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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Iberian Levantine/ Baetica -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
I don't intend to spin a story from the dialogues in the scenes. The context would be explained in the "brief". Scenario instructions and history . Then in some scenarios there will be small dialogues at the beginning, see the first minutes of the Roman civil war scenario in the empire earth campaign. To be honest I don't want script abuse, I want few interruptions, not many like in Age of Empires II. -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
There are parts that might make sense like the Punic Wars or Caesar's campaign. I actually aim for many scenarios like those in AoE I. Simple start, few buildings, few units. Very different from many AoM scenarios. -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
There was dialogue in Starcraft too. I don't plan on doing any dialogue in between unless something happens. A start dialog and a closing dialog. In Empire Earth there was a dialogue at the beginning similar to AoM. -
mesoamerican [Design] guide to make Mesoamerican mod.
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Projects
mesoamerican [Design] guide to make Mesoamerican mod.
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Projects
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
It is basically the same idea of creating a base or colony and defending yourself from some hostile enemy incursion. -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
We already talked about that a month ago. I'm going to put the video again. -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
That is what we are doing, in fact, we are going step by step as we see the technical difficulties. First we are designing the scenario map. Then we will analyze the starting point or places, then enemies then objectives... And from there we will see the historical figures involved. -
Or restricted number... We'll decide later. Feldfeld's proposal is interesting.
Others RTS - Discuss / Analysis
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
I only played the Japanese campaign of 3, my favorite will always be the AoE I one. I don't remember what order I played the campaign in. But I remember trying to play it without knowing how to control units in the battle of Actium. I thought I was like Caesar II. I bought AoE because I thought it would be like Caesar II. It was better, I didn't know the difference between an RTS and a city builder. -
It should be like the plantation from AoE III in size. It is not supposed to be a first phase building.
Quite talented. Very good.
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
It depends on the generation. The first AoE was to use your imagination. Starcraft does have a lore. -
AoE I Classic(RoR and Gold Edition) stuff
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Modern vs Older RTS Discuss
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
This man was the one who inspired AoE. -
A petate [peˈtate] is a bedroll used in Central America and Mexico. Its name comes from the Náhuatl word petlatl. The petate is woven from the fibers of the Palm of petate (Leucothrinax morrisii). The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as a bed.[1] Generally petates are woven in quadrangular forms, though not to any exact dimensions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petate Although its use is basically that of a bed, the petate also has other functions. For example, for the Zapotec culture it is an important element of their life cycle. For them, the petate is the place where light is given and where women kneel reverentially to grind corn. It is also the mystical place of dreams, the altar where the bride and groom receive blessings and also serves as a shroud. is a mat made of braided palm fibers. For the ancient inhabitants of Anahuac this object was so valuable that only the rulers could sit on the icpalli, thrones made of mats. https://www.mexicodesconocido.com.mx/el-petate.html The Maya, like other Mesoamerican cultures, developed complex societies with a clear social stratification among them: rulers, priests, artists, warriors, among others. Several of these social groups used elements of their environment to demonstrate their social status. These include jaguar skins, tufts with quetzal feathers, obsidian weapons, jade necklaces and earrings and accessories such as the petate, a symbol of royalty and nobility of the rulers, who were called in the Mayan language Jo'ol póop "The one with the mat or petate". As a product of this Mayan heritage, the town of Nunkiní stands out as the only place that has maintained this millenary art in the weaving of mats called Ki'ichkelem póop "beautiful mat", whose geometric and symmetrical figures are based on using the vigesimal system to count the palm sticks twenty by twenty (junk'al, ka'k'al) and so on to obtain a sumptuary article that was placed as a seat for the rulers. The beauty and the knowledge of a mathematical system applied to the petate or póop, represented an exclusive knowledge of the Mayan artists and today in the state of Campeche there are identity elements of the past that permeate the life of the eternal Maya. The tradition of weaving the petate has been preserved through the carriers of the knowledge, from generation to generation, preserving a symbolic charge. The bearers are women who transmit their knowledge to their daughters, who must be single and not live with a partner. The poop is the leaf of a species of reed from the Petén region, which is cut before the rainy season begins. The leaf is separated from the stem and the material to be used for weaving is set aside, which can have the natural color or be dyed with vegetable dyes. The dyeing process must be done on a full moon night. The fiber is tied into a ball of yarn, smooth side out, and boiled overnight to ensure that it is completely impregnated, since the face of the fiber is repellent to the dye. The mat is woven like a loom, interweaving the fibers and tightening the weave with the fingers. The weaver's foot must be barefoot, since it is used to stretch the fiber at the beginning of weaving. https://primerplanomagazine.mx/2023/05/25/el-kiichkelem-poop-petate-hermoso/
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
A video game is not much different from a movie. Especially a campaign or story mode. It has a script and a linear plot. Synopsis and conclusions or plot twists. -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
May be skip the dialogue if you are speed runner. -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Like movies, they have an audience. The audience is the one who listens, they call it the communication process, if you interrupt them the message is not delivered. Sí yo te escribo este mensaje en español, no lo vas entender especialmente si no usas un traductor. Quiere decir que no lo estás decodificando. -
Narrative Campaign General Discussion?
Lion.Kanzen replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in Gameplay Discussion