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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad You have several options. It would be nice to download a git client, it's easier and paste the url. The game files will be downloaded. I'm stuck using SVN, you must using another link using Tortoise SVN. It depends on which client you prefer. https://git-scm.com/downloads/guis I use clients with interface, it's easier. I recommend Tortoise git, because it's easy. But I don't know if it's the best. For SVN you use tortoise SVN. https://tortoisesvn.net/
  2. You will learn a lot hahaha, I am not a programmer and I know the basics. It would be nice to have both versions. The developer is the one we use to test the latest versions of the game.
  3. Are you going to change the development version or the a26?
  4. Stronghold is what suits 0 AD best. This is also good. Game mode.
  5. For some reason it doesn't look that similar. I know that it is based on that relief. But I don't see the resemblance, but I do notice the inspiration.
  6. The problem is the colors. That gave me an idea for a cheat unit. The fabric of the cape, I perceive as very thick, it is a very heavy cape.
  7. Replace index with something more appropriate. In favor of democracy and freedom of expression and real ethnic diversity... I put it in the vulgar Spanish of my region. Note: is not an inappropriate expression.
  8. I agree with Genava. Factions should have some overhauls to their mechanics. One faction must mutate into another faction. This is a good example why we should. One faction becomes another. That way, nothing is wasted. A faction becomes a new experience when it reforms. History is not static and peoples and war change.
  9. I think it's better to let him be. He has his vision like each one of us. I think he's upset.
  10. Sometimes he gets angry over old disagreements.
  11. How little patience. You should go see a specialist. Or be more tolerant as your society claims to be.
  12. Cimbrians would be fine. The Teutons were just their sister tribe and the other 2 are Celts from the Alps who joined the invading population. It's 4 centuries for a very large faction, I understand that this is the root to create more factions(german factions). Then there may be the great Germanic confederations of the 1st century AD.
  13. Santa Klaus unit. I understand that Iranian tribes wear outfits like that, but... it doesn't look that Persian.
  14. I thought they were heart attacks. ---joke--- So a unit with a slow attack and range could kill you at meters?
  15. It's more Warcraft style. I liked the walls and the ship garrison capacity system. The traps are fine, but it doesn't make a difference, or in 0 AD I wouldn't do it except for scenarios. Traps in RTW II were better, designed for large volumes of troops.
  16. Sorry it was @Obskiuras suggestion. @wowgetoffyourcellphone
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