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Everything posted by Radagast.

  1. I admit it's easy to lose overview in those battles. If you manage this careful painting .. then this would be awesome. Do you have some technical tips? Though I think Enrique's textures are already an improvement from the colours point of view - looking very realistic/aesthetic (Ptolemies? Mauryans for example). (But I'm a layman. Hopefully our artists see your ideas.)
  2. It's a pity that some of Mythos' posted images are no longer shown (dead links by now). We should tackle this before all the other images share their fate. I really wish to see the Invincibles. The elite horsemen, which got more and more rare at the end.
  3. Mythos_Ruler also called his thread 'Early Byzantines' for a reason I guess. So yes, then we need to split. The new topic is then rather for the Non-Early- to Late Byzantines. How do we manage the real late Byzantines when they were only left in Constantinople until Master John Hyunadi's King (aged 18) thought he better takes command from the experienced general and thus just doomed the whole western world (as the Thurks, already on retreat at this point of battle turned the tide after the young King thought he personally could easily kill the Thurk leader and all his elite soldiers ... )? Btw. John Hyunyadi is the reason why the bells ring mid day in the western world ... (when he stopped the invasion before the aforementioned catastrophe) The context is, that Constantinople fell as a consequence to this lost battle, where the Hungarian King took command from Hyunyadi.
  4. Currently I'm a bit stretched. But I can add to the list if it must be - though it may take a lot of time. You can really call me gum currently. Luckily my current job project is a waiting game, though I have time for the forum next to it. (Waiting is .) Which features do you miss in 3DSMax and blender?
  5. Brilliant. Always getting better. Though I can hardly see the fishernet. But that may be different ingame, and perhaps that's even a feature?
  6. Good point, my wits are a bit foggy because of programming, but luckily there are people around which can correct my current historical misstatements (Komnenos .. the greek took over .. I remember Alexios Komnenos, one of the last capable emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire? Again, excuse the fog. I must mix it up). We could then have it like Mythos plans it for the tech tree. And like it is for the hellenic cultures, specialising .. From those that you mentioned, is there a notable difference in buildings,clothes,military structure/style,story-telling/heroes?
  7. Thx Evan for pushing this. We must get the Byzantines ready, there are very interesting stories surrounding those ... even the crusades may be targeted in a campaign. Of course free to choose sides, crusades were no good.
  8. @1.: Have to the graphics settings up? Create a local.cfg by copying the default.cfg in (Linux) binaries/data/config/Or (Windows) Users/<Shieldwolf>/AppData/Roaming/0ad/config. Quality up to 10 .. and activate all effects. Also preferglsl and gentangents = true variable. And whatever you like (local.cfg overwrites default.cfg). Btw. FeXoR needs our moral support to continue working on different water heights (random map generation) - e.g. per lake. The engine supports it. But it's not visible in the Atlas. :/
  9. OR (by content rough category) historical, fantasy Least subforum count here. OR (by Geography) Rise of The East, West, Mesoamerican, Realms of Magic, Afrika, I'm sure you get the idea.
  10. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18549 (Project Management -> Future of Mod structure) Please feel free to participate. We are real democratic from now on. I'm getting headaches from this hierarchy arguing we encountered recently several times in a row. I wish to bring new content. Not quarrels. @Mute: Though your proposals sound reasonable. At least if the subforum management is continued by Mod-Project. Though I'd prefer having 1 subforum for each Studio or even better 1 subforum for each content category. Currently there is no consequent scheme. Perhaps this may change. The ROME Mod for example could be renamed 500AD .. 500BC (if we opt for subfora according to category). Those timeframe subforums then are historical accurate. Then we had: 1500..500BC500BC..500AD 500..1500ADFantasy? Here we could furthermore rename the forum: Projects -> Content or Base . OR (by epoch instead of timeframe) ...IronBronze..Antiquity,medieval,..Rennaissance, Barock,Modern,...Also here better rename Projects --> Content or Base or Generic. OR (by Studio/Project-Team) RoTE --> Scion Development.+Realms of Man -ROME,Aristeia --> Fallen Empire Studios. ..Perhaps not bad, BUT it's problematic because the Council of Modders is the fusion/ a merge of Aristeia, 1000AD and perhaps Scion (discussed currently) to bundle our efforts. OR (by Mod with progress min requirement of x% to get a subforum) Rise of The East,Aristeia,Millennium, Realms of Magic,War for Anorithia,OcelotlazohteotlHence me personally I prefer sorting by Category or Mod-Project/Pack (as it is, with progress requirement of 33% to get a subforum). Announcements can still be made about your mod release in the CoM->Announcement subforum. You can still have your Realms of Man, but you probably have to create it yourself in the web and not in here. (just like Scion Development did it). But this would be another dead forum. Better pick up where Scion Development stopped. That's reasoning for The Council - it's a merge of Scion + Fallen Empires + Free Modders + Mill.Team ... We would love to have you around.
  11. Thx Lion for the screenshot. I like it. The wall could easily be lowered. Is the one you showed too high? @Civs: Here Atenmeses52 proposes the civ-mapping: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17076&p=263891 Should we try to set those that are still missing as base?
  12. what mod manager does is the same (also to 0ad), just keep it separate from the main repo as you could otherwise easily break it. It's best to keep the data/mods/public/ folder clean. All from the mods folder overwrites the public files. Also how do you want to distribute your changes if they are directly spread across anywhere in the 0AD mods/public/ folder? Nevertheless I like your program. sounds like the answer to my question... sorry if I have confusing effect currently.
  13. Do you wish to create a list? I also have one here. Keeps topic count down. Blood Reward system. There is already loot/reward system in 0AD. Whenever a soldier dies your nearby units gather some bonus (that's just not visible, it's added to your resources invisibly). (that's additional to the experience for up-ranking). If you like you can restructure this topic to a list and I will move and merge all other topics you wish me to. (Also we have a Tutorial & Guids forum, I'm not sure if your programs weren't better kept there.)
  14. Hey Mute. cool idea. Which dependency is meant by "Dep"? Can you specify it explicitely? Later on this information will go in a 0ad-side mod json/xml file, see mod manager. And MuTec is there in two variants?` Best just keep it as modular/independent as possible. As You can always add more than one mods to pyrogenesis via: pyrogenesis[.exe] -mod="modular_water_mod" -mod="another_mod" -mod="..."Also, what is MuTec for? I have problems understanding abbreviations. And what is Antr? Sorry for noob questions here.
  15. It's a good idea to have this as C# tools around - allows to live edit your own mods. The problem is sharing it though, especially if your data/mods/your_mod/ folder is not a Git/SVN/Hg repository . It's not interfering with our Mod Manager as the Mod Manager handles downloads and activation from within the main game. It's also okay for my Civilisation generator (which is a webtool/central civ database and allows to change the XML scheme on the fly, e.g. adding a timetag and automatically signaling in a civ that this element now has to be added. All in a webinterface. The interface is not yet ready though. Am working on it.).
  16. Good work Mute. You're becoming the new rocket among us. I just didn't check if license info was included ... It might run on *nix systems (Linux, Mac, Android, BSD, ..) if you install Mono framework. It's the .NET reverse engineered Open source version. @Trinketos: It generates a README file for you. With info like Mod-Version, Licensing, Team/Credits, Planned features, ..
  17. This fits nicely to the (planned) temperature range damage of units. (each unit having its living temperature range) Also the water mod of MuteLovestone could be useful (for stopping the ship).
  18. I think he is already quite active. You forgot the even more active? (for animation work is might be offline though ) Also I wonder when Andrew PPrice will finally help us out. Just kidding. Btw awesome Syntagma, Enrique & Mythos. I can't help but this all 0AD development feels epic. So active, all the devs .. and art .. plenty of new art .. UI modern .. Multiplayer, even local. The new release must feel like craziness if one doesn't use the SVN. I have to say 0AD is the best game I have ever seen. There may be graphically better ones .. but all those license hassles and Multiplayer only online-connection <-- this being required even to use the software. Really, 0AD heightens the horizon. Back to Zebu. Hephaestion
  19. Mythos Ruler already thought about increasing the polycount. There were tests made by either RedFox or Philip. I can't remember. Best search the forum. The performance will be mitigated if the next SpiderMonkey promises really come true. And tests from Yves are already 18% increasing it. Also the new long range pathfinder Philip, historic_bruno and RedFox and leper? worked on are really increasing the performance once again. For many units on a place - as Sander correctly stated - we need a new short range pathfinder. Philip has outlined the AoK algorithm and I think it's pretty clear how it works - and if it's a speed-up ... calculation say it's O(n^2) instead of O(n^3) - then we really can reach new worlds. This all together will trash performance problems for us until we do something crazy either ultra-high-res or ultra-hordes-of-units -- no matter if quantuum or optics make it - 0AD is looking into a bright future. Edit: The more lag the more jump units around (though it's interpolated). That's why it looks like a simulation speed-up in the late game - no matter if 0.5 x initial speed is chosen from the settings or not. As stated above, this will no longer play role for 0AD with the upcoming speed-ups.
  20. Could be that the ptolemies not existed at that time?
  21. I really love this house. Will the trees come with it? @repos: We should wait until the Mod content organisation has clear categories. We can't continue like it is. I created a discussion..
  22. @Sander17: Thanks, that's what we will do then. @Niektb: Even if we leave the artwork out, i.e. take the closest ones (buildings and heroe 3D models) from the main civs? Because Rodmar and Zophim have researched two new civs entirely. Would be a pity not to have it in. Do you have clues why the conversion is not working as expected?
  23. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Release-Blocker Functionality Debug functionality changes of Idanwin & Niektb.________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Nice to have Civilisations (3D art content can be addded later) Assyrians, (Design document almost ready)Egyptians (Design document ready, Zophim + Rodmar),Hittites (Design document ready, Zophim + Rodmar)2DLogo Assyrians (also useful as shield image texture) <- done, Lion,Logo Hittites (also useful as shield image texture)Logo Egyptians (also useful as shield image texture)3D Buildings - as many as possible .. Stan is already working hard on it. We need a list which are missing. Feel free to edit this post or create TASK topics. ...________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Until we have a mod manager/downloader the only sensible distribution is with the main release. But surely only if we get this running. <-- too clunky, only the public mod will be distributed.
  24. Any news on the civs? Can I translate the art documents into XML and JSON already? Which art is missing? We need to focus a bit on Aristeia until Alpha 16 is out. Can you try to create as many Art tasks for each building for each civ as possible Lion? If we are nice to stan he might have a look. I will create buildings too. I'm only stuck with animations as props (see juggler), meshes work fine ... so I will try to help where I can with the art from Sunday on. (after the civ generator)
  25. At the first look you could save the previously calculated row (and this way reuse it later) .. just like you do it within one row. Probably Agentx could put his asm.js into action here. We should ask him. I will continue thinking about it. Sidenote: Also below your profile in the upper right corner (in the menu that opens) is a button that reads "Your Content". This is what I mostly use to stay on topic. Though you could miss "important" new threads.
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