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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. If plaster is such an important building material, perhaps some extra plaster variations in the texture pack would be beneficial. Cracked or with bits of stone/wood peeking out of the worn segments for a texture would give us a lot more flexibility while staying within the boundaries of historical accuracy.
  2. It's a little late in development to make such radical changes before the next alpha, but I suppose there will be room for that later. Enrique I still need to clean up that tower, I'll get it on the forum as soon as it's ready.
  3. Let me know if anything's missing or if you need any of the other wall instances. cheers I cleaned them up as best as I could, those first models I sent still had all of the construction divisions and guides Maur walls.zip
  4. Did I really just send the SU? I am such a silly bean, I'll get on those .obj's asap
  5. I kind of like the sails all splotchy and whatnot, it gives it sort of a more weathered realistic look, like they've been stained by exposure to the elements. Brilliant model btw!
  6. well, my doodles don't make much sense to anyone but me, I don't think. Don't mind the ponies
  7. haha, thanks lilstewie couldn't have done much without your keen research skills, tell you what.
  8. Sketches of each of the relief towers there's definitely more than one way to go about this
  9. It's a shame there aren't any textures in a relief sculpture, Enrique's tower looks great, but it also looks very... civilian in a way. The one in the game now I know is just eating up polygons, not to mention being historically inaccurate I could tweak the wooden ones, or build another from scratch based on that top relief if you like
  10. Argantonius, that looks awesome. That Cancho Roano building looks more utilitarian than monumental though From the looks of things this game might develop the smaller, lesser known cultures as time moves on, spread east even.
  11. The wider balconies seem to make the whole structure look a little less believable on the towers, it looks nice on the fort though. I have the towers jut out a bit more for a larger footprint
  12. Pureon fixed the mill building, he didn't commit it to the SVN yet?
  13. That's awesome Enrique, thanks for converting it Those texture changes look great
  14. haha, thanks I loved the watchtowers in aoe I, just a big lump of dirt that shoots arrows
  15. eh i'll build em anyway I made some egyptian, persian, and mauryan columns, an aquaduct, archery target and an experimental gate lever, all just meshes though
  16. I gave Ptolemaic Egyptian architecture a shot. And yes, I'm working on the blender learning I downloaded the up to date version and everything! haha I modeled all of the basic structures, Civ centre 4 house variations mill farmstead temple barracks 3 defensive tower variations walls gate new palisade and outpost variation for desert cultures market dock and fortress which leaves revision, remodelling and whatever special buildings we've got that we haven't already given to the Macedonians
  17. Oh persia's mixed architecture too, and Rome... I'll have to do some research though. our reference hunters should help with that though
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