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Everything posted by bouke

  1. And most important of all only siege can attack stone walls, units have (almost) none effect.
  2. I think this is done in terms of balancing...
  3. I think the best solution for this is making a choice for this in the "settings and options" tab on the main menu.
  4. Tried build order too, with some differences, I phase at 8 min.
  5. I think there are two ways to make the ram weaker: 1. like Lion said "less attack". 2. let not every attack hit the attacked unit, like ranged units don't hit there enemy with every shot.
  6. Thinking of rams: every melee unit should deal great damage to a ram, maybe not 1 can kill a ram, but 2 or 3 melee units of any type (cav, spear, sword). Ranged units should have a hard time against rams, they will do very little damage to a ram and can easily be killed by a ram if you don't run away.
  7. True, but is there a moment to change?
  8. With my and Alekusu calculation (witch has exactly the same results), We proofed that batch training is an investment, where you get profit after about 90 sec, I think that is the investment worth, also with the less micro you need to do. Still then is the question, if it is any good to go from batches of 5 to batches of 10.
  9. Thanks a lot!!! Here my model for calculating the gathering of resource: It is build in Scydynamics, best link: http://web.usgym.nl/muusse/nlt12.htm then the on line 7 Scydynamics programmatje (sorry for the Dutch). It will download, keep and open. It is running on java. If it is not running you should set the security settings from java as low as possible. Note: The train_time should be the same as your timestep (so 8 with one by one and 29 with batches of 5). batch training0ad.xml.zip
  10. The game really says 29 seconds for 5 woman from a cc... so the batch modifier is 0.725 for a 5 batch, for a 10 batch 0.6375 (51 sec) and 0.5833 for 15 (70 sec) I might be a bit blind, but I cannot find the attach button...
  11. First off all the batch training time for woman is 5.8 per woman not 6.4 (29 for a batch of 5 so 29/5=5.8). Second off all multiple batches does make difference because with batches you have 5 woman in 29 sec, without in 40 sec, so in 1 min, with batches roughly 10 woman without 7.5, so in time you get more woman so more gather power --> more resource. sorry did not know about this
  12. After some calculation I can conclude that training woman constantly (so there is enough food to make woman) from 1 cc in batches of 5 is better from around 85 sec instead off producing them individually. In the calculation the gathered good was food from fields (gather speed 0.5) and no walk time to dropplace (which is possible) and no time for building the farm (this should not matter in my opinion, because 5 woman build a farm 5 times as fast as 1 woman). I made the calculations with a model in "scydynamics". I would share it with you, if a could upload it. So is it possible to upload an ".xml" in the forum?
  13. I usually do batch training: for every batch you get time-wise more then 1/5 woman free. With just training in batches of 5. I could calculate the exact result of both (individual or batch). I think it will favour batch training at every time.
  14. Exactly, that is what I do, I don't see the problem in this.
  15. You made one miscalculation: the horse should walk a bit between the sheep and the food dropplace. The females on the farm don't need to walk at all (as you place your farms correctly). This will give a slight disadvantage for the horse. You also should say that a sheep costs 50 food so the horse will make 100 food per 27 seconds (100 gathered per 15 sec so approximately 200 in 27 sec, 100 is for you and the other 100 is returned to the coral to make new sheeps), so the horse will costs for 100 per 27 sec: 200 wood 40 wood (For citizen cavalry) 100 food (Citizen cavalry) 50 food (upgrade) 1 population point. You even could do it with just one coral if you train your sheeps in groups of 5 or 10 (should test it for being exactly).
  16. No, I always use a group of 5 females to build my barracks, towers etc. It's just as fast as using soldiers. Using elephants is even twice as fast as using soldiers/females.
  17. Indeed, ranged cav is only countered by other ranged units. Or you should surround with melee units, what is very difficult.
  18. This exactly the reason for that they are extreme, so you can't get all technologies very fast, so you need to choose which you do research and wich you don't. It is a part of the tactical gameplay. The upgrades shouls be so costly, but in 1 hour you can have all technologies done. Just have all your workers gathering and be trading.
  19. We had an discussion about this: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18635
  20. I've problems with my router too (fritz!box7360). I logged in, configured advanced mode, internet --> permit Acces --> port forwarding, made a new port forwarding (from and to port 20595) + udp + to my computer and saved. But it's not working. It is what a fritz!box help video said. I'am using Fedora that might cause the problem. Please help me to host!
  21. There is a little bug/mistake with the houses. When you have done the +1 or +2 pop cap per house, you get when you make a buildplace for a house the extra bonus and get the bonus another time when you finish the house. So you get for every house you build a pop cap bonus of 16 (doing both upgrades). Even when you destroy the buildplace you hold the given pop cap bonus. You see the problem?
  22. But you need water for the dock, and some resources, so i think a basket is a good idea.
  23. Well, look up an ancient arabic faction, make a list of units, buildings, technolegies etc. Start making the art-work. The game devellopers will perhaps implent it.
  24. Yes, each individual unit could be enhanced to an officer for that type of unit (spearman to spearman-officer, archer to archer-officer), this will cost some resource, take some time and it is only possible near an officers-tent (see previous post), so you cant get a new officer easily in a battle directy after you lost one.
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