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Everything posted by Radagast.

  1. Well done then. Did you copy all files or only the relevant ones. It seems your net was there ...
  2. Sure the release in executable form is allowed, the source has to be provided for the engine though. But that Sander already clearly stated. I'm sure you can recreate the simulation. It's already a huge bonus to have the artwork with CC-BY-SA isn't it? That takes tons of pressure. Sometimes recreating from scratch is even quicker than learning how to use the existing code. But for the pyrogenesis engine this is not true. Okay, the simulation has plenty of code too. E.g. this week I queried for 'tech' in the simulation and 112 files popped up. Holy grail. Okay, much of that was XML. Still. You also have to recreate those I guess.
  3. If we use Enrique's tip and simply let it intersect without changing geometry? but in general, yes, many of mute's builldings might be rather high poly?
  4. Haha, once my grandfathers argued about Forest. The neighbour mixed up the trees and my grandfather was not happy and just went out to cut some trees of the neighbour in avenge. Another once while playing cards lost a complete forest (though we still wonder how they managed all that forest ... it's even by now for us few almost unmanagable eventhough it's not really that much, but we are two male old enough people only .. and they didn't have the motor cutter ... poor trees btw, I always regret it when we have to go into the wood, last year had to cut almost 50 ... I still can't live with that .. call me crazy if you like.) Also our former eastern estates were completely destroyed by our Russian friends. Those in Dresden (another esteem) also was completely filled with houses everywhere. They even built another house on top of our main house, in a completely new style. Really .. that made my grandmother very angry, you can imagine. Well .. but that's all past time. Now we just have 28 ha left. Not even enough to feed our own animals. Each winter they are almost starving ... have to live from water. I hate it. But climate change lessened our harvest last year. It's just because of the mild winter here in europe that the animals survived.
  5. Wow, I sign this. Animations shouldn't performance lag, even though I don't know if the Renderer has more problems with rendering out plenty colour changing pixels or not. If it does ray-tracing perhaps -- but no, it should be okay performancewise to have them animated. Even settlers had them animated -- and with birds and butterflies in there.
  6. Awesome. Brilliant fisherhut reference, and scenery. Looks so dreamy. Soso a baron. Don't worry I have lost all my titles in the meantime too. It's no bad to be level. The day survive struggle makes you only stronger ...
  7. hahaha, junker. In Germany this means: Adliger (with plenty of lands even, so a special Lord. once ago my ancestors had plenty of lands in the far east of germany ... well until .. you know what happened for sure, it's been our own fault ... even though my ancestor didn't decide upon war or peace.) Cool. That was the missing info for the modders out there. Brilliant. (me not yet having some to propose .. and I'm moderator myself as of the core of six theoretically ... though if this is not liked from the team it's no problem)
  8. Not really edit, rather add. Otherwise noone else than you and moderators can add new eye-candy to your list.
  9. I'm just in the moment working on a generator for it. This gives us utmost flexibility in the long run. e.g. changing the XML layout/scheme will be easy with this generator. (you only need one up-to-date example scheme/json and it will generate/update all the existing data for you) The generator not only generates the Civ, but rather a complete design doc. I started working on it because I don't really know where and which is the newest version of all the spread civ data. A forum is not useful for that, so I created this database. (Link has yet to be published.) Edit: I just realised that it can't be made absolutely public - for spam reasons (and because I have no captchas, Philip knows why ). Thus it will be for Council of Modders and Team members only in the beginning. If I get access to the trac database some day, then we can use those user logins. But for now only CoM and Main Team.
  10. Yes as it falls under derivative work. It would be useless if this would not be covered and GPL covers derivative works - so it's not allowed to just modify scripts -- they have to be built up from scratch. Yet you could rebuild even engine-functionality from time to time but if you ever browsed all the source files you might think different.. This takes years to rebuild. Thus I think you should rather go for a commercial mod then (like Sander mentioned) -- until the need arises to modify the engine. Other than that this would lead to troubles as then two open source pyrogenesis engines were around. At first this just would mean that one party had to merge over and over again. Later this becomes even more of a trouble. So a commercially distributed mod might be the way to go - and if a lot art and simulation euphorism and momentum is put into it, this well might strike like a bolt. Edit: If you use the mods/public/ content internally without ever publishing it in any form, then it's fine.
  11. Good idea. This then is the corresponding forum topic to the Generic Github mod repository. So now I understand, generic is called eye-candy in 0AD slang... If everybody could edit the first post this would be brilliant.
  12. Cool you have water in. Have you the files separated, I mean 'isolated' from the rest, then we can put it as a separate mod. This could then be added/removed and defined as a dependency in your mod-pack (Realms of Men for example). So you solved the CXeromyces Error? Looks like a syntax or scheme error. If you wish to share the files then I could isolate them for you. To answer to my isolation-question: Did you create / change the files in the data/mods/public/ folder? Then it's not isolated yet. Or did you create your own mod folder like: data/mods/<your-mod>/ ? e.g. data/mods/water_as_resource/ Good work. btw.
  13. Sounds like a nice idea. So essentially the campaign would flow (quicker than real time) until a battle is triggered (because of troop movement interference e.g.) and then your decision comes in. Whether to take command yourself or not. Would it even mean that the map only is loaded if you decide to settle this yourself? thus this apparently is for non-continuous map campaigns only. Would indeed be nice to be able to trigger map terrain changes, e.g. erase that mountain to free a high mountain pass .. or flood a valley resulting in subdued treasures and buildings .. or close the strait of hormuz because of a giant vulcano eruption. Probably I overstretch the triggers a bit.
  14. Yes this was what I thought of too. This layer should have it's own height map - it should be able to vary, though it should be visual only first I guess. Philip has once tweaked the terrain flattening purely visually in one of the C++-renderer classes. It's just too much for me to take at once currently. So I will try to tackle it one by one. (this one here will take years for sure as I'm no magician ) Thanks for sharing your ideas. I didn't think of the blending before.
  15. Good gracious looking awesome. (I also like the statue set of Enrique.) Won't players wonder why they can't cut down those trees? Not that I would complain about this myself. Yet it might seem strange first. Nice building, Stan. Holy grail,you will just become so much greater than my humble self. It's interesting to watch you grow.
  16. Wow Stan and Lion, I like the eagle and the ultra treehouse. Will try to reconstruct in reality in the next years.
  17. Great so many enthusiasts around. This is what counts most to me. Feel free to ask questions. If you wish to mod (both art and functional addons): Checkout the 0AD code. I try to give an overview here. Feel free to ask questions there.More programming-related:EITHER browse the JavaScript code in the via Git or SVN downloaded 0AD code. (feel free to have 0AD running simultaneously while you do this as your Gui/functional/XML changes will show up without a restart of 0AD even!) Note: For art this may be different. Artwork (3D model data) is cached. Seek for the cache-folder and delete it if in doubt (a cache folder is always safe to delete.). OR browse the C++ (pyrogenesis game engine or Atlas) codebase. This is a bit difficult and is to be avoided. If you have to add severe new features in the C++ this always means a lot of hassle. also it has to be maintained by yourself until it's adapted by the main 0AD dev-team if ever. Almost everything is possible with JavaScript only already. Though you might often have to extend the XML formats to store your props. (me currently have no time to do so as I'm in trouble with the C++ side currently). Once I have time I will help further with artwork to all mods. Also I wish to note that my HybridAI is not tied to exclusively the ROME mod as this might not be obvious. My main goal for it is to allow the Hybrid AI as a separate functionality mod (addition) that allows to switch to the First view perspective and giving Units more autonomy (e.g. introduction of experience and knowledge to have e.g. commanders that learn by time). (it involves the JavaScript side only.)
  18. If you start a topic for it and always edit the first post, this might be no problem for any solution we find later on. As we could still parse the forum topic to get the XML and JSON files out of it. Though you should use BBCode for lists e.g.. If it's only one big chunk of text, then it will be difficult to parse automatically lateron.
  19. Random map generation seems like magic and a very important issue to me. It's connected to the real world and gives us the edge in realism. Thx for that. For the C++ me myself is digging deep in there, though I'm not there yet and thus also have problems to find conclusions as to where to put what, so that it's best. Nevertheless I will keep an eye on the Random Map Generation while further diving in the coral reef of pyrogenesis. Who I not also find a corn some time. As to the function. Are you sure we can save one edge calculation. It seems to me that minuend (left of the -) and subtrahend (right of the -) are swapped? Edit:Oh I think you mean the last line being calculated twice? var vector_x = 0.5 * (dx + next_dx);var vector_y = 0.5 * (dy + next_dy);slopeMap[x][y] = Math.pow(vector_x * vector_x + vector_y * vector_y, 0.5);We could write as: var vector_x = (dx + next_dx);var vector_y = (dy + next_dy);slopeMap[x][y] = Math.pow(.25 * vector_x * vector_x + .25 * vector_y * vector_y, 0.5);Whose last line we could write as: slopeMap[x][y] = Math.pow(1/4 * (vector_x * vector_x + vector_y * vector_y), 0.5);And furthermore due to 1/4 == 1/(2^2) and sqrt(1/(2^2)) == 1/2 : slopeMap[x][y] = .5 * Math.pow(vector_x * vector_x + vector_y * vector_y, 0.5);Tell me if I'm wrong. Does only save one multiplication I'm afraid.
  20. I'm not a friend of splitting the timeframe of 500AD until 1500AD into two parts. As a aim I really wish to push to have a fluent flow of history. The ultimate goal. Though you are right, strictly spoken, this were to fall into part 2 if we split it. Thanks for the hint. Please, what do you mean? I meant it as a map - perhaps consisting of several maps, that are loaded automatically in sequence (e.g. by a trigger/achievement) or even dynamically if you reach the border. Then on this map triggers would make the English land on the coast (e.g.). Then the campaign starts taking its course. Will you stop the English? Where will you stop it? Will you allow them to take Lutetia? You never know what would be triggered if the conquered a city? So better stop them early? But what if you fail? Is this what you guys and gals imagine?
  21. No problem. We could have it as a Document via export. I'll see what is possible. Though the export requires me to hammer it out in Java server pages and I have not yet figured a way to a successful webspace-installation, without superuser-rights, of Apache Tomcat (a container, 'shepherd' one could also say, which is one possible requirement for Java server pages). Without a server with admin rights I can't provide anything sophisticated like DOCX or Open Document Format. So at first I would opt for the webpage. Noone has to use . Yet I believe this were a real speed up as I don't want to copy all those lines and parameters from the Civ Design Docs over into the correct XML- and JSON-files. No, thanks. As 2D artist freelancer there should be enough possibilities out in the wide web. Your engangement for 0AD shows the gaming industry they should employ you. I think, we can drive 0AD far. It's really a genious project. And this time all our efforts are joined (in contrary to the Blender Game Engine where everyone seems to cook an own soup. I know of our comrades there that they try to lay down a base work. But I guess without the help of giants like Haidnu (Krum) this will not be possible). And blender is more like unity than 0AD. So 0AD is worth the effort. Just like many other open source projects that make this planet a better place to live on. e.g. fighting hunger in poor countries. At the polycounts, don't worry too much. It always depends on how often the building is used ingame. Enrique somewhere talked about it. Best search for all his posts and read them one by one. I will wait a bit until I get some more feedback from our Chief historians, ähm, researchers I meant, Rodmar and Zophim as well as all others that plan to have a go on it.
  22. According to this list of battles, this could be the biggest campaign of Millennium: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hundred_Years%27_War_battles
  23. Depends on the timeframe. But indeed, as the longbow was very deadly at first, armour improved as a consequence and thus from the middle of the 15th century on (end of 100 years war), the longbow was no longer as effective as before - when it also may have penetrated good armour (as even the kings were wounded or died as I posted above). This kind of weapon (frozen ice), I would give two attack types: crush and temperature. (the temperature comes in handy here as it can be defined from real values. Is it high, it's burn damage, depending on the target's resistance. Is it low, it's probably freezing, again depending on the target's temperature range it can live with). Okay, it's true knights can also walk. They even fight on the ground. (there was a famous horrible battle where the leaders decided to fight on foot. At the end of the hundred years war there was another horrible incident, the Combat of the Thirty.) All this is doable. It's just a matter of dedication and concert. By dedication comes knowledge of the code, from which spring new features. Let's hope we have enough time for our hobby(ies) to make this happen. Otherwise we can still add such specials later on.
  24. That's good news, Mute! Where do we seed the first regrowable buildings? For the names I think Veridagorin has settled, War for Anorithia. As this mod is so far-reaching I would opt to put all artwork in there and link the (sub-)mods that you need too into you repository via mod-dependency files. (That's what I'm working on in the mod manager.) If we later have to modify 3D models or xml files from Anorithia to adapt it to yours, then we need three repositories like you said. E.g. one general one which you load first and then your specific mod-pack will be loaded thereafter to override already existing files. The mod then is started like this for testing: <path-to-0ad-repository>/binaries/system/pyrogenesis[.exe] -mod=generic-fantasy -mod=<your_mod> The first step will be to create the Civilisation XML files. Rodmar and Zophim always create a document for that. E.g. this Egypt Google Doc example. Or like Veridagorin already started in his forum topic -- though I would put all data into the first post which then can be edited. Otherwise we have to look for all parts we need in the whole topic which might be tedious. (I'm currently also working on a generator, that generates the XML and JSON files for us. see here)
  25. Did you have a look at the wolf's (attack) animation? The trample effect (e.g. for the elephant's you mention, also for horses) is planned. On a per visual base I would say for the beginning one attack animation is enough. Also because we don't have a reaction system, i.e. play defensive animation if you are attacked. More animal animations is what Romulus surely also needs for the Colosseum. Though me personally I would not tend so much towards war. Only the fact that the animals are around is already quite impressing. If they are put to piecemeal, then it's a loss for the visual richness of 0AD (as they currently can't reproduce).
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