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Everything posted by quantumstate

  1. I think that is due to a problem with the AI. Every so often it reassigns quite a lot of workers which is quite inefficient. i should have it fixed for the next alpha.
  2. Could you give a specific list of the steps that you take before this happens? I am curious about the error, it sounds interesting.
  3. I had a go at the peacock. This is my first low poly model and also my first organic model so if it is too rubbish for you to want please don't worry, I just made it because i thought ti would be fun to learn some more blender. It is 170 polys which is quite a lot for a small bird. Now to find out how to UV map . Edit: Forgot to mention, this is actually a modified chicken, it seemed easier than a blank slate. Edit 2: Produced a rough UV map. Then I looked at the chickens texture because I wanted to copy the legs and discovered that a 1024x1024 texture might be a little on the large size. Anyway here is a nice pic. I am not sure small you could get it with a simple scale, or if it would need completely remapping with a new texture. I used a CC picture from the wikipedia article. peacock.zip
  4. I'm a boomer, I like to get my economy running as fast as possible so I can train more units and win. Mythos' strategy seems to be mainly effective due to 0 A.D. buildings being rather strong (in Alpha 8 especially before attack bonuses). He builds so much that it takes ages to do any real damage to his base, giving himself plenty of time to prepare and attack at the furthest point from your main army.
  5. Have you tried going on the 0ad irc channel? There seem to be a few people around who play games there (at least for GMT evenings).
  6. I can't reproduce your replicating soldiers, I have tried lots of times with varying amounts of persian archers. I have never observed it in the past either. I think we might have some soldiers on ships, but they aren't likely to be real units, just part of the ship model. Archers on walls has been though about but is beyond the planned scope for the first release, there are too many more important things to get done first.
  7. It is still a disadvantage, though I agree it is fairly small. A much bigger disadvantage is that the player in the middle will be surrounded if all players land an build in the natural spot. Any game with >2 teams is bound to be unbalanced in some way though so I don't think it is a big issue.
  8. I think it could be quite good for casual play. Competitive players will never use something like this but vs an AI or some friends it could be fun. It can already. It is in the left hand pane when you start atlas. For your code, you need to try running it and watch the debug messages. At a brief glance there seem to be a few typos e.g. avrage() which will be causing errors. If you insert it into a random map script then 0ad will run it for your and print nice error messages.
  9. I have managed to recreate it properly, I made a rough copy of the oar shape from the trireme which has three places with vertices along the oar. Blender seems to be pretty iffy with its rigging support. I have found that you should leave the weight painting till last otherwise it does nasty stuff like flattening your model into a 2d plane for no reason. It is probably because I don't really know how to use it though. oars8.blend.zip
  10. The models look really nice, it is generally a very well done post. It makes me think that it would be nice if the proposed dev blog had articles like this one.
  11. I guess it was you I was talking to on irc about this, but I'll post here so others can see. Building limits are defined in public/simulation/templates/special/player.xml there is no limit to the number of civil centres currently, only to fortresses and towers. The map pop limit is set in public/simulation/components/Player.js at line 14: this.maxPop = 300; // maximum population.
  12. I was playing with this a bit earlier. I found that it seems to basically work if you put horizontal bones running the length of the set of oars at every point with vertices (I was using long rectangle so I just stuck one at the each end). Then you lock the rotation of these horizontal bones and attach a rig which moves them. There seemed to be some strange movement artifacts though, with some vertices not moving quite right, I don't understand why this would happen. Also blender crashed so I lost the rig so I can't upload it here.
  13. Welcome to the forums, as feneur says lots of the game is developed using javascript. It is very easy to get started, you just pick something that looks interesting, then hop onto irc to ask questions when you get stuck. Also I'm mystified by this quote. Can you elaborate on how you think 0 A.D. will make your work easier?
  14. These generally look reasonable, the main problem is that UnitAI isn't the nicest code to work with, so it might actually require quite a lot of work to get this fixed.
  15. This looks like an interesting approach. What guidance do you need?
  16. This looks fantastic, the detail is wonderful. It would be great to use the images in PR material.
  17. Congratulations to both Omri an Rico. The music for 0 AD is great, I have sometimes listened to the music when not playing the game because i enjoy it. Linux packaging is very useful behind the scenes work, i first started using the game through the Ubuntu packages as I am sure many others do.
  18. Thanks for pointing out the stupid mistake . I also fixed the major cause of the problem, which was having this.paths = [this.targetPos]; instead of this.paths = [[this.targetPos]];, this hopefully makes the check you corrected unnecessary but I have kept it anyway because belt and braces is probably better.
  19. That is an impressive list! The formatting is slightly messed up though around Steppes.
  20. That is strange, I haven't had any errors. What build of the game are you using and what errors do you get?
  21. It is the interestinglog.html file in your logs folder (~/.config/0ad/logs on linux, on windows there is an OpenLogsFolder.bat file which will take you there). It gets overwritten every game though, so if you don't have the errors now don't worry, but if you hit them again it would be nice to see them. The AI's pathfinding works on the same data as the main game pathfinder so what you describe should not be a problem. Reassigning idle workers is currently very slow with maps with lots of entities (like trees). This will be improved but is currently on hold until we get the new AI API finished. It would be best if having large numbers of trees did not cause this problem, I don't know how feasible this is though. The main argument for renaming would be so that it doesn't break peoples expectations of what the map should look like, one suggestion would be Bohemian Forest which I think is roughly this kind of geography.
  22. Could you post these errors here please? I tried briefly to reproduce some errors on this map but didn't succeed. The map looks nice, though it doesn't play like the aoe style black forest.
  23. This looks like another good map. One suggestion is to have far more fish in the sea, this will make fishing feasible so the sea has more of a point to it.
  24. That is because this is categorized as a demo map, you can use the drop-down box under the scenario/random map chooser. It looks like it is quite severely lacking wood to me, while having a large amount of mines.
  25. That error is because the bot has no CC when the game starts. I need to get round to fixing it, but island maps are useless with bots anyway since they can't build ships.
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