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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. let the hearth of player choice.... meh.... I was joke. but yes keep player ruin their destiny.
  2. yes.. is different .... ----time to test with non art guy. see good quality. look better than Rome II more accurate persians. more diverse.
  3. orange vs black and yellow vs green. looks very good but I want see if blue can be distinguish from ble.(dark colors) and green from blue.
  4. disble gsls graphics. and... if that doesn't work to you.
  5. so must be cheap troop with serve trash unit to absorbe or take infantry damage.(?)
  6. there alot ideas for Romans props from a Fort/Castle frontier.
  7. you can capture a city ut you can't capture a single sheep. mostly of barbarian speak greek. the method most effective to give new birth is build a house.
  8. If you can dance you can automatically avoid to any missilev threat without the need to acknowledge it and defend themselves.
  9. more weaker slingers, less hp. only work to support infantry melee and defensive position vs archers and Infantry like swordsman. more technologies to improve them only for slinger factions.
  10. moarrr, they look very strong. is time to work inn their dhields variations. I mean elite shields.
  11. the only thing is misdsng is some tanned skins by sun. bjt is fine.
  12. new content: patches, fixes, balances and gameplay and that order.
  13. because the actual version is A23 "b" or A23.1 check that. Im 75% sure but I'm not Linux user.
  14. yes because you don't need greek voices in that particular faction anymore.
  15. talking about that some mission or scenario can be nicce have artifacts that's disappears after be garrisoned or sending to some localization, like Ctesiphon mission in Pax Romana campaign. mission scort or recovery a chest of gold.
  16. he is busy ? I have many time to no see him.
  17. from random forum following adequate words. key words can be useful. http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php?topic=48015.0 not too much random... primitive archery.
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