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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. I do not know why they made it look like ruins again, They have placed color at least
  2. the mesoamericans looks white to ,As it is easier to play with all units looking the same for all civilization But playing with the small tree mod is bad and dirty
  3. Un sol algo parecido o una mezcla entre las imagenes del spolier Ya que el sol era importante para los Nahuas, Mayas y Incas
  4. Me podrias ayudar en la textura? :v No ya hablando encerio podrĂ­as hacerme un logo para mi mod? Es que tu tienes mas experiencia que yo
  5. Si lo hago bien si Pero no e terminado la textura y no lo e animado Tambien quiero hacer el tripode y rehacer partes de mi mod(modelos y templates, y terminar de agregar el recurso del agua)
  6. Nel eso lo pondre en el topico que hiciste Sera Informacion nada mas
  7. I will do an update of the first page information
  8. Its a bad day for Guatemala :(

  9. A guy speaking in Spanish whit subtitles in English My brain has just exploded
  10. I ask here not to do so many post with my small questions. How to do so that you can build a certain building near another? In other words, it can only be built if it is near the building in question
  11. if 0 ad had emissive materials could be used as player color
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