                    "add":      1,    "affects": "Healer"  },
        {"value": "Heal/Range",                 "add":      1,    "affects": "Healer"  }
      "affects": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6","7", "8", "9","10", "11", "12"]

    And similar files for subsequent ranks (up to 12). Then I also have several promotion technologies, e.g. simulation/data/technologies/drill_cavalry_1.json:

        "genericName": "Basic Cavalry Training",
        "description": "Give a basic training to all new cavalry soldiers.",
        "cost": {"food": 400, "wood": 0, "stone": 0, "metal": 200},
        "requirements": {"tech": "phase_village"},
        "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in Village Phase.",
        "icon": "nisean_war_horses.png",
        "researchTime": 30,
        "tooltip": "New cavalry starts at rank 1/12: additional -10% resource gather rate, +5% health, capture attack, and attack damage; melee also +1% walk speed and ranged -1% spread.",
        "modifications": [{"value": "Promotion/RequiredXp", "replace": 0}],
        "affects": ["Cavalry Basic"],
        "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml"

    Furthermore, I've edited all unit templates, e.g. simulation/templates/units/athen_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml:


    And created new files for the higher ranks, e.g. simulation/templates/units/athen/citizen_javelin_cavalry_1.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Entity parent="units/athen_cavalry_javelinist_b">

    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. Have I overlooked something? What else do I have to do?


    21. How is the long distance trade gain calculated and which files do I need to edit to lower it?


    22. Suppose I would want to add a new resource, favour, which starts at 0 and has a maximum of 100. (It could be acquired by killing enemies or praying at a temple, and used for speeding up construction or acquiring special units and technologies.) Where to start to implement it?


    23. How does “circular splash” work exactly? Is it divided amongst all units in a certain area, or does each unit receive the full splash damage? And linear splash? By the way, higher “spread” values mean a lower accuracy, right? But how does it work exactly?

  13. Update (0abc/technologies): new civilization bonuses are added for all factions, team bonuses are overhauled

    Reason: all factions had (greatly varying) team bonuses, most had at least one unique technology, few had actually free civilization bonuses. To make them more than just unit rosters with a fancy name and different graphics, new civilization bonuses are added (see pdf in first post, overview in third post, or github repository readme for more details)

  14. Thanks again for your quick and helpful replies!

    17. So (given that “Glorious Expansion” is an aura enabled by a technology) in my example it would be (100*1.1)*1.1+10=121; and if there was also a +10 technology involved, it would be (100*1.1+10)*1.1+10=142, right?

    Now if there were two wonders involved, would their aura multipliers compound (100*1.1*1.1+10+10) or just add up (100*1.2+20)?



    18. That was easier than expected, and it does work indeed. (Interestingly, it didn't work earlier when I tested it out with a mercenary camel archer, so now I have to figure out what's wrong with the camel :) ) I've also added a cross-shaped selection marker for the healers:








    19. In other words, “rank” is a character string and can not be a number, correct?

    14 hours ago, fatherbushido said:

    That's perhaps doable but you had to add some code and take care of many things. You can also use a xp replacement (see macedonians) but that leads to weird construction. We can also add a tech requirement to promotion (see ticket #4126).

    So <Rank op="add">1</Rank> is not straightforward to implement. Personally I don't like the Macedonian work-around, nor a tech-requirement for promotion. I guess I'll leave it for now and try to think of an easier and cleaner solution later.



    And a new question:

    20. Do multiple identical auras combine? E.g. would a citizen within range of five females receive a worker bonus only once (I assume so) or five times (which would be weird)? I'm asking because I would like to give healers a 15m aura which improves melee infantry attack by 5%.

  15. Further questions:

    17. By the way, how do operators combine?
    For instance, I've changed “Glorious Expansion” to increase maximum population by +10% (instead of flat +40); wonders still give flat +10 each; mauryans also have +10% maximum population; assume default maximum population of 100; how would this work out?

    a. Addition takes precedence: (100+10)*1.1*1.1=133
    b. Order matters: (((100*1.1)+10)*1.1)=132
    c. Multiplication takes precedence: 100*1.1*1.1+10=131
    d. Multipliers add up, but do not stack: 100*1.2+10=130
    e. Something else

    I'm assuming (b), but I'd appreciate a confirmation.



    18. A feature I really like is the different selection markers for heroes (star), champions (arrow), and other units (circle). Now I also want to distinguish mercenaries from citizens, so I created four rhombus (diamond, lozenge) files (attached):





    And I added a few lines (e.g. for a mercenary infantry spearman):

    Now, what else do I have to do to make it work?



    19. Something else I'd like to do is replacing the basic/advanced/elite ranks with a smoother promotion system: all soldiers start at rank 0, and can promote up to twelve times to rank 12; each rank grants +5% health, attack damage, and capture strength, but also -10% resource gather rate. Therefore I have to create new files for each rank (e.g. gaul_infantry_swordsman_7) and replace <Rank>Basic</Rank> with <Rank>0</Rank> under <Identity> in the general template file.

    Now I also want technologies which increase the base rank of units; is the following piece of code allowed?
        <Rank op="add">1</Rank>

    Then I need unit bonus technologies files for each rank (similar to /simulation/data/technologies/advanced_unit_bonus.json ); however, instead of:
      "affects": ["Advanced Unit", "Elite Unit"]
    I'd prefer rank is greater than or equal to 1 or something similar. How to achieve this?

  16. 1 hour ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    Is counter system mod?

    Yes, amongst many other things, it implements a counter system.

    Please have a look at the pdf included in the first post for more detailed information.

  17. On 19/08/2017 at 1:53 PM, Servo said:

    I tried and because I'm novice in pc stuffs I failed. Do I have to sign up to giithub before proceeding to download? I will try again though  if it's like the A22 that you can directly download it could have been easier. I tried it in OS X and would try it in windows and see how  

    @Nescio have you ever played your mod with a pro or decent player? If so how is it and what is his reaction. I really believe and have a good feeling that this mod would make the game much interesting than the current Alpha. The melee cavalry can have a better chance on skirm cavs and its animation will look better as there would be no pause on its attack. Pikemen would improve too. 

    No, I've never tried it out on multiplayer; the first version was only published recently.
    And no, you don't have to sign up at github. Just click the green “clone or download”:

    Screenshot from 2017-08-30 10-01-39.png

    Or access the url ( https://github.com/0abc/0abc-unified/archive/master.zip ) directly by typing or pasting it in your browser and hitting enter.

    (Personally I think typing:

    git clone https://github.com/0abc/0abc-unified.git

    in a terminal command line is the easiest way, but I can imagine others disagree.)


    Further instructions are included in the repository readme file, the 0abc-readme.pdf,  and in the first post of this forum topic. Keep in mind you probably have to deactivate other mods before you select and launch this one.


  18. 1 hour ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    I think this only strengthens the argument that not all.seleucid gods should be greek

    I emphasize again, the choice of gods does not have to be which was the most popular (although if we talk about within the same religion then yes), players should be allowed to choose a lesser religion too

    The source quoted clearly states “62 BC” (by which time the Seleucid empire no longer existed) and king “of Commagene” (a minor Armenian kingdom on the Euphrates).

    And again, I'd like to emphasize there was a continuum of cults without distinct religions. Besides, “Hellinized” does not mean “Greek”; local gods were equated with Greek equivalents, and vice versa; non-Greek gods assumed some Greek elements, iconography, names, etc and Greek cults incorporated foreign elements. This is nothing special and happens all the time, everywhere; most “Greek” gods were actually pre-Greek, by the way.

    EDIT: the deities named in that source actually support Hellenization: Zeus-Aramazd, Hercules-Vahagn, Tyche-Bakht, Apollo-Mihr-Mithras.

    1 hour ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    Hyacinthus was the mortal male lover of Apollo (no discrimination there)

    At best he is a divine hero, not a god

    And what would you benefit from his patronage? Flowers grow faster?

    In literary sources (e.g. Ovid), yes. However, in Lakedaimon (Sparta) he was an old (predating Apollo) and very important fertility god and associated with youth and the Spring; as for the benefit, maybe a movement speed bonus.

    Again, keep in mind religion was local (every city/town/village/community had its own pantheon, cults, mythology), individual (every person had his own beliefs and could decide for his own which gods to worship and in which rituals to participate), and inclusive (worshipping specific gods does not exclude others; existence of other deities was never denied; mutually contradicting versions of myths could be and were held simultaneously without anyone objecting).

    1 hour ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    Also, I have read in several places that Ares as the god of war is highly respected and revered in Sparta

    Yes, I never denied this, in fact I stated that myself as well (“he was respected as a decent warrior”). However, being respected and revered is something different than being worshipped with his own cult and sanctuary. Show me evidence of just one Ares temple or festival in Sparta and I'm convinced.

    1 hour ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    They might all be false but there is also the chance that your information could be faulty 

    Keep in mind Wikipedia c.s. are not reliable sources. In case you're interested in religion in Antiquity, Religions of the Ancient World : a guide (Belknap/HUP: Cambridge, MA 2004) is a decent starting point.

  19. 12 minutes ago, Grugnas said:
    cmpPromotion.IncreaseXp(cmpLoot.GetXp() * -targetState.change / cmpHealth.GetMaxHitpoints());

    an unit gains experience equal to the damage it deals and not equal to its attack strength ( pierce damage + hack damage + crush damage) thus the experience gained is equal to the damage filtrated by the target armor

    Interesting; I stand corrected; so “-targetState.change” is the damage inflicted? From which file is this piece of code, by the way?

  20. Things I would like to see are probably a bit ambitious:

    • Units can have a garrisoned size greater than one; e.g. infantry could occupy 1 garrison slot, cavalry 2, elephants 6
    • Warships can ram other ships as their primary attack; shooting arrows, darts, stones, etc. depends on units garrisoned inside
    • Ability to board and capture enemy ships with melee infantry units
    • Camel, chariot, elephant, and horse archers can shoot inaccurately while moving
    • Similar to aura circles, all ranged units have circles to indicate their maximum and minimum range
    • When constructing specific structures, show building exclusion circles (e.g. 60m around towers when ordering a tower)
    • Customizable text colours in the “Mod Selection” screen
    22 hours ago, Grugnas said:
    • compute units experience gain on the attacker strength and not on the damage dealt because higher armor units give less experience per hit and this compromise the result in mixed units battle mostly because f.e. skirmishers get promotion faster thus they have increased stats.

    Experience does not depend on armour, attack damage, or unit strength, nor do skirmishers require less experience to promote. Looking at the templates, it seems currently all citizen and mercenary infantry units grant 100 experience as loot, and require 100 experience to promote; all citizen and mercenary cavalry units grant 130 experience and require 150 experience to promote; healers grant 10 experience and require 200 experience to promote; all champions grant 150 experience and can not promote.


    You might want to try out my 0abc mod:


    It addresses most of your points, Grugnas, and tweaks many other things.

    • Like 1
  21. 16 hours ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    Go ahead and criticize ;)


    Since you're asking ...

    16 hours ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    As for the "poor choice" of gods, I try to choose a fitting god for each civilization, meaning for example although Apollo is revered in Sparta a lot, he is mainly a god of archery, poetry and music so I opted instead for his sister Artemis (in this case with an epithet)

    In any case, I was undecided about the last deity for Sparta(currently Aphrodite) so feel free to suggest

    Sparta's most important temple was that of Artemis Orthia; its most important festival was dedicated to Hyacinthus; as for the third, Ares was not really worshipped in Sparta (although he was respected as a decent warrior; in Athens he was just despised as a weak troublemaker); maybe include the war goddess Athena, who had an old temple in Sparta

    16 hours ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    In some instances like with the Seleucids, players are given the option to choose between Greek (Apollo), Babylonian (Nabu) and Persian (Ahura Mazda) gods. These are the 3 "main" branches of religion in the Seleucid Empire.

    The Seleucid Empire was characterized by a high level of Hellinizations, not only because of the influx of Greek colonists, but especially because the locals voluntarily tried to emulate them; Greek-ness was prestigious and modern; millennia old cities started constructing Greek buildings and were proud of them; likewise, they equated their local gods with Greek equivalents (interpretatio graeca); Akkadian cults were already in decline before Alexander's cults and Zoroastrism only became important and widespread under the Sassanids; you'd better stick to Hellenized gods (Zeus, Cybele, Tyche, Apollo, Artemis, etc)


    16 hours ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    Likewise with Macedon although Thaulos is not a widespread god you nevertheless are given the option of choosing a local god over the Olympians


    If I prefer Thaulos over the Olympians I am able to choose him as Cheif Deity of Macedon

    Nothing wrong with Thaulos, although he was equated with Ares since Classical times; you could name him “Ares Thaulos”

    16 hours ago, Hannibal_Barca said:


    Anubis didn't have a cult of his own in Hellenistic, he was usually part of the cults of other gods (Osiris, Isis, Serapis, etc.). When Alexander invaded Egypt he worshipped Zeus-Ammon (a combination of the supreme gods of the Greek (Zeus) and Egyptian (Amun) pantheons); he even travelled hundreds of miles to visit the oracle of Ammon at Siwa, and afterwards proclaim himself the son of Zeus-Ammon; Ptolemy stole Alexander's corpse, built a magnificent tomb at Alexandria; the Zeus-Ammon cult continued well into Roman times

    16 hours ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    And this is true, Romulus and Remus aren't exactly gods, more like legendary personages and thus they can't be added here

    Be careful with imposing our modern day terms upon Antiquity; history, legend, myth and ancestor, hero, god greatly overlapped; many legendary persons had their own temples and local cults; heroes such as Hercules or the Dioscuri (Castor and Pollux) were worshipped everywhere in the Mediterranean and probably had more temples than most gods. You're right to exclude Remus, he was little more than just a name, only required in the myth to be killed; however, Romulus was deified as Quirinus, one of the oldest gods in Rome.


    16 hours ago, Hannibal_Barca said:

    Players should be able to choose between obscure, ancient and new religions

    Again, be careful; there were no separate religions in Antiquity; it was a continuum of local cults, people could decide themselves which gods were worshipped; foreign gods were continually equated to or absorb into local pantheons; nor was there any difference between religion and politics: cities decided on religious matters, festivals, temples, etc, and priests had political power.



    Again, please consider my criticisms as encouragement :)

    • Like 2
  22. 16. Thanks; the “TechCostMultiplier” was what I was looking for.
    There is one unexpected side effect though: I've changed the blacksmith from phase_town to phase_village, which works fine for all factions. But after creating a file:


      "genericName": "Celtic Blacksmiths",
      "autoResearch": true,
      "description": "The Celts were exceptionally skilled blacksmiths. They also invented the chain mail.",
      "requirements": {"any": [{"civ": "brit"},{"civ": "gaul"}]},
      "icon": "metalworker.png",
      "tooltip": "Celtic Armoury technologies cost -20% resources and time.",
      "modifications": [
        { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/food", "multiply": 0.8 },
        { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/wood", "multiply": 0.8 },
        { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/stone", "multiply": 0.8 },
        { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/metal", "multiply": 0.8 },
        { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/time", "multiply": 0.8 }
      "affects": ["Blacksmith"]

    Suddenly the Britons and Gauls can no longer construct the blacksmith in the village phase, but only in the town phase (screenshots attached below), which puzzles me, because I believe it ought not make a difference. What did I do wrong?




    EDIT: problem solved by re-creating new *_blacksmith.xml templates; maybe it had to do something in which order mods were loaded; still odd, but at least it seems to work now.

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