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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Proto Germans...(huh). Proto Germans are mostly for another timeframe. at last with that name. https://www.historyfiles.co.uk/KingListsEurope/BarbarianGermanics.htm
  2. good point. but we have many Carthaginian stuff or ships or Flora...
  3. there some problem with that, Marcomanni weren't early... geographical they are close but Romans have some conflicts before, this conflicts make germans make new strategies or alliances. implemented many new things. yesterday I save several sources. this started defining Germans groups. we dont considered Chauci. because only are taking migrant/nomad group. Strabo had no idea about the difference between Celts and this new group. "Germani" Suebi becomes in conflict with Romans early than Marcomanni. but this different source. the other article start define cultural background like Celtic or Uralic/ Altai influences. now with Marcomanni. feature link. https://www.historyfiles.co.uk/FeaturesEurope/BarbarianTribes01.htm now Both Suebii and Borderman are linked. these were my early point. Roman superior tactic make germans improved to face them. Romans are focus in certain locations. they aren't much worried about Marcomanni. Things started becomes Dangerous here. we are focus only Marcomanni. https://www.historyfiles.co.uk/KingListsEurope/BarbarianGermanics.htm https://www.historyfiles.co.uk/KingListsEurope/BarbarianMarcomanni.htm there are more but the topic is to talk certain factions like Suebi or Marcomanni.
  4. 0 Common Era... what about AUC or AU.
  5. source because mostly source aren't source who were Teotihuacan.
  6. yes, because color filter but I was fixed that when saw the mesh doesn't fit so.... and was early morning in my country. I need to rest. i other thing I can do is work over your work trying copy color by color like when I work in metallic symbols.
  7. yes , I very hard to me. help me you know better what is Germanic and Gallic.
  8. Troops 2 .. http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?650524-Germanic-Preview
  9. Apotropaic eyeļ»æ @wackyserious let me know if you need the EPS (vectorial) as single images. Apotropaic eye.eps
  10. yes... but basically the few sources and evidences shows and said that. version Wikipedia in Spanish vs version in English. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammianus_Marcellinus Ridge Helmets Iron helmet constructed of two halves, large cheek offering near full protection of the face (from Christies New York Auction, Dec 8, 2005) Ridge Helmet from Deurne, Leiden Museum, NL http://www.romancoins.info/MilitaryEquipment-Helmet-late.html A Century before we had this beautiful master piece helmet.
  11. Morgado let us something and nobody give importance I think. recolorizing by me but need to fit with texture the dificult thing is give the correct shape both. first to real one. then fix correct shape from our texture map if I'd known, I'd have asked him to do it with that form.
  12. too much obvious and its the greek form and we havent many persian features yet.
  13. I Think the Timeframe will be last decades of third Century to V cover MillenniumĀ“s Byzantine art. by the way look this baby, is so beauty. the question is how Romans change so drastically from III to IV centuries?
  14. Perfect for me , I only need the colors... _______________________________________________________________________ @wackyserious I think is time to use other inspirations. check those. we have this helmet with this Cheekpieces never mind. add this suit nice. the long sleeves version. I think long sleeves are for African weather.
  15. Troops and basic faction game info. Emblems. Time to make regular troops and archeological evidence and Rome total wars forums. Florus writes: "But the struggle with the enemies' wives was not less severe than that with themselves; for the women, being mounted on wagons and other carriages, which had been ranged around as a defence, fought from them, as from towers, with spears and pikes. The death of these savages was as glorious as their contest for victory; for when, upon sending an embassy to Marius, they failed to obtain their liberty, and sacerdotal protection, which it was not lawful to grant, they either fell, after strangling or braining the whole of their children, by mutual wounds, or hanged themselves, with ropes made of their own hair, upon tress and the yokes of their wagons." Names http://www.dandebat.dk/eng-dk-historie10.htm
  16. do it... but let me a try Im not sure can hangle at alo but both can be better than only of us alone.
  17. this part is more Roman than Cimbrii. but we can use our eyecandy Marian troops here. They are very rude strongman, that can fight in snow. Aftermath. later their article try politics today so, I will omit this part. because change climate and migrations... Cimbri women slaughtering themselves and their children after defeat. source https://medium.com/@BLeeDrake/climate-and-the-collapse-of-the-roman-empire-part-3a-the-cimbrian-war-e0fa4e6b804e
  18. I doubt very much about this even the war chariots, they could be Celts who joined. this other needs another more archeological information. here the most controversial point were @Genava55 can participate. later again Romans Optimates put immoral commanders. and Sallust/Sallustius spoke very lovely words that enjoy. a good campaing with interesting world building was Roman first mission from Empire Earth. these other of these dramatic Roman stories never told by media. ...
  19. Conquer or Die - The Elite of Cimbrii. https://www.historynet.com/cimbrian-war-113-101-b-c.htm
  20. let me confirm because I read something similar an hour ago. Their goals: Land very normal those ambitious commanders around this timeframe. same happens with Yugurtine wars in Numidia. Gaius Sallustius write about Yugurtine War and use history as a vehicle for his judgement on the slow destruction of Roman morality and politics. https://www.unrv.com/empire/cimbri-teutons.php
  21. we dont have many visual art from these concept of wagons. and the good idea how works is from late Middle Ages. this happens before in Adrianople. https://youtu.be/MR3ttTe5a0k?t=232 probably we are familiarized with this. second text is from Germanic invasions. but take care the Cimbrian wars. https://books.google.hn/books?id=-PXtAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA27&lpg=PA27&dq=cimbri+fort++wagon&source=bl&ots=6jzMA-NwYh&sig=ACfU3U2cPd1ZIDYuWGtlkjkvV_wHOteSug&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9vJT8p-LhAhUJS6wKHRgzD2AQ6AEwDXoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=wagons&f=false
  22. don't forget edit each building to work that way i remember see some Marvels and outpost loss ownership.
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