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Everything posted by Nolanjoker

  1. Yeah I need female garrison at first, then city soldiers garrison in towers to protect civic center, you think the civic center can support a Ai attack in hard with outnumbering troops, and over numbering enemies, the towers can attack, but if enemy destroy first all my buildings a can't train new soldiers, and if I try to ungarrison the enemy kills instantly my soldiers, I'm talking about a first engage or a repetitive engagement in first seconds when I research second phase, what the problem? the problem is I was researched thst phase when I have 1000 and 1000 wood I can expect have a big stockpile after that. And if kill all my females is hard to do recovery food again, this feature is effective for a early gameplay or when you are losing and you try to survive. So I need my defenses at maximum to survive a big rush and try to make a strategy to counterattack. When I see in map that big mass of soldiers is hard to think where are your females and where are your soldiers, I know about alt+ mouse click. But is not time to think. Why I want garrison soldiers in civic centre, maybe cavalry units to gain some attack bonus. May be garrison in outpost as a bait to enemy Ai. All know if you lost your single CC, you lost the game. Some times a dock can save you, but is not a great hope, many times is luck. First I need save all females because are cheap and gathers food from farms more easily. I need protect my CC. And third protect important buildings.
  2. If I want garrison quickly in random buildings I don't need the button. Only select all units and garrison manually. And leave the enemy destroy my towers with females inside. Is more useful click the button and wait to females use civilian building to garrison, and citizen soldiers in tower with double attack arrows, ill smash the rushers in seconds.
  3. and you know about Roman original alphabet, they dont have "K" uses C. for Romans Kelts and Celts sounds similar. and you know where came from Kaisar
  4. the walls....are more different. and indont know why without them the lighthouse dont have the same feeling
  5. ffor now we need solutions, if you find the game after alpha 11 The factions was celts and Hellenes. for now we dont need more work to do only ideas for gameplay. you are from Europe right? think the game can be Translate to other languages and Kelts are not in many of them.
  6. here are some examples: http://www.cornucopia3d.com/purchase.php?item_id=7352
  7. Ask to the devs if they want to change it.
  8. for the game the dock can be 4x4. you can see the document design http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument
  9. is too big or too little to be a dock, check all other dock have some proportions.
  10. the faction are the full playable, sub factions are not in the game yet. Germans is the Name of the Civilization the faction must be Suebi or Alemanni, the sub Faction can be more little. and but we can't name it all Germans factions as Germans for example we have Goths you can't mix with Saxons.
  11. is some rude Loli but is true the game need prople brings Solutions not creating more. is possibly have a Documentation team or people can do it that?
  12. you are programmer or Im doing a mistake?
  13. but this a game or a book of history? you know in all media you can do things that are common for most people, a question you are from France? so you want name Celt to the Gauls and Britons name Celts islanders. Think about player in all World, if we call Celtica to Gaul and Islander Celt to other what you think can happens?
  14. se my edit, History is made by winners and Gauls were defeated by Romans. and why you mean to get ideas from people? the greek are Pagan too, is my point of view.
  15. for city? and Macedon, Seleucids and Ptolemies are not a single city. list the german factions think whst is best for game and think in other games like Rome Barbarian Invasion, how many faction you can put in 0 A.D with a single faction? the difference is for most people, all know Gauls are mostly Celts, but are know as Gauls, Alemanni are Germans too, you are saying we can do it a single faction or do it many tribes? if they dont are Gauls the Galatians can be named Celtatians in Asia Minor. Germania is other Roman name for Germania Superior and Inferior is for practical reasons is not for other, you want put a historic name you can name Romani to Romans and MaKedonia to Macedonia, is easy right? imagine this For Carthaginians and Persians, you think the Carthaginians agree to see their name latinized? the romans called to them Poeni or Punic in English but we dont name it Punics or Punic Empire.
  16. The slaves can have more gathering stats than a regular citizen and low HP. Now there are many ways to generate free slaves. The RTW captured units a little group of fallen units can be slaves. For example if kill 30 soldiers only 3 can be slaves. And automatically appear in your market. Other method is Conversion like priest. And finally is when are Gaia after defeats a enemy.
  17. And if introduces 3 or 4 elite units but you can only unlocks 2 of theses, with pair technology , with a special buildings like Carthage with embassies?
  18. Stop posting about linguistic, if we do that how many factions can have? And is obviusly you forget political background they are not a single nation, in the first part all Greek speakers are split them. If you want a single faction for German you can say same for Greeks. And why every you argument about Celt and Gaulish?
  19. haha thst guy make you angry, but dont put attention, only he know to do is say all is wrong for he.
  20. wow you guys are deeper diggers, is an amazing info.
  21. i want Thebans in the game, i want to use sacred band to defeat the Spartans
  22. at last, in starcfraft the units say when are attacked, "we can not hold"
  23. is posibbly see a advanced in the art work for some units??
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