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wolflance last won the day on December 17 2015

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    Historical and Archaeological stuffs. Especially about warfare.

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  1. I think I've seen 3D model of this helmet somewhere in the forum, but it's not implemented in the mod apparently? No idea what armor Xiongnu would use, "possible" is all what I can say, given the similarities of Xiongnu & Xianbei weapons to Han Chinese one. Eastern Han-Jin Dynasty riveted helmet appears to be influenced by Central Asian design too. Xiongnu ought to be lighter and lesser armored than Han though. As a side note, I am more concerned about the removal of non-historical items, rather than implementing more features. Is this non-historical helmet asset still used?
  2. Han Dynasty equipment progression, Western Han to Eastern Han. While drawn in cute anime style, the equipment in these artworks are VERY accurate. Illustrations courtesy of 防弹乳牛. Progressively heavier armaments, from early Western Han (left) to mid-late Western Han (right), with a slight dose of imagination (i.e. I don't think a long halberd can be used together with a shield, unless it is a strapped shield that appeared during Eastern Han). Note the bronze and iron Pi(鈹) type spears. Various equipment. Items of note: 1) Polearms at the top of the picture (from left to right: Sha-type spear, normal spear, Ji halberd, and axe-type halberd) 2) Gourang metal buckler in the warrior's hand. 3) Eastern Han Dynasty shield at the mid-left section of the picture. 4) Straight saber with knuckle-bowl hilt at the lower left section of the picture (Yes. Han Dynasty troops did use that) 5) The way sword scabbard is tied to the belt. (late) Eastern Han-Three Kingdoms warrior. Items of note: 1) upward-curving Ji halberd (bottom), 2) Very long, armor-piercing spearhead. 3) Sha (鎩) type "ranseur" polearm. 4) Axe. 5) collared armor with full sleeves + thigh armor. 6) Helmet constructed out of vertically arranged, riveted long narrow plates, instead of lamellar (i.e. laced) construction like Western Han period. 7) Shou Ji (手戟) or Short one-handed Ji halberd. 8) Archery bracer at the mid-right of the picture.
  3. Han Chinese had both, you know . Attached pic is a Han period halberd - the normal Ji has a horizontal dagger-like blade, but this version has an axe blade.
  4. Clerical Script certainly existed already, but I am almost certain that Han period Clerical font didn't look like that (the flags reek of computer-generated font). Here's an example of a late Eastern Han clerical script. The character "Han (漢)" can be found at the top right. BTW, I recently found a cute but surprisingly accurate depiction of Han soldiers, courtesy of an artist known as Ginkgo story.
  5. Is this ram designed for the Zapotecs?
  6. Nanyue was not exactly a part of Han Empire at this point of time, but there are Han (and Qin, for that matter) terracottas dressed in similar type of sleeveless armor, so I say go for it. (Notice that his armor covers more than the typical Han Dynasty "pectoral" armor) Oh, there is also a similar sleeveless lamellar suit belonged to early Eastern Han period Xianbei, so I think Xiongnu minifaction can also use it. \ Early Eastern Han Xianbei armor, replica. It's almost identical to Han armor.
  7. A reminder that Mongol (and presumably Xiongnu) cart looks like this, it does not resemble the 4-wheeled wagons used by the Hussites etc.
  8. Ah, maybe that's just the perspective of the previous screenshot? Certainly there's no knot here. If resource/time permits you can add texture for the grip too, but this is largely inconsequential. Reference from a Han Dynasty mod for mount and blade. Please ignore the five ornate blades on the left. EDIT: Ah, now I see why you thought the blades are too broad after I post that photo...
  9. The dao sword are mostly fine, as far as I am able to tell. I noticed that there are three "knots" at the end of sword hilt though, Han sword normally only has one single ring. (I pointed these out ages ago) The polearms on the siege tower are still the old-style bronze ge though, and the flag haven't been updated, I believe. Refer here: This helmet is meant to be worn on top of leather hat, I believe. I don't think there were short-sleeved Han troops. Not sure about the historicity of this helmet - It looks not quite right.
  10. Elephant existed in China during the Shan period, but probably went extinct soon after. They were not used in warfare after Shang Dynasty until...North & South Dynasties (445 AD), if I remember correctly. In fact their uses were rare enough that the incident would get recorded down as if something very extraordinary.
  11. It should be noted that Chinese language does not distinguish between different TYPES of chariot - the "heavily armed chariots" used in Mobei were in fact, wagon fort, not chariot in the traditional sense. I‘ve read the Xiongnu minifaction thread about giving them wagon fort, but it was in fact the Chinese that invented the tactic (i.e. first in the entire world to use it) and used it against the Xiongnu. I do not oppose adding them back (my collector OCD urging me) , although I don't think chariot adds anything new to the faction.
  12. That kind of design was used until the end of Qin Dynasty only. By Han period, bronze two-piece (spear + dagger-axe) halberd was largely replaced by slender, one-piece iron halberd head. It's in the lower right of your first image. Han halberd was more slender, streamlined, vicious, but also kinda ugly. Still, it was what it was. Either iron or leather (actually hide is more correct). Both were lacquered black. No. The character itself is problematic (I don't think that kind of font style existed back then - it's a modern font and clearly printed from a computer), and it's likely that they didn't actually put the character "Han" on their flags (none of the subsequent dynasties/modern China did, either). (I think Roman wouldn't write “SPQR” on their flags either).
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