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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. Veo que en las referencias algunos tienen capa y otros tienen esas hombreras.
  2. si el cuartel es el telpochcalli(No le e puesto los nombres en nahuatl a los edificios y unidades), y el Calmécac no lo e hecho porque se me olvido.
  3. I only need a unit and a building to finish with the Mexicas
  4. Other source https://www.youtube.com/user/darlethmx/videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSTUnqrdzjw
  5. I get this error when I open the collected resources tab interestinglog.html
  6. I wonder how many dialects of indigenous languages there are in Brazil?
  7. It only happens in the main menu. Because I don't have any music to put in the main menu.
  8. Is all ready fixed but is not commited @Mr.lie done
  9. Would be Levy > Jaguar Warrior> Noble Eagle> Shaved Warrior It will also be a champion unit.
  10. Solo necesito terminar a los mexicas y adaptar a los zapotecas de terra magna(Los zapotecas remplazan a los pipiles).
  11. Have you had any error or something with the mod? The only feedback i get is mine and that does not help me xd
  12. No, that is only local changes, also you need commit access to commit changes
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